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AMURATEN is an herbal remedy made from natural spices efficacious. Dipoduksi peracik herbal experts who have decades of experience in their field.

Registered in BPOM No: POM TR. 033 327 481

Rhizoma Zingiberis 15% , 10% Curcumae Rhizoma, Andrographidis Folium 15% , 10% Carryophilly Flos, Gendarusae 15% , 10% Menthae Folia, Panax Ginseng extr. 10% and other materials up to 100%

Indications and Usage:
Treating Uric Acid, bone pain, sore Shooting pain, rheumatism and Liming

How to use:
For Treatment: Drink 1 sachet 2x a day after meals until healed.
To Maintain Body Condition: Take 1 sachet a day after meals regularly.

Price: Rp. 2000, -/ sachet

For Booking Contact:
+ 62271 795 5345
+ 62816 676 946
+ 62852 9143 7567
BB PIN : 2A510619

Subscribers via transfer to:
No. BRI. 3102-01-010574-53-9 account a.n. Hendra Wijaya
No. BNI. Account 0229471517 a.n. Hendra Wijaya
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