We Specialized in healthcare equipment distributor Rapid Mono and Multi Drug Test " Medical Equipment & Laboratiories "
 1. Infectious Diseases
 - HBsAg Cassette and Strip
 - Syphilis ( TP) Cassette and Strip
 - HCV Cassette and Strip
 - HIV Cassette and Strip
 - Dengue IgG / IgM Cassette
 - Malaria pf.pv
 - TB Cassette
 - HBsAb Cassette and Strip
 2. Drug Of Abuse Test ( DOA)
 - Test Amphetamine ( AMP) Cassette and Strip
 - Methampetamine Test ( MET) Cassette and Strip
 - Test Benzodiazepines ( BZO) Cassette and Strip
 - Cocaine Test ( COC) Cassette and Strip
 - Morphine Test ( MOP) Cassette and Strip
 - Test Marijuana ( THC) Cassette and Strip
 - BAR Cassette
 - Multi 3 ( AMP, THC, MOP) Multi Strip
 - Multi 6 ( AMP, THC, MOP, COC, MET, BZO)
 3. Pregnancy Test
 - HCG Pregnancy Strip
 - HCG Pregnancy Card