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Outbound Jogja - Nabz Outbound Yogyakarta
Outbound Jogja - Nabz Outbound Yogyakarta

Thank you so much for your visit in Nabz Nabz Outbound Outbound Jogja or Yogyakarta, we are ready to help your outbound program.

And enjoy our services such as Family Gathering, Fun Games, Kids Outbound, Outbound Training Management, Training Outbound and Outing Company and our other services. Outbound our clients not only from Yogyakarta.

Ability of Human Resources which includes three elements, namely: knowledge ( knowledge) , skills ( skills) , and attitude ( attitude) should be improved. To meet the human resources quality, not just promote the knowledge and skills, but also the attitudes and behavior patterns. Stimulation to accelerate the paradigm shift of attitude, behavior, discipline and work ethic and personality through outdoor training activities will provide the ability to adapt to situations and conditions and the desired pattern more quickly.

Outbound Nabz Yogyakarta with its programs aimed at improving human resources in companies and institutions, especially those related to attitudes and behavior ( attitude) . To meet this need is felt to the availability of an integrated training program, appropriate systemic and that can be implemented in daily life. One effort that can be achieved is through outbound training program & company outing plus. Outbound training & Company outing plus is a training in the outdoors is based on the " Experiential Learning " ( learning through direct experience) are presented in the form of simulations, discussions and adventures as a media delivery of content and learning.

Nabz Jogja Outbound Experiential Learning Method with trusted and have been studied as a method that is most effective in accommodating the needs of the charges against the results of the training. Through the method of " experiential learning " in the open as media training, then the person will appear as spontaneous, without further ado. A simulated organizational life through a game that is directly perceived by each participant training, participants immediately feel the success or failure in the execution of a task. If you happen to know the behavior of successful participants immediately what makes them ( team work) succeed, otherwise if the team fails to work in performing a task, the participants immediately know where the behavior that caused the failure.

In Jogja Outbound Nabz program, participants are actively involved in all activities undertaken. With direct involvement in activities ( Learning by Doing) , participants will receive immediate feedback ( feed back) on the impact of the activities carried out so that it can be used as a personal development of each participant in the future. Outbound Nabz Yogyakarta consists of professionals who are experienced in their field, although still relatively young.

Outbound Nabz Jogja develop business in the areas of: educational services, training services, the outdoors Travel, Adventure, Outbound Training, Company Outing, Ecotourism, Family Gathering, Student Programs, Adventure Service & Event Organizer. We are committed, as a beneficiary for outdoor activities, will continue to increase variety, product quality, service and safety procedures for outdoor education methods based on this may be the capital of Indonesia' s human resource development and encourage people to use natural resources as wise as possible. Being a well-trained, best-recognized and trusted in the field of International Travel and Training in the outdoors as a place to enhance the personality and knowledge better.

Nabz Outbound Yogyakarta

Jl Jembatan Merah Condong Catur, Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta


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