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Alam Semesta Abadi

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Alam Semesta Abadi
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Company Contact
Name:Mr. Oktodinata Wibisono [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
Instant Messaging:
Google Talk:  asastones@gmail.com  asastones@gmail.com
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Oktodinata Wibisono at Surabaya
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Oktodinata Wibisono at Surabaya
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Oktodinata Wibisono at Surabaya
Address:jln Raya Trosobo 41A
Surabaya 60229, Jawa Timur
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Mar. 30, 2008
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Construction & Real Estate category

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Company Brief

Supplier of natural stones ( Pebble, Gravel & Mozaik)

ASASTONES was established in Indonesia in 2005 as a Supplier of Pabble stones, gravels, mosaic and other natural stone according to the customer needs.

Our mission is to provide stones that are stylish, affordable and innovative in design and to sell a lifestyle rather than just a product at all cost.

ASASTONES has a warehouse in Trosobo and Mojosari, in the East Java province, which services the UK, Turkâ € ™ s, US, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore markets. We also provide to our customers with on time delivery programme which is backed up by our warehouse stock. ASA is committed to helping you to retain your strength in business as an independent wholesaler or retailer.

This year ASASTONES celebrates two Years in business. We have already built up quite a reputation in the natural stone and mosaic trade. From an initial offer of just one type of stone two years ago, today we offer our customers up to10 or more types of stone from various islands in Indonesia and mosaic with the highest quality of which we are most proud.

The integrity we have built up in the last two years and our strong reputation for innovative designs in mosaic remains very close to our hearts. We pride ourselves on creating unique natural mosaic designs. Each of our stone has itâ € ™ s own very distinctive personality thereby allowing us to satisfy the needs of a wide spectrum of consumers. We are constantly designing new mosaic design to offer the lifestyle conscious, better informed and more intellectually affluent consumer.

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