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Contoh Serat Kayu Sungkai

Price : Nego

This is an example of excellence sungkai wood fibers that have a beautiful texture, and smooth.
Wood sungkai better use natural finishing so that the flow of fiber will further....
Kayu Sungkai Gelondong

Price : Nego

ungkai wood logs 20 centimeters in diameter with a mean average length of 150 cm - Up.
Wood logs sungkai stronger and more durable, because even though his skin has changed color....
Saw Mill

Price : Nego

We use two saw mill to be sawn timmber orders of various sizes in accordance with the orders.
We have operators who already have experience in working on various orders sawn....
Kayu Sungkai
Products of our company is SUNGKAI Wood ( Peronema Canescens) either in the form of log / logs and sawn / Sawn Timmber
Our company specializing in Wood Supply SUNGKAI