Registration Date: May. 24, 2023, Last Updated: Nov. 17, 2011
Business Nature: Trade of Health & Beauty category
Business Nature: Trade of Health & Beauty category
Company Brief
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Note : Pesanan akan dapat diterima  ± 3 hari kerja tergantung dari jarak pengiriman
Nama Produk Kemasan Nama Produk Kemasan
Stetoscope Deluxe Standart Toitu
Stetoscope Deluxe Dewasa Standart hitam set Toitu 0030-005 roll
Stetoscope Deluxe Dewasa Standart Abu-abu set ECG Electrode
Stetoscope Deluxe Dewasa Standart Burgundy set ECG Elektrode Meditrace 200 box/ 100
Stetoscope Deluxe Dewasa Standart Merah set ECG electrode 2223 Bag/ 50
Stetoscope Deluxe Dewasa Standart Navy Blue set ECG Acc.
Stetoscope Deluxe Dewasa Standart Hijau set Bola ECG Fukuda , original bh
Stetoscope Deluxe Dewasa Standart Ungu set Chest electrode utk bola + bola ECG bh
Stetoscope Deluxe Anak Standart hitam set Cardio Clip ( 1 set = 4 bj ) bh
Stetoscope Deluxe Anak Standart merah set ECG Cream Fukuda 100 gr bh
Stetoscope Deluxe Anak Standart abu-abu set ECG Jelly Fukuda 100 gr bh
Stetoscope Deluxe Anak Standart navy blue set ECG MACHINE
Stetoscope Deluxe Anak Standart burgundy set ECG 1/ 2 chanel Fukuda ME C110 unit
Stetoscope Deluxe Anak Standart hijau set ECG 3 chanel Fukuda ME C120 unit
Stetoscope Deluxe Bayi Standart Merah set Lubricating Jelly
Stetoscope Deluxe Bayi Standart hitam set M Y JELLY 80 gram , tube box/ 30
Stetoscope Deluxe Bayi Standart abu-abu set Parker
Stetotoscope stainless Standart Signa gel 140 gr Parker / ECG Jelly bh
Stetoscope Stainless bayi Standart hitam set Signa Cream 142 gr Parker / ECG Cream bh
Stetoscope Stainless bayi Standart merah set USG paper
Stetoscope Stainless anak Standart Hitam set USG Printing paper â Mitsubishi K-65 HM bh
Stetoscope Stainless Anak Standart merah set USG printing paper Sonny UPP-110 HA bh
Stetoscope Stainless Abu-abu Standart merah set USG printing paper Sonny UPP-110 HD bh
Stetoscope Stainless dewasa Standart hitam set USG printing paper Sonny UPP-110 HG bh
Stetoscope Stainless dewasa Standart abu-abu set USG printing paper Sonny UPP-216 HD bh
Stetoscope Stainless dewasa Standart burgundi set Film Sonny Color UPC 1010 bh
Stetoscope Stainless dewasa Standart merah set Film Sonny Color UPC 2010 bh
Stetoscope Stainless dewasa Standart navy blue set Film Sonny Color UPC 21 L pack 200 sheet bh
Stetoscope Stainless dewasa Standart hijau set USG PRINTER
Stetoscope Stainless dewasa Standart Ungu set USG sonny printer 897 MD bh
Stetoscope standart Standart USG gel Standart
Stetoscope standart dewasa hitam Standart bh Ultrasonic gel 250 cc btl
Stetoscope standart dewasa abu-abu Standart bh Ultrasonic gel gallon 5 liter btl
Stetoscope Training Standart Parker
Stetoscope Training Standart bh Signa gel 140 gr Parker / ECG Jelly bh
Riester Signa Cream 142 gr Parker / ECG Cream bh
Stetoscope Dewasa Riester bh Aquasonic gel Parker 250 ml btl
Litman Stetoscope USG aquasonic Parker gallon 5 lt btl
Litman classic II â black / gray / burgundy pcs Catgut precut 1.5 m
Litman classic II â pediatric pcs Standart Catgut Plain 2/ 0 , 1.5 m box/ 12
Litman classic II â Infant pcs Standart Catgut Plain 3/ 0 , 1.5 m box/ 12
Litman Cardio III pcs Standart Catgut Plain 4/ 0 , 1.5 m box/ 12
Litman Master Cardiology pcs Standart Catgut ChrStandartic 2/ 0 , 1.5 m box/ 12
ABN Standart Catgut ChrStandartic 3/ 0 , 1.5 m box/ 12
Stetoscope majestic dual head bh Standart Catgut ChrStandartic 4/ 0 , 1.5 m box/ 12
Stetoscope Spectrum dua head black/ gray/ wrn bh Silk / Zyde / Sutra
Stetoscope Spectrum single head B, G bh Standart Silk 2/ 0 , 5 m box/ 12
Stetoscope training ABN bh Standart Silk 3/ 0 , 5 m box/ 12
Stetoscope accessories Catgut + jarum
Ear tip mushroStandart type Standart bh Standart Catgut plain 2/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 24
membrane head stetoscope Standart bh Standart Catgut plain 3/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 32 mm box/ 24
Plastic Y tube hitam Standart bh Standart Catgut plain 3/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 24
Plastic Y tube blue Standart bh Standart Catgut plain 4/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 24
Plastic Y tube Grey Standart bh Standart Catgut ChrStandartic 2/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 24
Plastic Y tube Red Standart bh Standart Catgut ChrStandartic 3/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 24
Diagram Cardi cls II, pak / 10 pak/ 10 Standart Catgut ChrStandartic 4/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 24
Rims, CCL snap-on, pak/ 10 pak/ 10 Silk + jarum
Rims, CCL snap-on ped , pak/ 5 pak/ 5 Standart Silk 2/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 36
Membrane stetoscope spectrem ABN bh Standart Silk 3/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 32 mm box/ 36
Soft rotating ear small ABN psg Standart Silk 3/ 0 + jarum 1/ 2 GT 35 mm box/ 36
Eartips mushroStandart AbN psg Catgut Plain Caset 4/ 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensimeter Aneroid / Clock Catgut Plain Caset 3/ 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi Aneroid Precision Standart bh Catgut Plain Caset 2/ 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi Aneroid 200 bh Catgut Plain Caset 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Jam Tensi Aneroid Standart bh Catgut Plain Caset 1 â 75 m , Bio roll
Tensi Aneroid Palm type Standart bh Catgut Plain Caset 2 â 50 m , Bio roll
Tensi Clock ABN Prestige bh Catgut Plain Caset 3 â 50 m , Bio roll
Tensi Clock ABN Deluxe bh Catgut ChrStandartic Caset 4/ 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensimeter Air raksa Catgut ChrStandartic Caset 3/ 0 â 100 m, Bio roll
Tensi HG Blue Standart bh Catgut ChrStandartic Caset 2/ 0 â 100 m, Bio roll
Tensi HG Abu-Abu Standart Standart bh Catgut ChrStandartic Caset 0 â 100 m, Bio roll
Tensi HG beroda Standart bh Catgut ChrStandartic Caset 1 â 75 m , Bio roll
Tensi HG Dinding Standart bh Catgut ChrStandartic Caset 2 â 50 m , Bio roll
Tensi HG ABN Precision bh Catgut ChrStandartic Caset 3 â 50 m , Bio roll
Tensi Hg Beroda Riester Empire bh Zyde caset 4/ 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi Hg Riester bh Zyde caset 3/ 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi Hg wall Riester bh Zyde caset 2/ 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi digital Zyde caset 0 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi Digital Standart2 bh Zyde caset 1 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi Digital Standartron SEM 1 bh Zyde caset 2 â 100 m , Bio roll
Tensi Digital Tensoval Mobile bh Zyde caset 3 â 80 m , Bio roll
Bola tensi , manset , glass tube Round bodied â taper point , 5/ 8 circle
Bola Tensi tanpa Pentil Standart bh Surgicryl PGA FR 27 mm , 3/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Bola Tensi + pentil Standart bh Surgicryl PGA FR 27 mm , 2/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Bola Tensi + pentil deluxe Standart ( Grey ) bh Round bodied â taper point , 1/ 2 circle
Manset Dewasa Velcro Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 13 mm , 6/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Manset Dewasa + tali Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 17 mm , 5/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Manset Anak Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 17 mm , 4/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Manset Bayi Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 17 mm , 3/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Glass tube 3.5 mm utk tensi HG bh Surgicryl PGA HR 17 mm , 2/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Bola Tensi ABN deluxe bh Surgicryl PGA HR 22 mm , 4/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Bola Tensi ABN Standard bh Surgicryl PGA HR 22 mm , 3/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Bola Tensi ABN stand dos/ 6 b/ 6 Surgicryl PGA HR 22 mm , 2/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Bola Tensi Riester bh Surgicryl PGA HR 26 mm , 3/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Manset anak 113 ABN bh Surgicryl PGA HR 26 mm , 2/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Manset bayi ABN bh Surgicryl PGA HR 26 mm , 0 â 75 cm pcs
Manset dewasa ABN bh Surgicryl PGA HR 26 mm , 1 â 75 cm pcs
Manset dewasa ABN â Large bh Surgicryl PGA HR 30 mm , 3/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Reflex hammer Surgicryl PGA HR 30 mm , 2/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Reflex Hammer tylor Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 30 mm , 0 â 75 cm pcs
Reflex Hammer Buck bh Surgicryl PGA HR 30 mm , 1 â 75 cm pcs
Funduscope Surgicryl PGA HR 36 mm , 2/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Funduscope kayu Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 36 mm , 0 â 90 cm pcs
Funduscope Aluminium Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 36 mm , 1 â 90 cm pcs
Penlight Surgicryl PGA HR 40 mm , 2/ 0 â 75 cm pcs
Penlight blue + baterai Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 40 mm , 0 â 90 cm pcs
Penlight Green + baterai Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 40 mm , 1 â 90 cm pcs
Penlight Orange + baterai Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 40 mm , 2 â 90 cm pcs
Penlight Red + baterai Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 48 mm , 0 â 90 cm pcs
Penlight White + baterai Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 48 mm , 1 â 90 cm pcs
Penlight Gold + baterai Standart bh Surgicryl PGA HR 48 mm , 2 â 90 cm pcs
Penlight stainless + baterai Standart bh Reverse Cutting , 1/ 2 circle
Head Lamp, Laryngoscope, Opthalmoscope, diagnostic set Surgicryl PGA HS 36 mm , 1 â 90 cm pcs
Head Lamp + adaptor Standart set Surgicryl PGA HS 36 mm , 2 â 90 cm pcs
Laryngoscope Dewasa Riester set Surgicryl PGA HS 40 mm , 0 â 90 cm pcs
Laryngoscope Anak Riester set Surgicryl PGA HS 40 mm , 1 â 90 cm pcs
Laryngoscope set besmed + kotak set Surgicryl PGA HS 40 mm , 2 â 90 cm pcs
Otoscope Heine mini 3000 set Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 10 b/ 100
Diagnostic set econStandart Riester set Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 11 b/ 100
Diagnostic set Timesco set Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 12 b/ 100
Opthalmoscope mini 3000 Heine set Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 13 b/ 100
TonStandarteter Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 15 b/ 100
TonStandarteter Schiot Riester bh Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 18 b/ 100
TonStandarteter Schiot Standart bh Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 19 b/ 100
Panjang badan Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 20 b/ 100
Statur meter Standart / microtoise bh Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 21 b/ 100
Metline Standart bh Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 22 b/ 100
Panjang badan bayi deluxe bh Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 23 b/ 100
Panjang badan bayi type Caliper bh Standart Surgical blade / biss mess no. 24 b/ 100
Panjang badan bayi kayu bh Jarum Hecting Kulit 1/ 2 lingkaran
Panjang badan bayi box bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 5 sacâ 12
Trial Lens / Snellen Card / slitlamp Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 6 sacâ 12
Trial Lens + bingkai kaca mata MT 158 unit Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 7 sacâ 12
Trial lens + bingkai kaca 104 unit Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 8 sacâ 12
Snellen Chart Electric unit Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 9 sacâ 12
Snellen test card bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 10 sacâ 12
Buku Ishihara 14 plate buah Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 11 sacâ 12
Slit Lamp YZ 5 E unit Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 12 sacâ 12
Lain-lain Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 13 sacâ 12
Kaca Pembesar 9 cm bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 14 sacâ 12
Garputala ss bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 15 sacâ 12
Lingkaran lengan ibu Standart / Lila bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart GT 16 sacâ 12
Tas dokter bh Jarum Hecting Kulit 3/ 8 Lingkaran
Nurse Kit standart Standart bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart BT 8 sacâ 12
UKS Kit Standart Standart set Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart BT 9 sacâ 12
Stopwatch digital Standart bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart BT 10 sacâ 12
Stopwatch Diamond bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart BT 11 sacâ 12
ARI timer bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart BT 12 sacâ 12
Tourniquet Standart bh Jarum Hecting Kulit Standart BT 13 sacâ 12
Timbangan Jarum Hecting Kulit cStandartbinasi
Timbangan bdn dws Standart bh Jarum Hecting Kulit CStandartbi sacâ 12
Timbangan badan Digital Verona bh Jarum Hecting Otot 1/ 2 lingkaran
Timbangan badan Digital Shaga bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 6 sacâ 12
Timbangan badan Body Scan bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 7 sacâ 12
Timbangan Badan Elegance bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 8 sacâ 12
Timbangan badan sehat 150 kg bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 9 sacâ 12
Timbangan bayi 20 kg Standart bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 10 sacâ 12
Timbangan bayi 7 Kg + Kain timbangan set Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 11 sacâ 12
Timbangan bayi digital Standart RCS 20 bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 12 sacâ 12
Timbangan Dacin kuningan 25 kg Balita + cel set Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 13 sacâ 12
Timbangan Gantung bulat 25 Kg Standart + Celana set Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 14 sacâ 12
Timbangan Gizi KCI bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart GR 15 sacâ 12
Timbangan badan oval 9802 bh Jarum Hecting Otot 3/ 8 lingkaran
Timbangan + tinggi badan SMIC bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 7 sacâ 12
Timbangan Gram bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 8 sacâ 12
Timbangan mg bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 9 sacâ 12
Tripot utk timbangan Dacin bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 10 sacâ 12
Fitness Scale/ body fat monitor Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 11 sacâ 12
Camry body fat monitor EF 521 bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 12 sacâ 12
Camry body fat monitor EF 222 bh Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 13 sacâ 12
Flexitherm 8 detik bj Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 14 sacâ 12
ThermStandarteter digital 60 detik / Presisi bj Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 15 sacâ 12
ThermStandarteter digital 20 detik / Pro bj Jarum Hecting Otot Standart BR 16 sacâ 12
ThermStandarteter Klinis Jumbo Standart bj Jarum Hecting usus
ThermStandarteter Klinis Jumbo HP, bh box/ 12 Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 0 sacâ 12
ThermStandarteter Oral Standart, bh box/ 12 Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 1 sacâ 12
ThermStandarteter Rectal Standart, bh box/ 12 Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 2 sacâ 12
ThermStandarteter ruangan Standart, bh box/ 24 Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 3 sacâ 12
Ear ThermStandarteter bj Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 4 sacâ 12
ThermStandarteter -10/ + 110 C P: 30 cm bh Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 5 sacâ 12
Syringe / Spuit Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 6 sacâ 12
Spuit disposible 1 cc tuberculin x 26Ã 1/ 23 b/ 100 Jarum Hecting Usus Standart PB 7 sacâ 12
Spuit Insulin 1 cc 40 u w/ 27G x1/ 23 b/ 100 Elastic Bandage
Spuit disposible 2.5 x 23 G x 1-1/ 43 b/ 100 Medicrepe 3 â , roll b/ 12 roll
Spuit disposible 3 cc x 23 G x 1-1/ 43 b/ 100 Medicrepe 4 â , roll b/ 12 roll
Spuit disposible 5 cc x 22 G x 1-1/ 23 b/ 100 Medicrepe 6 â , roll b/ 12 roll
Spuit disposible 10 cc x 21 G x 1-1/ 23 b/ 100 Paris of bandage
Spuit disposible 10 cc cat tip w/ o needle b/ 100 Medigyps 3 â , roll b/ 12 roll
Spuit dispo 20 cc ec tip w/ o needle , pcs box/ 50 Medigyps 43, roll b/ 12 roll
Spuit dispo 20 cc LL w/ o needle , pcs box/ 50 Medigyps 6 â , roll b/ 12 roll
Spuit disposible 50 cc ecentric tip, pcs box/ 20 Gergaji Gips Electric buah
Spuit ADS 0.5 cc x 26 G x 1 â b/ 100 Orthopedic pading
Safety syringe 3 cc x 23 G x 1-1/ 43 b/ 100 Mediban 33 , roll b/ 12 roll
Feeding syringe 60 cc , catheter tip , pcs box/ 30 Mediban 43 , roll b/ 12 roll
Enema syringe 60 cc disposible , bh box/ 20 Mediban 63 , roll b/ 12 roll
Infusion/ blood set Plester flexible non woven
Infusion Set dewasa ( 15 drops ) , pcs box/ 50 Ultrafix 5 x 1 , per box b/ 10
Infusion Set pediatric ( 60 drops / ml ) , pcs box/ 50 Ultrafix 5 x 5 , per roll roll
Infusion Set dewasa Y tube , pcs box/ 50 Ultrafix 10 x 1 per box box/ 5
Blood transfusion set, pcs box/ 50 Ultrafix 10 x 5 , per roll roll
Jarum / Disposible needle Ultrafix 15 x 5 , per roll roll
Jarum 18 G x 1-1/ 23 Standart box/ 100 Ultrafix 20 x 5, per roll roll
Jarum 21 G x 1-1/ 23 Standart box/ 100 Plester PU transparant
Jarum 22 G x 1-1/ 23 Standart box/ 100 Ultrafix T 5 cm x 2 m , roll roll
Jarum 23 G x 1-1/ 43 Standart box/ 100 Ultrafix T 5 cm x 5 m , roll roll
Jarum 24 G x 1 â Standart box/ 100 Ultrafix T 10cm x 5m , roll roll
Jarum 25 G x 1 â Standart box/ 100 Plester Sterile non woven + abosorben Pad
Jarum 26 G x 1/ 23 Standart box/ 100 Standart Dermafix 5 x 7 cm b252s
Jarum 27 G x 1/ 23 Standart box/ 100 Standart Dermafix 10 x 10 cm b102s
IV CATHATHETER Standart Dermafix 10 x 15 cm b102s
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 14 x 45mm , pcs box/ 50 Standart Dermafix 10 x 20 cm b102s
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 16 x 45mm , pcs box/ 50 Standart Dermafix 10 x 25 cm b102s
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 18 x 45mm , pcs box/ 50 Standart Dermafix 10 x 30 cm b102s
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 18 x 11/ 4 â , pcs box/ 50 Standart Dermafix IV 6 x 8 cm b252s
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 20 x 11/ 4 â , pcs box/ 50 Plester Sterile Transparant + Absorben Pad
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 22 x 1 â , pcs box/ 50 Standart Dermafix T 5 x 7 cm b252s
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 24 x 3/ 4 â , pcs box/ 50 Standart Dermafix T 10 x 12 cm b102s
Inflo I.V Catheter no. 26 G x 1/ 2 â , pcs, box/ 50 Standart Dermafix T 10 x 25 cm b102s
Inflo Plus I.V Catheter no. 18 x 11/ 4 â , pcs box/ 50 Plester Sterile Transparant + paper Frame
Inflo Plus I.V Catheter no. 20 x 11/ 4 â , pcs box/ 50 Stik-In 4 x 5 cm bâ 25
Inflo Plus I.V Catheter no. 22 x 13, pcs box/ 50 Stik-In 6 x 7 cm bâ 25
Inflo Plus I.V Catheter no. 24 x 3/ 43, pcs box/ 50 Stik-In 10 x 12 cm bâ 25
WING NEEDLE Stik-In IV 4.5 x 6.4 cm bâ 25
Wing Needle 19 G x 3/ 43 Standart, pcs box/ 100 Stik-in IV 6 cm x 7 cm bâ 25
Wing Needle 21 G x 3/ 43 Standart, pcs box/ 100 Plester penutup luka
Wing Needle 23 G x 3/ 4 â Standart, pcs box/ 100 Plesterin WP box isi 100 bâ 100
Wing Needle 25 G x 3/ 43 Standart, pcs box/ 100 Plesterin WP amplop isi 10 pak isi 10
Wing Needle 27 G x 1/ 23 Standart, pcs box/ 100 Plesterin box isi 100 bâ 100
Blood Lancet / Auto lancet Plesterin amplop isi 10 pak isi 10
Auto lancet devices Standart buah Plesterin N box isi 100 bâ 100
Blood lancet Standart 26 G box/ 100 Plesterin N amplop isi 10 pak isi 10
Blood lancet Standart 28 G box/ 100 Plesterin Jumbo box isi 24 bâ 24
Blood lancet stainless Standart box/ 200 Plester kain roll
Blass spuit Janet 150 cc buah Isoplast 1.25 cm x 1 m , per roll b/ 24
Blass spuit Janet 200 cc buah Isoplast 1.25 cm x 4.5 m , roll b/ 12
Needle burner Robonic buah Isoplast 2.5 cm x 4.5 m ( 1 x 5 ) , roll b/ 12
ID band Isoplast 5 cm x 4.5 m ( 2 x 5 ) , roll b/ 6
ID band bayi blue box/ 100 Isoplast 7.5 cm x 4.5 m ( 3 x 5 ) , roll b/ 6
ID band bayi pink box/ 100 Kasa hydrophil / verban
ID band dewasa blue box/ 100 Kasa Hydrophil 40 x 80 cm Standart, roll bâ 20roll
ID band dewasa clear box/ 100 Kasa Hydrophil 20 x 80 cm , roll bâ 20roll
ID band dewasa pink box/ 100 kasa hydrophil 100y x 80 cm , roll bâ 10 roll
ID band dewasa orange box/ 100 Verband 4 yard x 5 cm Standart , box Bâ 100
Mucous extractor Verband 4 yard x 10 cm Standart , box Bâ 50
Mucous extractor Standart box/ 50 Verband 4 yard x 15 cm Standart , box Bâ 50
Proctoscope/ Vaginal disposible Mitella / Pembalut siku Standart bh
Proctoscope disposible Standart box/ 10 PKD
Vagion L Steril , pcs box/ 25 Kapas berlemak 500 gr bks
Vagion M Steril , pcs box/ 25 Kapas pembalut / absorben 250 gr bks
Vagion S Steril , pcs box/ 25 Kasa pembalut 2 m x 80 cm , per bks câ 200
Pap Smear Kit S , pcs set Kasa kStandartpress 40/ 40 steril ( packing 1 ) bks
Pap Smear Kit M , pcs set Kasa pembalut hydrohil 4 m x 15 cm roll
Pap Smear Kit L , pcs set Kasa pembalut hydrohil 4 m x 3 cm roll
Cytobrush Standart box/ 100 Standart BASIC DRESSING SET
Spatula Vagina Kayu Standart b/ 100 Standart Basic dressing set set
Umbilical cord klem Hemodialysis set set
Umbilcal cord klem Nylon Standart , pcs box/ 50 Kasa steril
Umbilcal cord klem biru Standart, pcs box/ 50 Gauze swab Steril 7.5 x 7.5/ 8 ply, box Câ 48
Eye Protector Kasa Steril 16 x 16 Standart , box Câ 100
Eye Protector bayi bh Kasa Hexahusada 16 x 16 , per box câ 200
StStandartach tube silicone Kapas Pembalut Putih
StStandartach tube silicone no. 6 / 40 cm bh Kapas Pembalut 1 kg , roll roll
StStandartach tube silicone no. 10 / 120 cm bh Kapas Pembalut 500 gr, roll roll
StStandartach tube silicone no. 12 / 120 cm bh Kapas Pembalut 250 gr, roll roll
StStandartach tube silicone no. 14 / 120 cm bh Kapas Pembalut 100 gr, roll roll
StStandartach tube silicone no. 16 / 120 cm bh Kapas Pembalut 50 gr , roll roll
StStandartach tube silicone no. 18 / 120 cm bh Kapas Pembalut 25 gr , roll roll
Suction Catheter/ 3 way / inj plug Alkohol / Ethanol
Suction catheter CH 6 , pcs box/ 50 Alkohol 70 % 100 cc Standart c/ 24
Suction catheter CH 8 , pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 70 % 300 cc Standart c/ 24
Suction catheter CH 10 , pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 70 % 1 liter Standart c/ 20
Suction catheter CH 12 , pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 70 % 5 Liter Standart Galon
Alkohol 70 % 20 liter Standart + Galon Galon
Suction catheter CH 14 , pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 70 % 200 liter Standart, drum drum
Suction catheter CH 16, pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 95 % 100 cc Standart c/ 24
Suction catheter CH 18, pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 95 % 300 cc Standart c/ 24
three way stopcock w/ tube 15 cm , pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 95 % 1 liter Standart C/ 20
three way stopcock, pcs box/ 25 Alkohol 95 % 5 liter Standart Galon
Injection plug , pcs box/ 50 Alkohol 95 % 20 liter Standart + Galon Galon
Suction connecting tube 2 m Standart bh Alkohol 95 % 200 liter Standart, drum drum
ColostStandarty bag Alkohol 99 % absolut 20 liter + galon Galon
ColostStandarty bag no. 2 , pak isi 10 bag/ 10 Alkohol Gel / lotion
ColostStandarty bag no. 3 , pak isi 10 bag/ 10 Aseptic Gel 90 cc c/ 24
ColostStandarty bag no. 4 , pak isi 10 bag/ 10 Aseptic Gel 500 cc + dispenser c/ 12
ColostStandarty bag no. 5 , pak isi 10 bag/ 10 Aseptic Gel 500 cc Refill c/ 12
StStandartatec cStandartplete set pack Aseptic Gel 5 liter galon
Enema set Aseptic spray 100 cc , btl c/ 12
Enema set disposible , bh bh Wall dispenser for aseptic gel buah
Enema syringe 60 cc disposible , bh bh Alkohol Swab
goggle alkohol swab Standart b/ 100
Goggle Protective Standart Standart bh Gentian Violet
Kaca Mata Pelindung Sinar Dental bh Gentian violet 10 cc , btl bâ 24
Visor shield w/ plastic mask bh Salicyl Spiritus
Plastic mask for visor shield isi 5 bh Salicyl spiritus 100 ml, btl bâ 24
USG gel Spiritus
Ultrasonic gel 250 cc btl Spiritus 1 liter botol
Ultrasonic gel gallon 5 liter btl Glycerine
Lubricating Jelly Glycerine 100 ml , per botol bâ 24
M Y JELLY 80 gram , tube box/ 30 Glycerine 1 liter , botol botol
Celana Hernia Eugenol
Hernia aid S bh Eugenol Standart 10 ml , btl bâ 12
Hernia aid M bh Povidone Iodine
Hernia aid L bh Povidine 15 cc b/ 48
Hernia aid XL bh Povidone iodine 30 cc Standart b/ 50
Hernia aid bayi bh Povidine 60 cc b/ 48
Ring pesarium Povidone Iodine 300 cc Standart c/ 24
Ring pesarium â 60 bh Povidone Iodine 1 liter Standart c/ 10
Ring pesarium â 65 bh Povidone Iodine 5 liter Standart c/ 2
Ring pesarium -70 bh Povidine Vaginal Douche 100 cc bâ 12
Ring pesarium -75 bh Povidine Vaginal Douche + alat bâ 12
Ring pesarium -80 bh Povidone Iodine Surgical Scrub / Sabun Povidone
Ring pesarium -85 bh Povidon Sabun cair 60 cc botol
Mortil Povidon Scub 500 cc + dispenser botol
Mortar + stamper 6 cm buah Povidion Scub 1 liter botol
Mortar + stamper 8 cm buah Povidon Scub 5 liter botol
Mortar + stamper 10 cm buah Rivanol
Mortar + stamper 13 cm buah Rivanol 300 cc , btl c/ 24
Mortar + stamper 16 cm buah Rivanol 100 cc , btl c/ 24
Mortar + stamper 21 cm buah H2O2
lain-lain H2O2 3% 100 cc c/ 24
Soft Cold/ Hot Wrap Big Size 26 x 11.5cm bh H2O2 3 % 800 cc c/ 20
Kitty Cold/ Hot Wrap bh H2O2 50 % 800 cc c/ 20
Hearing Aid 12 E Standart bh Chlrohexidine 4 %
Breast pump mimi box/ 12 OneScrub 50 cc b/ 24
WWZ Standart bh OneScrub 500 cc + dispenser c/ 12
Ice Cup Standart bh OneScrub 500 cc ( refill ) c/ 12
Wind Ring 35 cm bh OneScrub Galon 5 liter c/ 2
Gelas Cuci mata box/ 12 Wall dispenser for OneScrub bh
Kotak P3K kayu BJ Chlrohexidine 0.5 % + alkohol 70 %
Spalk First aid set Aseptan 500 cc + dispenser c/ 12
Pisau Cukur pak isi 10 pak Aseptan 500 cc ( refill ) c/ 12
Pinset disposalbe pak/ 10 Aseptan spray 100 cc c/ 12
Arm bord IV bayi buah Aseptan 5 liter c/ 2
Arm bord IV anak buah Chlorhexidine + Cetrimide
Tong Spaltel Kayu pak isi 50 pak Odex 0.5 liter c/ 12
Sikat lidah bh Odex 5 liter c/ 2
Ear syringe karet 60 cc bh Sabun Cair Anti Bakteri ( Triclosan 0.5 % )
Ear syringe karet 90 cc bh Sabun Cair AB Standart 500 + disp c/ 12
Capsul Kosong Sabun Cair AB Standart 500 ml ( refill ) c/ 12
Capsul kosong 00 pak/ 100 Sabun Cair AB Standart 5 liter c/ 2
Capsul kosong 0 pak/ 100 Clorine 5.25%
Capsul kosong 1 pak/ 100 One Clean 500 cc c/ 12
Capsul kosong 2 pak/ 100 One Clean 1 liter c/ 20
Capsul kosong 3 pak/ 100 Towel
Akupuntur Towel Hygine Maxi box/ 10
Akupuntur needle 0.25 x 13 isi 100 b/ 100 Sikat / brush / lain
Akupuntur needle 0.25 x 25 isi 100 b/ 100 Sikat operasi steril disposbile bh
Akupuntur needle 0.25 x 40 isi 100 b/ 100 Sikat operasi reusable bh
Akupuntur needle 0.25 x 50 isi 100 b/ 100 Auto Soap Dispenser 800cc type V150 bh
Akupuntur needle 0.30 x 13 isi 100 b/ 100 Formalin 37 %
Akupuntur needle 0.30 x 25 isi 100 b/ 100 Formalin cair 1 liter botol
Akupuntur needle 0.30 x 40 isi 100 b/ 100 Lysol
Akupuntur needle 0.30 x 50 isi 100 b/ 100 Lysol Concentrat+ kresol tersabun 50% 1L botol
Akupuntur needle 0.30 x 60 isi 100 b/ 100 Brancard beroda/ transfer stretcher / ambulance
Akupuntur needle 0.30 x 75 isi 100 b/ 100 Brancard dorong beroda besi bh
Akupuntur needle 0.25 x 40 mm CK b/ 100 Branchard dorong beroda ss + tempat O2 bh
Akupuntur needle 0.3 x 40 mm CK b/ 100 Brancard emergency Standart set
Akupuntur needle 0.18 x 7 mm CK b/ 100 Brancard emergency Plus Standart set
Electric Akupuntur SDZ treatment lenz bh Transfer stretcher deluxe Ls-4C set
SDZ electric Akupuntur 6805 set Transfer stretcher Standart bh
Lampu TDP CQ 36 bh Plate slide bh
Kop Angin Stretcher ambulance autStandartatic Standart set
Kop Angin Kangzhu 1 x 6 b/ 6 Stretcher ambulance autStandartatic bisa duduk set
Kop Angin Kangzhu 1 x 12 b/ 12 Kursi stretcher ambulance bh
Kop Angin Kangzhu 1 x 24 b/ 24 Tandu lipat 1 A ( lipat jadi 2 ) bh
Kuping titik akupuntur bh Tandu lipat 1 C bh
Gambar Akupuntur Scoop Stretcher bh
Gambar Acupunture laki bh Meja Gynec / Meja Partus
Gambar Acupunture wanita bh Meja Periksa Gynec Standart + trap bh
Patung akupunture Gynecologi bed deluxe electric unit
Patung akupuntur 48 cm Perempuan bh Delivery bed Standart / meja partus bh
Patung akupuntur 50 cm laki bh Gynecologi bed stainless bh
Sarung tangan Surgical Non Steril Meja instrument / Meja Mayo
Microtex non steril 6.5 , psg box/ 50 psg Meja Mayo stainless bh
Microtex non steril 7 , psg box/ 50 psg Meja instrument stainless 2 rak Knock down bh
Microtex non steril 7.5 , psg box/ 50 psg Meja instrument stainless 2 rak bh
Microtex non steril 8 , psg box/ 50 psg Dressing trolly stainless + 1 laci bh
Mediglove non steril 6.5, psg box/ 50 psg Meja Periksa
Mediglove non steril 7 , psg box/ 50 psg Meja Periksa pasien deluxe besi PC bh
Mediglove non steril 7.5 , psg box/ 50 psg Meja periksa pasien stainless + trap bh
Mediglove non steril 8 , psg box/ 50 psg Meja periksa pasien stainless knock down bh
Standart Mediglove non steril 6.5, psg box/ 200 psg foot step biasa bh
Standart Mediglove non steril 7, psg box/ 200 psg foot step stainless bh
Standart Mediglove non steril 7.5, psg box/ 200 psg Standart Infus
Standart Mediglove non steril 8, psg box/ 200 psg standart infus besi bh
Sarung tangan Obgyn â panjang Standart Infus stainless kaki lima bh
Standart Obgyn psg Standart waskStandart
Sarung tangan examination Standart waskStandart single besi bh
Sensi Glove XS b/ 100 bj Standart waskStandart double besi bh
Sensi Glove S b/ 100 bj Standart waskStandart single Stainless bh
Sensi Glove M b/ 100 bj Standar waskStandart double stainless bh
Sensi Glove L b/ 100 bj Bed pasien econStandarti
Maxter exam Glove XS b/ 100 bj Bed Pasien Standart 1 crank -matras/ -pinggir set
Maxter exam Glove S b/ 100 bj Bed Pasien 1 crank type Well tanpa roda set
Maxter exam Glove M b/ 100 bj Bed Pasien Standart 2 crank ( fowler ) set
Maxter exam Glove L b/ 100 bj Guadrail Permanent HB 11( bed standart ) psg
Maxter exam Glove Pep W/ tex XS b/ 100 bj Matras / kasur decubitus
Maxter exam Glove Pep W/ tex S b/ 100 bj Matras Latex standart bh
Maxter exam Glove Pep W/ tex M b/ 100 bj Decubitus bed bh
Maxter exam Glove Pep W/ tex L b/ 100 bj Matras Latex utk 2 crank/ 3 crank bh
Maxter exam Glove Pep W/ tex XL b/ 100 bj Bed pasien fowler
Maxter exam Glove no Powder XS b/ 100 bj Bed Pasien 2 crank type Well set
Maxter exam Glove no Powder S b/ 100 bj Bed Pasien 2 crank type Husada set
Maxter exam Glove no Powder M b/ 100 bj Guadrail HB 13 psg
Maxter exam Glove no Powder L b/ 100 bj IV stand stainless utk bed pasien 2 crank bh
Sarung tangan surgical steril Bed side cabinet / overbed table
Maxter Surgical Glove steril 6, psg box/ 50 psg Bed side cabinet Standart bh
Maxter Surgical Glove steril 6.5 , psg box/ 50 psg Bedside Cabinet ABS BH
Maxter Surgical Glove steril 7, psg box/ 50 psg Overbed table bh
Maxter Surgical Glove steril 7.5, psg box/ 50 psg Screen bed pasien 2 x 90 x 180 cm / penyekat set
Maxter Surgical Glove steril 8, psg box/ 50 psg Lemari Instrument
Maxter Surgical Glove steril 8.5, psg box/ 50 psg lemari instrument 2 pintu powder Coating bh
Sarung tangan Latex / heavy duty Lemari Instrument 1 pintu PC bh
Sarung tangan industri M psg Lemari obat 1 pintu pc bh
Sarung tangan industri L psg Baby Trolly
Underpad non woven Baby Trolly Standart set
U Pad 60 x 90 Steril â 10 W/ SAP b/ 10 Baby Trolly stainless Standart bh
U Pad 60 x 90 cm â 100 W/ SAP c/ 100 Meja resusitasi bayi set
U Pad 60 x 60 cm steril â 10 b/ 10 Ranjang anak
U Pad 60 x 60 cm â 100 c/ 100 Ranjang anak 1 crank + matras set
U Pad 40 x 60 cm â 100 c/ 100 Bed pasien 3 crank
U Pad 20 x 30 cm â 200 c/ 200 Bed pasien Optima 3 crank set
Softpad Bed pasien cStandartforta 3 crank set
Soft Pad 60 x 90 cm â 100 c/ 100 Bed pasien Optima electric 3 crank set
Soft Pad 60 x 90 cm steril â 10 b/ 10
CStandartfort pad 60 x 90 cm â 100 c/ 100 Kursi roda
Apron Plastik Kursi Roda Spirit solid biru bh
Apron Plastik Disp Standart â 10 b/ 10 Kursi Roda Spirit pneu biru bh
Apron Plastik / Celemek bh Kursi Roda Spirit + Infus stand bh
Sheet plastik bh Kursi Roda Corona ban mati bh
Perlak tebal bh Kursi Roda Corona ban hidup bh
Apron PPE bh Kursi Roda Maxima heavy duty 51 cm bh
Goggle Kursi Roda Supra Pneu bh
Goggle Protective Standart Standart bh Kursi Roda Supra solid bh
kaca mata pelindung sinar dental bh Kursi Roda Optima â bisa tidur bh
Visor shield w/ plastic mask bh Kursi Roda Osaka â ringan bh
Plastic mask for visor shield isi 5 bh Kursi Roda Top One â aluminium berat 10 kg bh
Masker Surgical 3 ply Kursi Roda CStandartfort bh
Masker Surgical Standart tie on â 50 b/ 50 Kursi Roda Traveling 800 bh
Masker Surgical Standart ear loopâ 50 b/ 50 Kursi Roda Traveling SQ bh
Masker Surgical EkonStandarti tie on Standart â 50 b/ 50 Kursi Roda Ranger Power / electrik unit
Masker Surgical EkonStandarti earloop Standartâ 50 b/ 50 Kursi Shower
Face mask paper 1 ply â 50 b/ 100 Shower Chair 797 bh
Face mask paper 2 ply â 50 b/ 100 Shower Chair Deluxe bh
Masker N 95 CStandartmode Chair Deluxe bh
Masker N 95 Standart 8810 box/ 20 CStandartmode Chair dgn roda bh
Nurse cap Kruk
Nurse cap Standart â 100 b/ 100 Kruk Ketiak deluxe S ( 1 psg ) psg
Surgeon cap / Doctors cap isi 100 b/ 100 Kruk Ketiak deluxe M ( 1 psg ) psg
Surgeon hood cap â 50 b/ 50 Kruk Ketiak deluxe L ( 1 psg ) psg
Boufant cap â 100 b/ 100 Tongkat
Shoe Cover Tongkat Elbow / Siku ( 1 biji ) bh
Shoe Cover plastik â 100 b/ 100 Tongkat Pyramid A / tinggi bh
Shoe Cover Non woven antislip â 50 b/ 50 Tongkat Pyramid B / pendek bh
Dental bib Tongkat Pyramid C / lebar bh
Dental Bib isi 25 b/ 25 Tongkat dgn tempat duduk / Tripot bh
Baju operasi Non Woven Tongkat orang buta bh
Baju Operasi spunlace M steril pack Tongkat orang tua 920 bh
Baju Operasi spunlace L steril pack Tongkat orang tua lipat 927 L bh
Baju Operasi spunlace XL steril pack Tongkat orang tua 938 bh
Surgical Gown Lengkap steril M pack Soft Collar universal pcs
Surgical Gown Lengkap steril L pack Soft Collar Sepertine S / 2.5 â blue pcs
Surgical Gown Lengkap steril XL pack Soft Collar Sepertine M / 3 â blue pcs
Coverall ( tutup sampai kepala ) Soft Collar Sepertine L / 3.5 â blue pcs
Coverall Isolation M pack Semi rigid Collar pcs
Coverall Isolation L pack Arm Sling cStandartfort S pcs
Coverall Isolation XL pack Arm Sling cStandartfort M pcs
Alat Proteksi Flu burung set Arm Sling cStandartfort L pcs
isolation gown Arm Sling Advanta S pcs
Lab coat non wovenâ 10 bag/ 10 Arm Sling Advanta M pcs
Isolation gown â 10 bag/ 10 Arm Sling Advanta L pcs
Baju operasi standart Back Support S pcs
Baju Operasi M + Celana bh Back Support M pcs
Baju Operasi L + Celana bh Back Support L pcs
Baju Operasi XL + Celana bh Sacro symphisis belt M pcs
Baju OK Pasien besar bh Sacro symphisis belt L pcs
Baju OK Pasien sedang bh Tenis Elbox pcs
Linen Kamar operasi Knee support dewasa pcs
Alas meja operasi 150cm x 200 cm bh Ankle support dewasa pcs
Duk / drape 50 x 60 cm bh Night Splint R pcs
Duk / drape 60 x 90 cm bh Night Splint L pcs
Duk / drape 90 x 125 cm bh Gunting Operasi
Duk lubang belah Gunting Operasi Lurus 14 cm S/ S ( Tajam / Tajam ) buah
Duk lubang belah 50 x 60 cm bh Gunting Operasi Lurus 14 cm B/ B ( Tumpul / Tumpul ) buah
Duk lubang belah 60 x 90 cm bh Gunting Operasi Lurus 14 cm S/ B ( Tajam / Tumpul ) buah
Duk lubang belah 90 x 125 cm bh Gunting Operasi Bengkok 14 cm S/ S ( Tj / Tj ) buah
Duk lubang belah 125 x 325 cm bh Gunting Operasi Bengkok 14 cm S/ B ( Tj/ Tp ) buah
Duk Lubang bulat Gunting Operasi Bengkok 14 cm B/ B ( Tp/ Tp ) buah
Duk lubang bulat 50 x 60 cm bh Gunting Operasi Lurus 18 cm S/ S ( Tajam / Tajam ) buah
Duk lubang bulat 60 x 90 cm bh Gunting Operasi Lurus 18 cm S/ B ( Tajam / Tumpul) buah
Duk lubang bulat 90 x 125 cm bh Gunting Operasi Lurus 18 cm B/ B ( Tumpul / Tumpul) buah
Duk Persegi 50 x 50 cm bh Gunting Operasi Bengkok 18 cm S/ S ( Tajam / Tajam ) buah
Duk persegi 125 x 125 cm bh Gunting Operasi Bengkok 18 cm S/ B ( Tajam / Tumpul) buah
Sprei Ranjang Gunting Operasi Bengkok 18 cm B/ B ( Tumpul/ Tumpul) buah
Sprei fitted 90 x 200 x 15 cm bh Gunting EpisiotStandarti 14 cm buah
Sprei flat 170 x 240 cm bh Gunting tali puser 16 cm buah
Sprei Dokter 170 x 270 cm bh Gunting AJ 13 cm buah
Steik laken 70 x160 cm bh Gunting Iris lurus 11 cm buah
Sarung bantal 50 x70 cm bh Gunting iris bengkok 11 cm buah
Selimut Gunting verband 14 cm buah
Selimut Lorek bh Gunting verband 18 cm buah
Selimut dokter bh Gunting Metzembum lurus 18 cm buah
Selimut bayi bh Gunting Metzembum Bengkok 18 cm buah
Tutup / Sarung Gunting Mayo lurus 14 cm buah
Sarung Meja Mayo 50 x 90 cm bh Gunting Mayo lurus 17 cm buah
Sarung tabung O2 â 6 m 3 bh Gunting Mayo bengkok 17 cm buah
Sarung tutup meja instrument bh Handle scalpel no.3 buah
Handuk Handle scalpel no. 4 buah
Washlap 15 x 20 cm bh Pean lurus 14 cm buah
handuk tangan 40 x 80 cm bh Pean Bengkok 14 cm buah
Handuk bayi 70 x 140 cm bh Pean Kelly Lurus 14 cm buah
Bantal Pean Kelly Bengkok 14 cm buah
Bantal dacron 40 x 60 cm bh Pinset anatStandarti 14 cm buah
Jas Lab Pinset anatStandarti 18 cm buah
Jas Lab uk L bh Pinset chirugis 14 cm buah
Jas Lab uk M bh Pinset chirugis 18 cm buah
Nasal Oxygen Canula ( BesMed ) Pinset Splinter buah
Oxyflow dewasa ( nasal oxygen canula ) bh Slip sonde buah
Oxyflow anak bh Towel forceps 9 cm buah
Oxyflow Infant bh Cheatle steril forceps 27 cm buah
Oxygen Tubing 2 m bh Kocher lurus 16 cm buah
Masker oxygen ( BesMed ) Kocher lurus 14 cm buah
Maxiflow dewasa ( masker oxygen + tubing O2) bh Kocker bengkok 14 cm buah
Maxiflow Anak ( masker oxygen + tubing O2) bh Korentang 25 cm ss buah
Hi Oxygen + bag ( BesMed ) Mosquito pean lurus 12.5 cm buah
Hi Oxygen Masker dewasa bh Mosquito pean bengkok 12.5 cm buah
Hi Oxygen Masker anak bh Nald voeder / needle holder 14 cm buah
Masker tracheostStandarty ( BesMed ) Nald voeder / needle holder 18 cm buah
Masker TracheostStandarty adult with elastic strap bh Retractor volkman 2 hook , 21 cm buah
Makser TracheostStandarty ped with eleastic strap bh Obgyn Instrument / Obgyn
Resusitator ( BesMed ) Placenta forcep lurus 28 cm / tang jaringan placenta pcs
Resusitator Dewasa Silicone set Placenta forcep bengkok 28 cm / tang jaringan placenta pcs
Resusitator Anak Silicone set Kelly forceps 32 cm pcs
Resusitator Bayi Silicone set Bozemann sponge Uterine Forceps 25 cm ( tampon tang ) pcs
Resusitator Dewasa Standard set Catheter wanita Metal Fr 12 pcs
Resusitator Anak Standart set Uterine / Cervix Dilator Hegar â set 14 pcs
Resusitator Bayi standart set Curetage set sims tumpul ( 1 â 6 ) pcs
Resusitator Neonatal set Curetage Set sims tajam ( 1 â 6 ) pcs
CPR Pocket Besmed set Naegel forceps pcs
Sungkup bayi ( perinasia ) + MASKER # 00 set Pelvic meter / jangka panggul pcs
Storage case dewasa bh Sim Vaginal specula S, M, L ( 1 set ) pcs
Storage Case anak bh Sim Vaginal Kristeller ( 1 set ) pcs
Masker Resusitator ( BesMed ) Sonde Uterus pcs
Masker Resusitator silicone infant # 00 bh HysterectStandarty forcep curved 21 cm heaney pcs
Masker Resusitator silicone infant # 01 bh Tenaculum forceps/ portio klem/ Kogel tang 25 cm pcs
Masker Resusitator silicone infant # 02 bh Vaginal speculum Grave L ss pcs
Masker Resusitator silicone anak # 03 bh Vaginal speculum Grave M ss pcs
Masker Resusitator silicone dws # 04 bh Vaginal speculum Grave S ss pcs
Masker Resusitator disposible # 00 bh Laminaria S , KTK b/ 12
Masker Resusitator disposible # 01 bh Laminaria M, KTK b/ 12
Masker Resusitator disposible # 02 bh Laminaria L , KTK b/ 12
Masker Resusitator disposible # 03 bh Laminaria XL , KTK b/ 12
Masker Resusitator disposible # 04 bh KB Instrument
Masker Anesthesi ( BesMed ) IUD extractor â Pengait IUD pcs
Masker anesthesi w/ hook size 1 bh IUD removal / alat pemasang IUD pcs
Masker anesthesi w/ hook size 2 bh Trochart implant ss no. 10 pcs
Masker anesthesi w/ hook size 3 bh U klem forceps 14 cm pcs
Masker anesthesi w/ hook size 4 bh THT Instrument
Masker anesthesi w/ hook size 5 bh Aligator â ambil benda asing â Hartmann ear forceps pcs
Masker Anesthesi Silicone Aplicator â pelilit kapas pcs
Masker Anesthesi Silicone # 2 bh Cerumen hak / hak pengait pcs
Masker Anesthesi Silicone # 3 bh Cerumen hak / ring hak pcs
Masker Anesthesi Silicone # 4 bh Ear Syringe 30 cc / glycerin spuit pcs
Masker Anesthesi Silicone # 5 bh Kaca Laryng uk 2 â 4 , 5 â 8 RRC set
Breathing bag Kaca nasopharing 2 â 4 , 5 â 8 RRC set
Breathing bag rubber 0.5 L bh Lampu spiritus ss bh
Breathing bag rubber 1 L bh Pinset angular utk hidung â 16 cm bh
Breathing bag rubber 2 L bh Pinset telinga 12.5 cm bh
Breathing bag rubber 3 L bh Pinset bayonet hidung 16 cm bh
Anesthesi Breathing corrugated tube Pinset telinga angular / ear forceps 13 cm bh
Anesthesi Breathing Corrugated tube w/ 22mm bh Tong Spaltel Polos ss bh
Guedel ( BesMed ) Tong Spaltel Stainless berlubang bh
Guedel airway 40 mm disp steril ( 00) bh Speculum hidung M / Nasal specula bh
Guedel airway 50 mm disp steril ( 00) bh Speculum telinga / Ear Specula Set 3pcs SML set
Guedel airway 60 mm disp steril ( 0 ) bh Set Instrument
Guedel airway 70 mm disp steril ( 1 ) bh Minor surgery set pcs
Guedel airway 80 mm disp steril ( 2 ) bh Hecting set pcs
Guedel airway 90 mm disp steril ( 3 ) bh Vena sectio set pcs
Guedel airway 100 mm disp steril ( 4 ) bh Partus set pcs
Guedel airway 110 mm disp steril ( 5 ) bh IUD set pcs
Masker Nebulizer ( BesMed ) Curretage set pcs
Masker Nebulizer set dewasa set THT set pcs
Masker Nebulizer set anak set Bedpan
Jet nebulizer set set Bedpan Stainless buah
Head Harness Bowl sponge 12 cm buah
Head Harness ped , silicone bh CStandartb + tutup 12 cm x 6 cm buah
Head Harness adult , silicone bh Dressing jar 12 cm , tinggi 10 cm with cover buah
Corrugated tube Glycerine spuit 30 cc ss buah
Corrugeted tube ID 22 mm 100 feet bh Instrumen Bak SS â SH 508 ( 20 x 7 x 4 cm ) buah
Corrugated tube ID 15 mm 150 feet utk anak bh Instrumen Bak SS â SH 509 ( 20 x12x4.5 cm ) buah
Laryngeal airways ( LMA ) Instrumen Bak SS â SH 509 B( 24x12x6.5 cm) buah
Laryngeal airways resuable # 2.0 ( LMA ) bh Instrumen Bak SS â SH 512 ( 30 x20 x 5 cm ) buah
Laryngeal airways resuable # 2.5 ( LMA ) bh Instrumen Bak SS ( 42 x 30 x 5 cm ) buah
Laryngeal airways resuable # 3 ( LMA ) bh Instrumen Bak SS ( 45 x 30 x 10 cm ) buah
Laryngeal airways resuable # 4 ( LMA ) bh Sterilisasi box buah
Laryngeal airways resuable # 5 ( LMA ) bh Iodine cup 8 cm buah
StStandartach tube silicone Irrigator 1 lt lengkap , ss buah
StStandartach tube silicone no. 6 / 40 cm bh Irrigator 2 lt lengkap , ss buah
StStandartach tube silicone no. 8 / 120 cm bh Nierbeken 20 cm / bengkok buah
StStandartach tube silicone no. 10 / 120 cm bh Nierbeken 23 cm / bengkok buah
StStandartach tube silicone no. 12 / 120 cm bh Nierbeken 25 cm / waskStandart bengkok 25 cm buah
StStandartach tube silicone no. 14 / 120 cm bh Sputum Pot 10cm x 5 cm ss buah
StStandartach tube silicone no. 16 / 120 cm bh Stikpan Hijau buah
StStandartach tube silicone no. 18 / 120 cm bh Stikpan stainless â plata / pispot sodok buah
Intubation kit Tempat korentang 17.5 cm â ss buah
Intubation kit set ThermStandarteter Jar buah
Emergency Kit Urinal Laki stainless buah
Emergency Kit EKB-11 set Urinal perempuan ss buah
Rendon Drain ( Close Wound Vacuum drain ) WaskStandart 32 cm * buah
Rendon Drain CWV 100 cc buah WaskStandart stainless 36 cm buah
Rendon Drain CWV 150 cc buah WaskStandart stainless 40 cm , deep buah
Rendon Drain CWV 400 cc buah Plastik
Rendon Drain tubing ( CWV tube ) Urinal laki plastik buah
Rendon drain tubing 7 mm buah Urinal perempuan plastik buah
Rendon drain tubing 10 mm buah Stikplan plastik Deluxe buah
Rendon drain tubing 13 mm buah Bedpan plastik buah
Surgical Brush Steril Nierbeken plastik 20 cm buah
Surgical Brush Steril buah Verband trStandartol / dressing drum
Vacuum Cup Verban TrStandartol 8 cm x 12.5 cm â ss buah
SILICONE VACUUM SUCTION CUP XS buah Verban TrStandartol 12 cm x 12.5 cm â ss buah
SILICONE VACUUM SUCTION CUP S buah Verban TrStandartol 15 cm x 12.5 cm â ss buah
SILICONE VACUUM SUCTION CUP M buah Verban TrStandartol 18 cm x 14 cm â ss buah
Bite Block Verban TrStandartol 22 cm x 20 cm â ss buah
Bite Block medium bh Verban TrStandartol 27 cm x 22 cm â ss buah
Foley Catheter latex Gold Verban TrStandartol 30 cm x 25 cm â ss buah
Folley Catheter 2 way no. 12 , bh box/ 10 Verban TrStandartol 33 cm x 25 cm â ss buah
Folley Catheter 2 way no. 14, bh box/ 10 Verban TrStandartol 36 cm x 25 cm â ss buah
Folley Catheter 2 way no. 16, bh box/ 10 Verban TrStandartol 39 cm x 25 cm â ss buah
Folley Catheter 2 way no. 18, bh box/ 10 Blass spuit Janet 150 cc buah
Folley Catheter 2 way no. 20, bh box/ 10 Blass spuit Janet 200 cc buah
Folley Catheter 2 way no. 22, bh box/ 10 CondStandart Catheter
Folley Catheter 2 way no. 24, bh box/ 10 CodStandart Cath S , bh box/ 50
Folley Catheter 3 way no. 20, bh box/ 10 CondStandart Cath M, bh box/ 50
Folley Catheter 3 way no. 22, bh box/ 10 CondStandart Cath L, bh box/ 50
Folley Catheter 3 way no. 24, bh box/ 10 CondStandart Cath XL, bh box/ 50
Folley Catheter ped no. 6 , bh box/ 10 Female Catheter
Folley Catheter ped no. 8, bh box/ 10 Female Catheter disposible no. 12 , pcs box/ 25
Folley Catheter ped no. 10, bh box/ 10 Nelathon Cather latex steril
Kenz Nelathon Catheter Standart 8 , bh box/ 10
ECG paper Kenz 50 x 30 mt roll , p/ 10 tub Nelathon Catheter Standart 10, bh box/ 10
HP Nelathon Catheter Standart 12, bh box/ 10
CTG Paper HP 9270-0484 152x100mm, p 150 roll Nelathon Catheter Standart 14, bh box/ 10
ECG paper HP M1709 A , 210x300mm, 200p roll Nelathon Catheter Standart 16, bh box/ 10
Sunray Nelathon Catheter Standart 18, bh box/ 10
CTG paper for sunray pack Nelathon Catheter Standart 20, bh box/ 10
Marquette Urine bag
Marquette 9402-020, 214x280mm, 300 sh, pack pack Pediatric Urine Colector , pcs box/ 50
Nihon Kohden Urine bag steril 2 lt , pcs bag/ 10
NK RQS 63 3 75 , 63 x 30 mt , roll pack Urobag 2000 steril , pcs bag/ 10
NK FQS 150 2 7 90 / NST/ CTG 150x90mm, 300sh pack Fukuda medical paper
NK FQW 110-2-140, 110x140mm, 143sh pack ECG paper 50mm x 30 mt Fukuda ME original roll
EEG paper Nihon Kohden ECG paper 50mm x 30 mt Standart roll
NK FV 245-30 / 245 x 300 mm, pack 1000 sh roll Fukuda 63mm x 30mt roll -OP-119TE roll
NK FV 345-30 / 345 x 300 mm, pack 1000 sh roll Fukuda 63x100mm, 500 p, Z hold -063F30 H03 pack
Siemen Bionet
ECG paper Siemen 6174903e100e, 210Ã 300 pack ECG paper for cardiocare 210 mm x 30 m roll
Burdick CTG Paper for FC 700 pack
Burdick 007868 ( Eclipsel Le) 215 mmx280mm, 200p pack CTG Paper for FC 1400 pack
Buridick 007958, 50mm x 45 mt , roll roll Oxygen concentrator Standart, type 7F-5 Lt 2flow set
Burdick 007985, 210x300mm, 200p pack Oxypod Neonatal set
Sterilisator Meja Operasi Universal 3008 A unit
Sterilisator listrik stainless 27 cm â 250 watt unit Meja Operasi Orthopedic YS2B unit
Sterilisator listrik stainless 42 cm Smic unit Meja Operasi Electric DT 12 C unit
Sterilisator alkohol stainless 20 cm double bh Bola lampu operasi 24 v / 25 w bh
Autoclave kering ozone Stainless Electra , Standart 102 bh Lampu examination lokal Standart bh
Autoclave kering / Oven type 101 Standart bh Lampu Operasi EL 500/ 700 eagle bh
Autoclave Standart 50 liter Standart unit Bola lampu operasi EL 500/ 700 EAGLE BH
Autoclave Senoh 170 Liter unit Lampu Operasi ceiling 5 bulb L735 bh
Autoclave Senoh 280 Liter , double door unit Lampu Operasi ceiling 6 bulb + 3 type L 200 bh
Autoclave steam 400 L , double door, motorized unit Bola lampu operasi ceiling L 200 bh
Autoclave table top Steam sterilisator 2 rak 30 Lt unit Lampu Operasi Mobile 4 bulb + baterai bh
Autoclave steam sterilisator 18 L stainless bh Lampu Operasi Mobile 5 bulb bh
Autoclave steam sterilisator 18 L Aloy bh Lampu Operasi Mobile 5 bulb + baterai bh
Autoclave steam sterilisator 18 L steel PC bh Lampu Operasi mobile 4 bulb bh
Heater portable autoclave 18 L bh Lampu Phototerapy 20 W/ blue lamp bh
Heater element sterilisator 42 cm bh Lampu examination halogen Standart bh
Alat Sterilisasi UV 4 lampu , stainless bh Lampu examination halogen Lotus bh
Alat sterilisasi UV 5 lampu , stainless bh Phototeraphy bayi beroda bh
Lampu UV 30 W , utk sterilisasi bh Bola lampu Infaphil bh
Suction bayi/ anak Standart B18 unit Lampu infraphil bh
Suction portable 2000 unit Electro surgical Zeus 400 MGB unit
suction 930 D unit Electro Surgical Zeus 200 MGB unit
Suction Surgical HIVO 2 x 4 Liter unit Electrosurgical unit type UM D 3000 A unit
Suction portable AC/ DC unit Radio Frequency Generator RFD 60 unit
Surgical suction mobile Standart 23 B 2 x 2.5 L unit Electro counter 932 Standart unit
Suction Pedal unit Electrode set unit
Suction aspirator dinding VR-1L bh Nebulizer ultrasonic Standart5 buah
Suction aspirator dinding VR-W bh Neulizer CStandartpressor CM 1 buah
Wall outlet connector bh Nebulizer Ultrasonic Besmed BE 860 buah
Suction ThStandartas botol kaca 1632 bh Ultra Shortwave Diathermi Apparatus CDB1 unit
Botol suction thStandartas glass bh Ultra Shortwave Diathermi ( model baru) LTD-CD 31 unit
Botol suction thStandartas + tutup bh Lampu SWD buah
Filter suction thStandartas bh X-ray illuminator single ekonStandarti Standart bh
Vacum Extractor Finland bh X-ray illuminator double ekonStandarti Standart bh
Vacum Extractor Menox Original botol kaca bh X-ray illuminator single deluxe Standart ( + dimmer) bh
Vacum cap silicone 60 / 70 mm bh X-ray illuminator double deluxe Standart ( + dimmer) bh
Regulator Oxygen Standart bh X-ray illuminator triple deluxe Standart ( + dimmer) bh
Regulator wall + connector Standart set Tes Hamil Urine / HCG test
Regulator wall w/ o connector Standart bh Test Kehamilan Strip Standart box/ 50
Humadifier botol + tutup Standart bh Pro Hamil Test strip per strip box/ 50
Flow meter Standart set Siklus Test Kehamilan , bh box/ 25
Tabung Oxygen 6 m3 Lengkap set Siklus mini test kehamilan buah
Tabung Oxygen 1 m3 lengkap set Siklus Mid stream tes kehamilan / MS buah
Tabung Oxygen 6 m3 + isi bh Tes Kesuburan Urine / LH test
Tabung Oxygen 1.5 m 3 + isi botol Baby test ( Ovulation ) test , per box isi 5 test box
Tabung Oxygen 1 m3 + isi bh Tes Hepatitis darah
Manifold ( oxygen autoseparation control ) bh Detecto Hb S Ag Test Strip isi 10 strip box/ 10
Conector tabung oxygen central 2 x 3 bh Detecto Hb S Ag Test Strip isi 50 strip box/ 50
Troly oxygen besar bh Detecto Anti Hb S Test Strip isi 10 strip box/ 10
Troly oxygen kecil bh Detecto Anti Hb S Test Strip isi 50 strip box/ 50
Oxygen concentrator Standart, type 7F-5 Lt set Detecto HCV cassete serum , bh box/ 50
Amalgam stopper double end bh Detecto HCV cassete darah , bh box/ 50
Amalgam plugger double ended bh Test PSA
Amalgam Pistol bh PSA Cassete , bh box/ 50
Root Elevator Test Gula urine
Bein root elevator 2 mm bh Glucotest urine box Standartâ 10 b/ 10
Bein root elevator 3 mm bh Glucotest urine Standart â 50 btl/ 50
Bein root elevator 4 mm bh Tes Gula dan Protein urine
White Curved bh Glucotest + Protein urine test Standart â 50 b/ 50
Cryer root elevator Kanan bh Glucotest + Protein urine box Standart â 10 b/ 10
Cryer root elevator Kiri bh Tes Narkoba Urine
Cryer root kanan + kiri set Ampitamine Card Standart, strip box/ 50
Ekskavator double ended large bh Ampitamine test strip Standart , strip box/ 50
Ekskavator double ended small bh Methampitamine Card Standart, bh box/ 50
Boor gigi Methampitamine test strip Standart, bh box/ 50
Boor diamont high speed , set 6 pcs set Morphine Card Standart, bh box/ 50
Boor diamont Low speed , set 6 pcs set Morphine strip Standart , strip box/ 50
Burnisher THC Card Standart, bh box/ 50
Burnisher besar bh THC Strip Standart, strip box/ 50
Burnisher cabang bh Cocain Card Standart, bh box/ 50
Burnisher kecil bh Cocain Strip Standart , bh box/ 50
Lain-lain Drug Abuse Multipanel test Standart / DOA 5 pcs
Cement spatula / pengaduk cement , D/ E bh As. Sulfosalisilat 20 % 100 ML botol
Cement stopper double end bh ABO Screen tulip 5 ml set botol
Cheep blower bh Ammonia 10 % 100 ML botol
Dappen glass/ disk bh Anisol 100 ML botol
Film Dental Hansin bh Asam Acetat 6 % 100 ml botol
gunting gusi bh Asam Acetat 6 % 250 ml botol
Gunting Operasi Gusi ( Wagner ) 12 cm bh Aqua Demin Onelab 1 Liter botol
Glass plak tebal bh Aqua Demin onelab 5 liter Galon 5 lt
Hot air syringe / bus bus bh Aqua Demin onelab 20 Liter Galon 20 L
Hammer Gigi / Palu gigi bh Barium Chlorida 10 % 100 ml botol
Jarum Semprit Air â kStandartplit bh Barium Chlorida 10 % 250 ml botol
Kaca mulut + handle bh Benedict 100 ML botol
Lampu spiritus stainless bh Benedict 250 ML botol
Lampu spiritus kaca 150 ml bh Bioret 100 ML botol
Le Cron wax Carver bh Bioret 250 ML botol
Matrix band ivory bh Buffer giemsa 100 ML botol
Matrix holder bh Buffer phospat 100 ML botol
Matrix retainer ivory bh Drabskin 1 liter botol
Matrix retainer universal 5 mm bh Drabskin 500 ML botol
Pelindung Jari bh Drabskin 250 ml botol
Pengerus obat kaca bh EDTA 10 % cair 250 ml botol
Pinset gigi 16 cm bh EDTA bubuk 50 gram botol
Plastic filling instrument bh Emersion oil 250 ml botol
Scaler model half moon bh Emersion Oil 100 ML botol
Scaler pacul kanan dan kiri bh Emersion Oil 50 ML botol
Scaler single bh Emersion Oil 25 ml botol
Sonde gigi Half moon bh Eosin 2 % 100 ML botol
Model gigi + sikat bh Eosin 2 % 250 ML botol
Tang Cabut Gigi Etanol asam 100 ML botol
Tang Cabut gigi Child Molar bh Etanol asam 250 ML botol
Tang cabut gigi child radix ( 8) 567 bh Fauchet 100 ML botol
Tang Cabut Gigi dws Radix atas bh Fehling A 100 ML botol
Tang cabut gigi dws radix bawah bh Fehling B 100 ML botol
Tang Cabut Gigi dws set 12 pcs bh Giemsa 100 ML botol
Tang Cabut Gigi dws sisa molar bh Giemsa 250 ML botol
Tang Pencabut Akar gigi bawah anak bh Albumin 100 ml x 2 100 ml x 2
Tang Pencabut Geraham atas kanan bh Albumin 500 ml x 1 500 ml x 1
Tang Pencabut Gigi Geraham atas anak bh Alkaline phospatase ( ALP ) 10 ml x 10 10 ml x 10
Tang Pencabut gigi geraham bawah anak bh Alkaline phospatase ( ALP ) 50 ml x 4 50 ml x 4
Tang Pencabut Gigi Geraham Terakhir bawah bh Bilirubin total 100 ml x 2 100 ml x 2
Tang Pencabut Gigi Taring dan Seri bawah anak bh Bilirubin direc 100 ml x 2 100 ml x 2
TKF Camex bh BUN â urea 10 ml x 10 10 ml x 10
Tempat untuk alkohol ( Kappen glas ) bh BUN â urea 50 ml x 2 liquid 50 ml x 2
PKD Dental Cholesterol 10 ml x 10 10 ml x 10
Air raksa dental use 100 ml btl Cholesterol 50 ml x 4 50 ml x 4
Devitalisasi pasta Septo ( non arsen ) set Creatinin 100 ml x 2 100 ml x 2
Formokresol ( pengganti TKF ) btl Glucose 50 ml x 6 50 ml x 6
Glass Ionmer cement ( GC IX ) set Glucose 100 ml x 2 100 ml x 2
Kalsium hidroksida pasta set SGPT ( ALT ) 10ml x 10 10 ml x 10
Klorofenol kamfer menthol ( CHKM) btl SGPT ( ALT ) 50 ml x 4 50 ml x 4
Mumifying pasta N2 Univ bh SGOT ( AST ) 10 ml x 10 10 ml x 10
Semen seng fosfat serbuk & cair @ 30 gram btl SGOT ( AST ) 50 ml x 4 50 ml x 4
Silver amalgam serbuk 65 â 75 % botol Gamma GT 10 ml x 10 10 ml x 10
Spons gelatin cuibids 1 x 1 x 1cm isi 24 kotak Gamma GT 50 ml x 4 50 ml x 4
Ethyl chlorida spray botol HDL CHOLESTEROL 10 ml x 7 10 ml x 7
Eugenol 10 ml per botol btl/ 12 HDL CHOLESTEROL direct R1= 60 ml x 1
Temporary stopping fletcher serbuk & cairan btl LDL CHOLESTEROL 10 ml x 8
Dental Unit full mounted 2317 merk Sinol unit LDL CHOLESTEROL direct R1= 60 ml x 1
Reusable NIBP Cuffs Triglycerida 10 ml x 10 10 ML X 10
Bladeless BP Cuff single tube Triglycerida 100 ml x 1 100 ml x 1
Adult BP cuff buah Total Protein 100 ml x 2 100 ml x 2
Pediatric BP Cuff buah Total Protein 500 ml x 1 500 ml x 1
Infant BP Cuff buah Uric Acid 5ml x 10 5 ml x 10
Neonate BP Cuff buah Uric Acid 50 ml x 2 50 ml x 2
BP Cuff & Inflation bag single tube Control Serum 3ml x 1 21 analytes
Adult BP cuff buah Control Serum 3ml x 10 21 analytes
Pediatric BP Cuff buah Hematology analyzer OL 2100 set
Infant BP Cuff buah Hematology analyzer 3000 set
Neonate BP Cuff buah PhotStandarteter Optiva 2 set
SPO2 sensor & Ext Cable PhotStandarteter Optiva set
SPO2 sensor Adult finger clip bionet buah PhotStandarteeter Emperor 168 set
SPO2 ext cable buah PhotStandarteter BS 3000 P set
SPO2 sensor Adult finger clip Analogic buah PhotStandarteter B 200 set
SPO2 ext cable Analogic buah Urine Analyzer urit 50 set
SPO2 sensor pediatric buah Urine Analyzer urit 150 set
SPO2 sensor Infant buah Urine Analyzer urit 300 set
SPO2 sensor neonatal buah Urine Analyzer urit 500 set
SPO2 sensor disposible Microplate washer set
SP02 sensor disp adult buah Microplate reader set
SPO2 sensor disp pediatric buah Blood Glucose Monitoring SS set
SPO2 sensor disp infant buah Hemo test set
SPO2 sensor disp neonatal buah ESR set
ECG MONITOR CABLES Urine analyser Uritest 50 unit
ECG monitor cables Analogic S buah Urine analyser Uritest 150 unit
ECG monitor cable Bionet buah Urine Analyser Uritest 300 unit
Temperature Probe Reusable Urine Analyser Uritest 500 unit
Temperature Probe adult b/ 10 Hematology analyzer 3000 unit
Timer & Hand Tally Urit reagen strip 10 A btl/ 100
Timer Lab Standart bh Urit reagen strip 11 G btl/ 100
Hand Tally Counter Standart bh Urit reagen strip 13 G btl/ 100
Stopwatch Diamond bh Urine Control 10 parameter set / 2 btl set/ btl
Rak Tabung reaksi Urit Diluent 20 liter Galon
Penjepit tabung kayu bh Urit lysis 1 liter Botol
Rak Tabung reaksi kayu bh Urit detergent 20 liter Galon
Rak tabung reaksi ss à 17mm ss isi 24 bh Urit detergent 5 liter Galon
Rak tabung reaksi ss à 17mm isi 50 bh Urit Probe Detergent 100 ml Botol
Rak tabung reaksi à 17mm isi 60 bh Hemotest Hb Meter unit
Rak tabung reaksi à 12mm isi 50 bh Hemotest Hb Strip isi 25 Botol/ 25
Rak tabung reaksi à 12mm isi 90 bh Vaculab 3 ml plain box isi 100 box/ 100
Corong Kaca OneLab Vaculab 5 ml plain box isi 100 box/ 100
Corong kaca dia 4 cm bh Vaculab 10 ml plain box isi 50 box/ 50
Corong kaca dia 5 cm bh Vaculab EDTA K2 2ml box isi 100 box/ 100
Corong kaca dia 6 cm bh Vaculab EDTA K3 3 ml box isi 100 box/ 100
Corong kaca dia 7.5 cm bh Vaculab EDTA K3 5 ml box isi 100 box/ 100
Corong kaca dia 9 cm bh Vaculab ESR 2.4 ml box isi 100 box/ 100
Corong kaca dia 10 bh Vaculab Gel & Clot activator 3 ml isi 100 box/ 100
Corong kaca dia 12 cm bh Fixed Volume
Ose & pengaduk kaca Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 5 Â ¼ L bh
Ose kaca bh Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 10 Â ¼ L bh
Ose ss kawat dpt dilepas bh Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 20 Â ¼ L bh
Pengaduk kaca 15 cm bh Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 25 Â ¼ L bh
Pengadukkaca 30 cm bh Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 50 Â ¼ L bh
Pipet tetes Micropipet fix Dragon Standartvol 100 Â ¼ L bh
Pipet transfer 3 ml bâ 100 Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 200 Â ¼ L bh
Pipet transfer 5 ml bâ 100 Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 500 Â ¼ L bh
Pipet tetes panjang b/ 144 Micropipet fix Dragon Standart vol 1000 Â ¼ L bh
Pipet tetes pendek b/ 144 Adjustable Volume
Pipet Leuco / Erytro Micropipet adjust Dragon Standart vol 0.1-2.5 uL bh
Pipet Leuco asisten bh Micropipet adjust Dragon Standart vol 0.5-10 uL bh
Pipet ery asisten bh Micropipet adjust Dragon Standart vol 2-20 uL bh
Pipet capiler w/ heparin Micropipet adjust Dragon Standart vol 5-50 uL bh
Pipet capiler glass w/ heparin btl/ 200 Micropipet adjust Dragon Standart vol 10-100 uL bh
BBS Micropipet adjust Dragon Standart vol 50-200 uL bh
Rak tabung BBS stainless 10 hole bh Micropipet adjust Dragon Standart vol 200-1000 uL bh
Tabung Westegreen bh Eight Channel ( 8 )
Tabung Kahn Micropipet 8 channel 0.5 â 10 Â ¼ L bh
Tabung Kahn 12 x 75 mm PS, pcs bâ 250 Micropipet 8 channel 5 â 50 Â ¼ L bh
Tabung Kahn 12 x 75 mm Glass, pcs bâ 500 Micropipet 8 channel 50 â 300 Â ¼ L bh
Tabung Reaksi Twelve Channel ( 12 )
Tabung reaksi 16 mmx150 mm, box/ 250 box/ 250 Micropipet 12 channel 0.5 â 10 Â ¼ L bh
Transfer pipet / Maat Pipet Micropipet 12 channel 5 â 50 Â ¼ L bh
Maat pipet 0.1 ml bh Micropipet 12 channel 50 â 300 Â ¼ L bh
Maat pipet 1 ml bh Midi Plus Pipetting aid
Maat pipet 2 ml bh Midi Plus Pipetting aid 1 â 100 ml bh
Maat pipet 5 ml bh Micropipet Electronic , single chanel
Maat pipet 10 ml bh Micropipet electronic 0.2 â 10 Â ¼ L bh
Gelas Ukur Micropipet electronic 5 â 100 Â ¼ L bh
Gelas ukur 10 cc bh Micropipet electronic 50 â 1200 Â ¼ L bh
Gelas ukur 25 cc bh Micropipet tip
Gelas ukur 50 cc bh Yellow tip isi 1000 ( 10 â 200 Â ¼ L ) bâ 1000
Gelas ukur 100 cc bh Blue tip isi 1000 ( 200-1000 Â ¼ L ) bâ 1000
Gelas ukur 250 cc bh White tip isi 1000 ( 0.1 â 10 Â ¼ L ) bâ 1000
Gelas ukur 500 cc bh Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer
Erlemeyer OneLab ESR 2010 ( 2.0 ) bh
Erlemeyer 100 ml bh ESR 2010 ( 4.0 ) bh
Erlemeyer 250 ml bh Tabung ESR bh
Erlemeyer 500 ml bh Top Dispenser Dragon
Erlemeyer 1000 ml bh Top Dispenser 0.5 â 5 ml bh
Beaker gelas / Gelas Piala OneLab Top Dispenser 1 â 10 ml bh
Becker gelas 50 ml bh Top Dispenser 2.5 â 25 ml bh
Becker gelas 100 ml bh Top Dispenser 5 â 50 ml bh
Becker gelas 250 ml bh Rak Micropipet
Becker gelas 500 ml bh Rak Micropipet deluxe bh
Becker gelas 600 ml bh Model....
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