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    Standard Air Amplifier

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    Specification :

    Air amplifier is easy to mount and maintain reducing both compressed air consumption and noise levels. It takes energy from a small volume of compressed air to produce a high velocity, high volume, low pressure output air flow.

    Air amplifier is quiet, can amplify flows up to 16 times their input air consumption rate.

    Air Amplifier Features:

    * No moving parts.
    * Compact design, simple, lightweight and portable.
    * Driven by air not electricity.
    * Replaces fans used for blow-off, cleaning, drying, cooling and conveying.
    * High airflow amplification.
    * Instant on-off, no electricity or explosion hazard.

    Air Amplifier Benefits:

    * Longer life in difficult environments than competitive models
    * Lower compressed air consumption than ejectors and venturis.
    * Maintenance free with output easily controlled, safe to use.

    Air Amplifier Advantages Over Fans:

    * Compact design, simple, lightweight and portable.
    * Driven by air, not electricity for safety.
    * No moving parts – hence safer and maintenance free.
    * Each end can be ducted for light conveying applications .

    High Velocity Air Jet Shim Set :

    One advantage over other
    Air Jets is that it is adjustable. You do not need a High Velocity Air Jet Shim Set nor shim of any kind with Nex Flowâ„¢ Air jets.

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