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Mitra License Jaya

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Mitra License Jaya
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Name:Mr. Wawan/Wui Chan [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
Address:Malaysia, China, Indonesia

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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Nov. 25, 2010
Business Nature:Service of Computer Hardware & Software category

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Company Brief

License Software Datacard

Preface Software
Manufacturer: DATACARD Model/ Part Number: 547927-001 Preface Software ( V1.2 English) Datacard Preface ID Software is specifically designed for entry-level ID card issuers. It features an easy, intuitive and complete introductory software package. Corporate ID, education, membership and loyalty identification programs rely on Datacard' s experience for identity solutions - and Preface is the perfect introductory solution. ----Preface offers the essentials in a very simple, dependable software application to issue plastic cards on a variety of card printers.

IDWorks Software
The next generation in identification software Datacard ® IDWorks ® identification software contains the features and functionality you need to begin an ID card programâ € ” or make your current program more successful. It gives you more power. More features. More customizability. Multi-level security. And it is extremely easy to use.
But more important, the IDWorks software platform features an innovative, modular designâ € ” an industry first for identification software. You have the freedom to choose a full package or only the individual components that meet your needs.
As the next generation in secure identification software, IDWorks software represents a quantum leap in ID card design and production. Take your secure ID card program to another level.

Key features
* Flexible, modular design
* Easy-to-use designer, production and reporting tools
* Microsoft ® Windows ® -based operation
* ODBC compatible
* TWAIN compatible
* Video for Windows ® compatible
* 32-bit architecture
* Compatible with industry-leading card printers

Software Licensing

Effective July 1, 2009, Datacard Group will no longer be providing licensing,
phone, web or support for Datacard ® Preface, â „ ¢ IDWorks 3.x, and
IDWorks 4.x software.

If you want to license idworks please contact
idworkslicense@ gmail.com
If you want to license preface please contact
prefacelicense@ gmail.com

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