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Xi' an App-Chem Bio ( Tech) Co., Ltd.
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    Clary Sage oil

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    Clary sage is an erect, much-branched biennial or perennial herb with large, triangular to egg-shaped leaves with leaf stems. The flowers occur in pairs of axillary cymes that arise from opposite bracts to form a false whorl. The flowers are bilabiate; the upper corolla lip is purple, and the lower lip is whitish. The entire plant is hairy and has a strong odor due to an essential oil .
    Beneficial: The inflorescence of clary sage yields an essence, which is used in perfumery and distilling. The plant is also used in cooking, to flavor liqueurs and wines, and for medicinal purposes, since it has stomachic, anti-perspirant, and haemagogic properties. The genus name is derived from Latin salvere - to be saved, referring to its medicinal properties. The species name clary, from the Latin clarus, refers to clear-eye; the mucilaginous seeds - when soaked in water, were used to clear grit from the eyes .
    Geographic Distribution: Clary sage is native to southern Europe, as well as the eastern European, Caucasus, and middle Asian regions of the former U.S.S.R.
    The plant was introduced into China at the beginning of 1970s.Grow in the low mountain area in the north of Shaanxi province. The sharp distinction of temperature and the appropriate humidity and elevation in these areas are suitable for herbal growth.

    Our Clary Sage Plantation lies in Yan An, north of Xi An City,Shaanxi Province, which clary sage plant famous for it's sweet-scent and high content.

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