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Mr. B Hasibuan [Marketing]


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Labuan Batu 21411, Sumatera Utara

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Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Flexible Formula Fertilizer
Pupuk Tablet....
Ababil, CV as a marketing agent of fertilizer such as NPK, Complete or Complex fertilizer, compost and compost fermentor especially for Gramalet formula flexible fertilizer.

Gramalet fertilizer as a Complex NPK fertilizers have the advantage of having each nutrient in each tablets. They are more expensive than the equivalent quantity of nutrients achieved by applying the equivalent quantities of straight fertilizers, but the product quality is guaranteed. Sulphur and/ or other nutrients can easily be incorporated if required. By using the appropriate complex fertilizer, farmers are applying at least an approximation of each nutrient required. Absolute precision is not necessary in view of soil variability even within the same field. Gramaletà ¯ as fertilizers are, therefore, efficient products but trends during the past thirty years in the types of fertilizers used have been determined by their economics, not by considerations of agricultural efficiency or sustainability. General specification of Gramaletà ¯ formula Flexible Fertilizer :
1. Primary Nutrients NPK
Each tablet contain NPK such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium ( kalium) .
2. Secondary Nutrients Contain
Calcium, sulphur and magnesium also are required in large quantities by plants. They are often called ' secondary nutrients' .
2.1. Calcium
Most soils contain sufficient calcium. Calcium is applied incidentally in liming materials used to correct soil acidity. In the event of a deficiency, calcium may be applied as calcium chloride or as a component of foliar sprays.
2.2. Sulphur
Sulphur deficiencies occur with increasing frequency, due to the increasing share of fertilizer such as urea, ammonium phosphate and potassium chloride, that do not contain sulphur, and to obligatory reductions in emissions of sulphur dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. The content of sulphur applied annually in various fertilizer products, such as single superphosphate, ammonium sulphate, potassium sulphate and incorporated in NPK compound fertilizers is estimated at ten million tonnes S.
2.3. Magnesium
Crops' requirements of magnesium are substantial. Deficiencies are fairly common especially on light, sandy soils. Soil magnesium can be maintained through the application of liming materials such as dolomitic limestone, kieserite ( magnesium sulphate) or other fertilizers containing magnesium.
3. Micronutrients
Although needed in very small amounts ( g/ ha) compared with macronutrients ( kg/ ha) , if there is a deficiency crop yield and quality may be affected in the same way. Micronutrients whose content in plants is critical are the metallic elements iron, manganese, zinc, copper and molybdenum and the non-metallic elements chlorine and boron. In addition certain other nutrients may be beneficial for certain plants, such as sodium, silicon, cobalt, chlorine and aluminium.
Micronutrients are often applied incorporated in NPK fertilizers. They may also by applied in solution, directly or sprayed on bulk blends. Where quick action is required, salts of micronutrients dissolved in water are sprayed onto crop foliage. But, Gramalet Formula flexible fertilizer give solutions with mixing micronutrient per each tablet.
4. Slow Release Fertilizers
As a Slow release fertilizers, Gramalet formula flexible fertilizer can be a more efficient source of nutrients than conventional fertilizers but, because of their higher cost, they are not normally applied to field crops. Japan, for example, is one of the few countries where the use slow-release fertilizers is developing on field crops, especially paddy rice. They are used on higher value crops such as vegetables and ornamentals.

Best Regards,

Mahadi Hasibuan, SE
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