Company Brief

Providing various types of rocks that can be used as jewelry, such as Batu Expensive, Rock Legend, Stone Illustrated, Gems, Carved Stone, Agate, Stone Chunks, and others. All of which I am sure is pure native stone or natural stone, no fake stone, artificial stone, stone mixtures, even though the glass stones.
The most expensive stone I offer here are superior products quality, which has a certificate of GRI ( Gem Research International) Lab. So, I could not have offered a fictitious goods or counterfeit goods, and you can make sure kevalidannya with a direct view or come directly to my address, until you be absolutely sure. If you are serious indeed ! .
I offer price is not set in stone though any price you mentioned, if you have the seriousness, would come and meet me last direct negotiations, then I highly appreciate it and very grateful.
Welcome to my website.
My name EDWARD TAMNY, born in London January 15, 1980.
I' m not an expert on the rocks, but I really like the art of drawing. That' s why I like to collect rocks that have a very beautiful motifs and rare.
Every person is different in look and assess an existing image on the stone image, it is very useful in training the imagination and can increase the intelligence of the brain, in addition to a beautiful stone display also contains a lot of meaning, moral values, and to give an aura of its own. Since it is not aware, rare object types of rocks can radiate supernatural energy to around ourselves so as to bring good luck, success, safety, and health for the wearer who believe in a positive way.
Several factors are the reason and advantages of choosing or collecting stones picture:
1. Stone can be saved, unchanged and can last thousands of years.
2. The painting seemed a miracle.
3. Can be taken everywhere as jewelry.
4. Maintenance is very easy.
5. There is only one in the world, not in production twice.
6. Giving a different impression, is more than just a gemstone.
7. It can be the symbol of pride.
8. There are moral values that can be learned.
9. Can bring good luck, success, safety, and health.
If you want to get a gem, then you can easily buy in the markets or in the shopping center, but the picture is not necessarily the type of stone you get nowhere except from the owner itself. Therefore, pictorial stones no market value, all depending on preferences and willingness of each person.
I have two excellent products pictorial stones are:
I offer a price Rp., - ( one trillion dollars! ) .
I offer a price Rp., - ( two billion dollars! ) .
I was the direct owner of the products I offer it, so there is no middleman. What makes it so valuable is very expensive and fantastic ? . Please read more at http: / /
If this type of gemstone certainly can not be in bohongi quality because it has a standard reference in the judgment as cutingannya, clarity, originnya, color, large cratnya, and others, were even this is still a lot of people who can be fooled by the seller. Moreover, the types of agate picture that already has a baseline assessment, even sometimes be arbitrarily jury to be able to deceive people who do not understand very well about the painting and the image quality on the rock making pictorial stones really very rare to fade in value.
For the collectors not to buy stones pictorial origin then know the following information, how to get the criteria of very pictorial stones.
At present this type of pictorial stone has not become very rare anymore because it has become a matter of business for certain people who use a variety of ways to display the image on the rock so that the authenticity of the picture really in doubt, because:
1. Most images on the stones only form that sought such as in the form of veins of rock, cracks, or calcification that associate on a form and is said to be the stone image, but it is not in the category of rock pictorial.
2. The picture is not as clear as the image which was just a shadow, the lines are not perfect and the lines are broken, so that a picture like this is very easy to be imitated or faked. Therefore, this kind of image quality including category yet.
3. Pictures are still vague and unclear as very abstract image, not visible unless the imagination that is associated in some form. Pictures like this only includes images fantasy or the imagination of not only images that look real.
4. Stone pictorial false, it means that instead of rock pictorial pure rock but the rock that produced through the cooking process, compaction, freezing a mixture of others.
5. The image was fake user, meaning that images created on a rock and shaped manually.
6. The image naturally false, meaning that images created in stone by mixing a material and formed by itself an image. And stone picture like this can sometimes escape from lab tests that do not use sophisticated equipment because the material is genuine stone.
Therefore, choose the stone pictorial really good quality with the following characteristics:
1. Having an official certificate from the lab international scale which means it has sophisticated tools that qualify. And accompanied by a clear comment and according to the image on the stone.
2. The image on the stone looks clear and visible even without using any tools of media, not just a shadow image or a shape which is still too abstract.
3. Have a hassle detailed images, such as fine lines, such as drawing using a very fine pen eye. Eg sunlight picture, pictures fur, picture light effects, or small carved image. Not just a simple image, only the outlines of the form drawing using markers such as large and thick.
4. Scars neat lines and not cracked.
5. The pictures look more life-like painting 2, 3, 7 to 100 dimensions. Not like the picture graffiti toddlers, picture books children' s coloring, or images such as cartoons.
6. Pictures on stones made up of many colors, not just one or two colors just like the caricature drawings.
7. There are no defects in the stone that affects the image.
Why do I unload it? Because I want to keep the scarcity of stone rock pictorial image that is actually maintained can not be mixed mortar with a false image of stone or stone-quality image which is not cheap at all! And does not contain high artistic value.
If you understand the art of painting and drawing, then you will understand what I say. But if you do not understand the art of painting and drawing, then you will consider what I say is just engineering or my personal assessment and considered just want to ruin the market and just wanted to raise the prestige of my own pictorial stones.
But what I say it' s the truth that no one can deny or refute it because my lover of painting and drawing while the media rocks though, that many people are not disadvantaged because buy cheap pictorial stone even false. Even in every contest so it mandatory for judges who truly understand the art of painting and picture taking baselines such that no judge can be bribed and exploited by certain parties certainly caught.
I do not want to scarcity of pictorial stones being damaged just because of that. So rock pictorial truly rare quality and is considered of equal value even surpassed by rocks pictorial cheap, poor quality or fake.
Well, now you have to know the characteristics of what kind of stone is very rare picture of it. If it does not meet these characteristics then I make sure the pictorial stones very much scattered in the market even in the street ! .
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