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Name:Mr. Rachman
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Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Rachman at Jakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Rachman at Jakarta
Address:Jakarta, Jakarta
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:May. 6, 2015
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category

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Company Brief

Specialist For Water Treatment In Indonesia

PT. Primakarya Majugemilang was founded in 1988 and is based in Jakarta
We are one of the first company using membrane technology for various application in Indonesia namely:

Food and Beverage
Building / Property
Oil and Gas
Government Projects ( PU, PDAM, etc )
Since 1990, PKMG has been using membrane separation technology.We provide engineering solution for membrane systems of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. We customized engineering process and provide design, manufacturing, installation, training and maintenance service.

All manufacturing/ fabrication works are done in house so as to be able to maintain high and consistent quality of products. We have complete well-equipped facilities and human resources to be able to meet customer' s requirement and ensure assistance for trouble-free operation of system. PKMG believes in producing quality products to ensure excellence performance for the end user.

After Sales Support

Through our team of engineers, we ensure customer of training and field support. We do installation and commissioning to guarantee customer of the system performance before transfer of equipment.

Our commitment is to be your partner in providing solution for your water requirements, whether it is turnkey project or just an improvement on the existing system.

We provide solutions through quality products, price and required results.

Water is now considered a very precious commodity. It is also the most important element that support life.

Once thought of as inexhaustible, it is now realized as limited and the cost of water is getting higher.

We provide a variety of cost-effective treatment solution. Consultation with customer regarding feed water and output quality expectation are essential so that the best decision is taken on the type of filtration required.


Our aim is to supply only reliable product for our customers.

Products represented are quality and good value products and one of the best in their field.

We supply tailored engineering packages to suit individual customer needs.

For individual requirement, our marketing engineers will consult on a case to case basis to get the optimum solution.

Food and Beverage Industry

CS 2 Pola Sehat ( OT Group) - Water Treatment Plant RO system.
Ultra Prima Artaboga ( OT Group) - Water Treatment Plant RO system.
Coca Cola Botling Semarang - Water Treatment Plant RO system.
Navika ( Sinar Mas Group) - Water Treatment Plant RO system.
Building and Property

St-Regis resort - Bali - WTP RO system.
Puri Mall - Jakarta - Recycling/ Reuse WTP RO system.
Sucofindo - Jakarta ( building) - Recycle water with UF system.
Regata/ Pantai Mutiara ( Dharmala inti land) - WTP UF system.
The Ritz Carlton Hotel - Water Treatment Plant RO system.
Four Season Resort - Water Treatment Plant RO system.
Automotive Industry

Gemala Kempa Daya ( Automotive) - WWTP UF system.
Toyota Astra Motor - E-coat UF system.
Astra Daihatsu Motor - E-coat UF system - WWTP UF system.
Gaya Motor - E-coat UF system.
Hyundai Indonesia Motor - E-coat UF system.
Pharmacy Industry

Promed Raharjo Farmasi - Purified Water & Looping system with RO.
Rama Farma ( Farmasi) - Purified Water & Looping system with RO.
Corsa Farma - Purified Water & Looping system with Ion Exchange.
Prafa - Looping system.
Konimex - Looping system.
Oil and Gas Industry

Petrochina ( Oil & Gas) - WTP RO system.
Caltex ( Oil & Gas) - WTP UF system.
Caltex ( Oil & Gas) - WTP RO system.
Other Industrial
SKF Indonesia - WWTP UF system.
PT. ARUKI ( Group AKR) - WTP RO system.
NEC Semiconductors Indonesia - WTP RO system.
PTPN Burger - Water Recycling Plant RO system.
Tjiwi Kimia ( Pulp & Papper) - WTP RO system.
Panasonic Lighting Indonesia - WTP RO system.
MT Picture Display Indonesia - WTP RO system.
GT Petrochem ( Chemical) - WTP RO system
Water Tanks Portfolio

Pecatu Resort Bali, Capacity 2 X 500 m ³
Pantai Mutiara-Regata Jakarta, Capacity 1 X 250 m ³
Diamond ICE Cream Cibitung, Capacity 1 X 125 m ³
Futami Food & Beverage Sukabumi, Capacity 1 X 250 m3 & 1 X 150 m ³
PDAM Bangka Pangkal Pinang, Capacity 6 X 500m ³
ASMIN KOALINDO TUHUP mining Kalimantan Selatan, Capacity 1 X 125 m ³
PDAB ( Perusahaan Daerah Air Barsih ) Prop Jawa Timur, Capacity 2 X 500 m ³

PT. PKMG has been appointed as the major distributors for various most respectable brands in the water treatment and purification industries:


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