Welcome to PT ELGi Equipments Indonesia
Founded in 1960, ELGI is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of AIR Compressors. Presence in more than 63 countries. ELGi has manufacturing facilities in India, China, France and Italy.
Products on offer : Rotary Screw ( Oil Free, Oil Lubricated and Diesel Portables) , Piston ( oil-free and oil-lubricated) , Centrifugal and Compressor accessories.
Product Range :
2 to 14, 000 cfm ( 0.25 â � � 400 m3 / min)
30 to 450 psig ( 2 to 30 bar)
â � ¢ Our brand promise of UPTIME delivery that means high reliability and productivity for the customer.
â � ¢ Strategically located warehouses for fast delivery.
â � ¢ A customer care system and global service centre that offers efficient support.
â � ¢ Flexibility in systems and process to support the dealer at all times to grow the market and service customers.