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Arva home based businesses
Arva home based businesses

Free Member
Registration Date:
Oct. 4, 2013
Last Updated:
Oct. 5, 2013
Business Nature:
Trade of Textile & Leather category
Company Brief
Kubangwungu home industry is a home-based business that is in the Bradford district are engaged in the manufacture of cordage or rope that is used for traditional fishing boats in operation for the purpose of catching fish .
This business is a legacy handed down from parents initially only make a small rope made from palm fiber , hibiscus bark , hemp and use only traditional potluck , pemasaranya was just market - Bradford and the local market towns sekitarnya.Seiring the months this current effort growing , both in terms of equipment used , or the raw materials used to obtain a better quality market or rope so we made known to the general public began to be marketed in big cities in Java even down to the cities in Sumatra , Kalimantan , Sulawesi and the city lainya.Saat or rope that we made from yarn made from industrial waste Textile waste types such as filament yarn , polyster , twist and others , to adjust the strap length and size of customer orders and the price is quite affordable for rate by Matchless quality inferior to other existing products that are the hallmark of this dipasaran.hal we thus make consumers remain loyal to products kami.Tetapi as the number of orders we had obstacles to get to the raw materials we invite anyone to cooperate in the procurement raw materials .
Raw materials that we need is yarn textile mill waste such as :
1 . Filament or chasing
2 . polyster
Yarn waste above usually in packs bags and plain white .
For those interested in cooperation in the procurement of raw materials could contact :
Phone : 081514423035
email : varoky33@