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    ASSIKHA White

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    As we have seen that each herb has properties of each and widely used by herbalists as an alternative treatment and care of the body. Here is a description of the properties of herbs contained in ASSIKHA.


    Cardamom ( Amamum Campactum Soland)
    Cardamom has a pleasant scent, so the English flattering as grains of paradise. This delicious aroma coming from the cardamom essential oil content. Essential oils contain five major substances, namely borneolyang smelling like a smell of camphor in camphor tree sap, alpha-like smell fragrant terpinilasetat jerukpettigrain, limonene are also fragrant smell like tangerines alpha terpinen fragrant lemon cineol as a savory spicy warm such as eucalyptus oil. The combination is what form the distinctive aroma of cardamom.
    Seeds taken from plants before the fruit is ripe, it can be used as a drug. In the world of medicine that has been dried beans called cardamomi cement. In addition to seeds, which are used for medicine is the root, fruit, and trunk. Cardamom contains essential oils, sineol, terpineol, borneol, proteins, sugars, fat, silicates, betakamfer, sebinena, mirkena, mirtenal, karvona, terpinil acetate, and grit. The content of cardamom has efficacy as cough medicine. Cardamom also has properties to prevent bone loss.

    Skin Extracts Banana King
    Banana plant is a plant that can potentially grow in Indonesia. Banana plants can be grown in coastal areas and in mountainous areas. Almost all regions in Indonesia can be covered with banana plants.
    During this time, people always ate the fruit of the banana plants. Kunsumen generally after eating a banana and throw away the skin because it considers the waste ( waste bananas) . According to Besse ( 2000: 2) the number of banana skin quite a lot, which is approximately 1 / 3 of an unpeeled banana.
    The research team Chung Shan Medical University Taichung, Taiwan, showed that banana peel extract was potentially reduce the symptoms of depression and maintaining healthy retina. Beside rich in vitamin B6, banana peel also contains serotonin, which turned out to be vital to balance the mood. In addition, also found the benefits of banana extract to keep the retina from light damage due to the regeneration of the retina. In clinical studies conducted, the researchers compared the effects of banana peel extract for the retina of the eye in the two groups. First is the control group and a second group of respondents who were given the extract of banana skin and they dipapari light for six hours in two days. The result, those who do not get a banana peel extract of retina cells to die, while the other group did not experience kerusakan.Meski retina there is no scientific explanation, experts believe the low levels of serotonin in the brain will cause the onset of depression. Serotoninyang enough to make someone calm and relaxed.

    Forest Honey Klanceng
    In the early 1700s, Queen Anne of England had tried a mixture of honey & olive oil so healthy and shiny hair. Recent studies prove that athletes consume some honey before and after the match can restore your stamina more quickly than those who do not consume honey.

    1. Honey contain adequate vitamins and anti oxidants but limp-free, cholesterol and salt.
    2. Have antioxidant content looks the same on the spinach and it good for your heart kesihatan.
    3. Since many years, loud-voiced opera singer practicing honey to enhance the energy in the body & relieve throat before making offerings.
    4. Honey is the only foods that contain adequate all the elements necessary for life including water.
    5. Honey has a keupayaan to attract and absorb moisture, by which he is very efficacious for treating a minor burn wounds and prevent scarring.
    6. Honey accelerates healing of open wounds and fight the outbreak.
    7. As early as the First World War, honey mixed with cod fish oil to treat wounds & wash on the battlefield.
    8. Honey and honeycomb was the principle ingredient to skin creams, lipsticks and lotions hand.

    Salvadore Persica ( Siwak)
    Since time immemorial, humans have known some variation techniques in cleaning the teeth. Starting from chicken feathers, porcupine spines, bone to wood and twigs used as tooth cleaning tool. Recent studies indicate that the timber Siwak Siwak contains natural minerals that can kill bacteria, remove plaque, prevent cavities and gum care. Siwak has useful chemical content, such as:
    • Antibacterial Acids, such as astringents, abrasives and detergents that serve to kill bacteria, prevent infection and stop the bleeding of the gums. On the use of Siwak first time, may feel a little spicy and burn, because there is a similar content of mustard in it which is an antibacterial substance of these acids.
    • Chemical Ingredients such as Chloride, Pottasium, Sodium Bicarbonate, Fluoride, Silica, Sulfur, Vitamin C, Trimethyl amine, Salvadorine, tannins and several other minerals that serve to clean the teeth, and whiten teeth and gums healthy. These materials are often extracted as the building blocks of toothpaste.
    • natural fragrance oils that taste and smell the fresh, fragrant and makes the mouth to eliminate odor.
    • Enzymes that prevent the formation of plaque that causes gingivitis. Plaque is also a major cause of tooth loss prematurely.
    • Anti decay agent ( anti-decay substance) , which decreases the amount of bacteria in the mouth and prevent the decay process. In addition siwak also stimulate saliva production ( saliva) more, which is an organic mouth saliva that protects and cleans the mouth.

    Nigella Sativa ( Black Cumin)
    Black cumin ( Nigella sativa) or Black Seed is a spice that can also be used as a medicinal plant. This spice-shaped grains of black beans that have been known for thousands of years ago and used widely by the people of India, Pakistan and the Middle East to treat various diseases.
    Black cumin is widely known by various names, including black seed, black Caraway, black seed, natura seed, black cumin, black cumin, nigella sativa, kaluduru, etc.. Used as an herbal treatment since 2000-3000 years before Christ and recorded in many ancient literature regarding previous treatment experts.
    Black Cumin major benefits:
    • Strengthens the immune system from virus attacks, Germs and Bacteria.
    • Maintain body against cancer and HIV.
    • Stop the growth of tumor cells.
    • Improve brain function, with the content of linoleic acid ( Omega 6) and linolenic acid ( Omega 3) , improve memory, intelligence, and the relativity of brain cells in order not to go senile.
    • Improve micro ( blood circulation) to the brain and is particularly suitable given to the elderly.
    • Relieve the various types of respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, easy fatigue, chronic cough and other respiratory diseases.
    • Overcoming sleep disorders and stress.

    It turns out rough-skinned timber composed of compounds sinamaldehid. Sinamaldehid is a derivative of senyawafenol. In the medical world, sinamaldehid compounds known to have anti-platelet aggregation in vitro and sebagaivasodilator. Platelets are the cholesterol that sticks to the blood vessels. Aggregation ( collection) platelets cause asterosklerosis or hardened fat in the arteries in living things. The benefits of cinnamon. Here are some diseases that can be treated with a mixture of cinnamon:
    • Abdominal Pain.
    cleanse and heal stomach ulcers until keakar-roots.
    • Bloating.
    Research conducted in India and Japan have said that if honey is taken with cinnamon heat can make the breath stays fresh all day.
    • Headaches and Sinus.
    • Fatigue
    Senior citizens who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal measure, proved to be more alert and flexible.
    • Influenza

    Betel ( Piper betle L or Chavica aurculata Miq) is easily grown. Simply by using cuttings and given enough water, this plant can grow well in hot places or in a protected place. Betel is very rich in nutritious substances. Among them, essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylpyrokatekol, cyneole, caryophyllene, cadinene, estragol, terpennena, seskuiterpena, phenyl propane, tannins, diastase, sugar, and starch.
    Effect of active substances contained in all parts of the betel plant is to stimulate the central nervous, stimulate the intellect, increases peristalsis, stimulates spasm, relieving properties of snoring. Betel leaf has the effect of preventing premature ejaculation, deadly fungus Candida albicans, anti-convulsive, analgesic, anesthetic, relieving spasms in smooth muscles, suppressing motion controller, reducing the secretion of fluid in the vagina, immunosuppressor, liver protector, and antidiarrheal, treat a cough, bronchitis, eliminates body odor, treat burns, nosebleeds, ulcers, eye itching and red, sore and itchy, stop bleeding gums, canker sores, eliminates bad breath, acne, vaginal discharge, and reduced milk production is excessive.

    Modern research has scientifically proven benefits of ginger, among others:
    • Lowers blood pressure. This is because ginger stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline and widen blood vessels, resulting in blood flow faster and smoother and lighten the work of the heart pumps blood.
    • Helps digestion, because ginger contains digestive enzymes are proteases and lipases, which digest each protein and fat.
    • Gingerol the ginger is an anticoagulant, which prevents blood clotting. So to prevent blockage of blood vessels, a major cause of strokes and heart attacks. Gingerol also thought to help lower cholesterol levels.
    • Prevents nausea, because ginger is able to block serotonin, a chemical that can cause the stomach to contract, causing nausea. Including nausea due to travel drunk.
    • Create a comfortable stomach, relieve stomach cramps and helps remove the wind.
    • Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.

    Powder ( name bahasaJawa and Indonesian language) is known in different places with different names: cikur ( bahasaSunda) ; ceuko ( Acehnese) ; kencor ( Madura) ; cekuh ( Balinese) ; kencur, sukung ( bahasaMelayu Manado) ; asauli , sauleh, soul, umpa ( the languages of the Moluccas) ; and cekir ( Sumba) .
    A variety of traditional cuisine and the medicinal use kencur Indonesia as part of the recipe. Powder used in people as a tonic to increase appetite efficacy so often given to children. Beraskencur herbal beverages are very popular as well. In Bali, ointment made using leaf kencur.
    Powder, galangal Kaempferia Latin language L, can be utilized for various needs. This versatile little one can be used as herbal raw materials ( traditional medicine) , fitofarmaka, cosmetics industry, food and beverage flavorings, spices, and mix the sauce ingredients of clove cigarettes. Empirically kencur used as appetite enhancer, bacterial infection, cough, dysentery, tonic, expectorant, colds and stomach aches.

    The benefits of this plant has been much felt in many countries. Coriander is usually used facilitating digestion, laxative fart ( carminative) , peluruh ASI ( lactago) , and appetite enhancer ( stomachica) .
    Benefits derived from coriander leaves, seeds and fruit. From all parts of the plant which is converted to oil content in the form of flying there sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, ocimene, linalool, geraniol, dekanal, desilaldehide, trantridecen, petroselinat acid, oktadasenat acid, d-mannite, scopoletin, p-Simena, kamfena, and felandren. Also in Puyang Chili Heritage Ancestors ( Hall Book 1996) mentioned that cilantro also contain fat and ash.
    From the Wikipedia encyclopedia states that his usefulness was limited to just facilitating digestion. Coriander is also useful to relieve dizziness, vomiting, flu, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and inflammation of the breast, measles, colds, high blood pressure, and impotence. The use of coriander can be done in various ways finely ground and boiled, both for external treatment, as well as inside.

    Black Pepper
    Among the family of spices, black pepper ( Piper nigrum) or black pepper is the spice of the most popular. Was first discovered in Malabar, the west coast of southern India about 2000 years ago. Pepper is now widely grown in Asia, particularly Malaysia and Indonesia.
    Chemical content in black pepper are saponins, flavonoids, essential oils, kavisin, resin, albumen, starch, piperine, piperiline, piperoleine, poperanine, piperonal, dihdrokarveol, kanyo-fillene oxide, kariptone, tran piocarrol, pepper and oil. Chemical properties of spicy and flavorful pepper is very typical.
    Black pepper has many benefits. Among these are to launch menstruation, relieve asthma attacks, relieve arthritis symptoms, cope with flatulence, and relieve headaches.

    What about the usefulness? Maybe some people just know, uses it only as a clove cigarette raw materials, or to eliminate bad breath.

    However, it turns out there are more properties-properties of this fruit of clove, including:
    1. Can be used as a spice, both in its whole or finely ground, so the powder form.
    2. Used as an ingredient of clove cigarettes.
    3. Clove oil is made, and clove oil are used as aromatherapy.
    4. Treating toothache
    5. Treat cholera and increase heart rate Treating measles
    6. Blacken the eyebrows

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