Our company CV . BERKAH MABDIRI 09 has been established since 2011 selling brand TOA , INTER M , and CREZT , is a company engaged in the sales and installation of Bell distributors serves automated factory and Openness Audio on the company . CV . BERKAH MANDIRI 09 deliver and distribute products of audio systems for corporate purposes , ranging from automatic Bel Factory , Paging , Audio conferencing etc. . Our customer is a company priority , but we also serve customers who are not from the company
CV . BERKAH MANDIRI 09 is the company who authorized , which has been established since 2011 and has a Deed establishment of the company , the company Domicile , TIN , Business License , TDP , SKT and PFM in the tax office , and corporate accounts . Thus we are ready to serve customers large and small scale .
As advances in the world of technology , of course, the company as a provider of products for consumers certainly do not want to miss to participate in product innovation competition . Nowadays there are many companies , especially those engaged in the field of industry confusion of where they get the stuff needs for the purposes of audio system that can transact using the VAT . Thus they have to find a distributor and supplier that can provide and be responsible for quality , competitive prices and prompt delivery of goods and timely .
Answer to these problems , our CV . BERKAH MANDIRI 09 present to provide the best solutions and services for your company .
CV . BERKAH MANDIRI 09 concentrated on the procurement and supply of goods among which :
- Bell Auto Plant
- Openness Audio Company
- Audio Conference
Brand / Brands that we sell include : TOA , INTER - M , CREZT
Among our customers are : PT . Bumjin Electronic Indonesia , PT . Samindo Electronic Indonesia , PT . Kerindo Graha Utama, PT . ISKW Java Indonesia, PT . Emsonic Indonesia , Air Travel Forum for The Jungle Bogor , PT . Hansae Karawang , PT . Shinkoh Indonesia, PT . Super Labels Indonesia, PT . SMT Solution Indonesia , PT . Techno Indonesia, PT . TSSI , PT . Chuhatsu Indonesia, PT . Hansae Karawang Indonesia and others that we can not mention one by one .
We have been in trust by our customers of our achievements in terms of quality , price , delivery , service and supplies and working with so many customers to build and to improve the quality of deficiency - kekuranagan our future .
We realize that we are too small to provide individual attention , but at least you can find in our services , because for us ,
OREINTASI CUSTOMER IS OUR BUSINESS . Finally, we are grateful when it can serve its customers with a variety of our products .

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