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Ms. Linda Amei

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LINE: abondansamballemoh abondansamballemoh
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Mobile number of Ms. Linda Amei at bekasi


bekasi, Jawa Barat

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Type of Trade : Home Industry

Phone : + 6281905686994
TIN Perush : 71.610.294.2-432.000.

A. Along with the development of food products such as, shredded tuna and skipjack tuna sauce content, with brands LEMOH, plus intense competition among food producers, it all did not dampen our desire to create products, which we believe is different from other similar products. One example can be seen from shredded tuna Lemoh.

Where lies the difference, it can be seen from the rough texture and different colors with other shredded, ie, brownish yellow accompanied by savory flavor and crunchy. We are confident that our product is different from other products. For that we are ready to compete with other manufacturers.

B. Our goal to make or sell this product is that we want our products are favored by all levels of society. of kids aged over 2 years and adults. Why ? , Because we do not use dyes and preservatives are also sugar, in the products we make. So that safe for consumption by everyone.

C. â € ¢ In addition, we also want to introduce to the general public about our village, named Lemoh. For this reason, we give the name of this product: Lemoh shredded tuna and Lemoh tuna Sauce


Made from fresh fish, processed with spices typical of the archipelago. That produce food tasty and crisp. Produces healthy food and high quality, very suitable as a topping on bread, porridge rice, or any creation other food.
Packaged with a special plastic bottle food. That can be hold at room temperature -+ 2 months, in refrigerator -+ 1 years.
The differences our products with the other, can be seen from the rough texture and the taste is crisp and has a distinctive, with each flavor possessed.
Our products didn' t use sugar, preservatives and food coloring. Can be consumption by children + 2 years until adults.
Our products have 3 flavors, namely :
1. Original
2. Fried Onion
3. Spicy
Suggestion and Presentation :

1. It would be better if directly consumed
2. The bottle should always be tightly closed. To maintain the durability of the product, so as not to quickly contaminated from the outside air. Resulting in damaged to the product.
Composition: - Tuna Fish, Red Chilli, Shallots, Garlic, Ginger, Vegetable Oil and Other Traditional Seasonings


Made from Fresh Fish Options, mixed with seasoning spice archipelago produces Spicy Sauce Fish and Steady. It is suitable for eating with hot rice or with rice porridge. With 3x processes, namely: steamed, fried, and in stir-fry, which produces the contents cakalang sauce were delicious, and the Spicy. We will guarantee it will make you put on again .. and again .. and again ..
Packaged in a glass bottle special food with 2x seal that can with stand for - 2 months at room temperature, or â € “ 1 year in Cooler / Freezer.
Our products didnâ € ™ t use sugar, food coloring, preservatives Food.
The difference of Cakalang Sauce Lemoh with the other fish sauce is Spicy bold taste, plus the process is very carefully with 3x Process, namely: steamed, fried, and stir-fry / mixed with chili fried in a wok. This mixing process is intended to make fried fish with a sauce to absorb directly.
The risk experienced when the cooking process is not very mature, chili is not durable or steaming process too long then it will produce fish crumbly and somewhat difficult at times in cut. Also during the frying process if the fire is too large it will make the fish quickly charred.
Therefore it was through the steps above we dare to give something different from the others. We want our customers are satisfied and satiated by eating Cakalang Sauce Lemoh.
Suggestions and Presentation:
1. It would be better if directly in consumption
2. Keep containers always tightly closed to maintain the quality and flavor sauces.
3. Hold for - + 1 month at room temperature or - + 1 year in the Freezer
( Note: Use clean equipment when taking Sauce, of closed containers to avoid contamination which resulted in changes in color and taste as well as texture the product. Because our Poducts didnâ € ™ t wear a preservative.)
Composition: - Red chili sauce, Tuna Fish, Shallots, Garlic, Ginger, vegetable oil and other traditional seasoning.


LEMOH name taken from the name of a village located in the district of Tombariri Minahasa North Sulawesi Province

If interpreted LEMOH meaning of the name itself would be a very long story, but in this case we want to tell about Lemoh village is as follows:

LEMOH village is a village that is under construction and equity in various sectors in which one of the most important sector is the sector of Education

Characteristic of the village LEMOH can be seen from the aspect of their Cultural namely its Bamboo Music Strains Tunable and already well-known both in the Domestic also abroad

LEMOH village well known as one of the Village Seed Clove Exporting producers or most of North Sulawesi province. In because the majority of its population are farmers clove

In terms of food LEMOH village has the same distinctive food with other villages, namely: Tinutuan or better known as Manado porridge. Besides tinutuan or Manado porridge, other typical foods such as Woku Fish Pot also Smoked of Cakalang also can be met in this village

The vision and mission we make the Shredded Lemoh and Fish Sauce Lemoh Reserve Lemoh are in landasi of our longing that we want VILLAGE LEMOH known many people

So that we can say, if there is need other information do not hesitate to ask us. It is our pleasure to serve you

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