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APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
 Sell:Digester Biogas ( Biogas Reactor) BD 5000 L  Sell:Digester Biogas BD 3000 L ( Biogas Digester)  Sell:Genset Biogas ( Bio Elektrik Generator) BG 2500 W  Sell:Genset Biogas ( Bio Elektrik ) BG 1000W  Products Catalog:Alat Uji Pupuk NPK   Digital Tester  Products Catalog:Pupuk Formula Spesifik Tanaman  Sell:Mineral Penggembur [ Bulking Agent ] [ GP 2]  Products Catalog:Pupuk Organik Kompos Granul  Sell:Mesin Pupuk Organik Granul  Products Catalog:Mesin Olah Sampah Menjadi Kompos Rotary Klin Elektrik RKE 1000 L  Products Catalog:Pupuk Kompos [ Organic Compost ] Green Phoskko® ( GP 3)  Products Catalog:Pupuk Organik Green Phoskko® Compost  Products Catalog:Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE 100L  Products Catalog:Pupuk Kompos Organik Cair ( PKC) Gramafert®  Products Catalog:Pupuk Spesifik Tanaman Gramafix® Sawit  Sell:Mikroba Pengurai ( 20 Pack Compost Activator ) Kompos Green Phoskko® ( GP 1)  Products Catalog:Pupuk Gramalet    Complete Compound Fertilizer Flexible Formula  Products Catalog:Alat Test Iodium   Digital Terter  Products Catalog:Hamlet    Pupuk Multihara Lengkap  Products Catalog:Super GP 20   Pupuk Phosphate Granular  Products Catalog:Pamafert   NPK Tablet Lepas Terkendali  Products Catalog:Hanjuang   Pupuk NPK Tablet Multihara  Products Catalog:Bintang Palagung   Pupuk Multihara Lengkap  Products Catalog:SuburIn   Pupuk Majemuk Lengkap Tablet  Products Catalog:PMF   Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali  Products Catalog:A Plus   Pupuk Majemuk lengkap Tablet  Products Catalog:Unggul    Pupuk Multihara Lengkap Tablet  Products Catalog:Urea Tablet ( Nitrogen 46 % ) 
APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
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Mr. Sonson Garsoni, [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Y!: sonsongarsoni 
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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
Jl Pungkur 115 B
Bandung West Java 40251, Jawa Barat
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Digester Biogas BD 3000 L ( Biogas Digester)[May. 13, 2011 19:50:25]
PriceRp.9.950.000,- ( Free on truck pabrik Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityPer 1 unit
Pack. & DeliveryPalet Kayu
Problematic garbage and waste in line with increasing population requires proper management, one for the type of organic waste decomposed ( decomposition) in anaerobic in airtight conditions or without oxygen through a process of fermentation.

The fermentation process in an airtight condition, without oxygen, with temperatures in the range of 30 degrees Celsius, will produce CO2 and methane ( CH4) , which is best used as fuel or converted heat generator special modification ( Bio Electric) into electrical energy. Meanwhile, the sludge remaining decomposition process ( slurry) form a solid material and liquid after the fermentation process will be an organic compost fertilizer for land improvement and growth of microbial environment around the plant.

Biogas is gas produced by anaerobic activity or fermentation of organic materials including human and animal waste, domestic waste ( household) , which easily decompose waste ( biodegradable) or any other organic wastes are easily decomposed ( biodegradable) in anaerobic conditions . The main content of the biogas is methane ( CH4) and carbon dioxide ( CO2) as well as small amounts of H2S, H2, O2 and N2.

The benefits of waste management through a process of anaerobic or biogas are:

• reducing the use of other fuels ( kerosene, wood, etc.) by the household or community,

• generate residual sludge biogas energy generation process as a liquid and solid organic fertilizer as a byproduct of high-quality,

• be a good method of processing waste, have economic incentives, and reduce waste disposal to the environment ( water flow / river) ,

• improve air quality by reducing smoke and the number carbodioksida resulting from the burning fuel oil / wood,

• relatively low cost in installation and become a profitable investment in the long term

Biogas as a result of a process of fermentation of different organic materials ( all materials derived from living things) is a new renewable energy sources ( renuwable energy) that can be obtained at reasonable cost by processing the raw materials for free.

The gas formed in the tube-tight ( without oxygen) Biogas Digester BD 3000L made of fiber glass resin eternally 2504, this type of mat Wr 200 ( woven mat) and mat 300 ( random) , the thickness of 3-5 mm, able to ferment 3 m3 per cycle and give the condition of temperature at 30 degrees Celsius ( C) . Trash and other organic materials can be continuously added to the intake hole, and will be parsed by anaerobic bacteria Phoskko Green ( GP-7) , only 5 to 7 days has started to release methane gas ( CH4) and stored at the top of the tube ( gas holder) .

Capacity 3 m3 of material inputs plus 1 m3 gas holder, has the Dimension ( diameter 161 cm, height 150 cm) , will last until over 10 years to 20 years old and able to withstand the pressure of the gas produced 5 kg / cm2. Produced by biodegradable ( complete knock down / CKD) complete with the installation of gas pipes, stove manufacturer standards and supporting equipment for the utilization of methane gas as an environmentally friendly fuel.
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