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Asri Prima Persada

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Asri Prima Persada
Asri Prima Persada
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mrs. Ratih Larasanty Suarno [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: larasanty_ratih16@yahoo.co.id 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Ratih Larasanty Suarno at South Jakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Ratih Larasanty Suarno at South Jakarta
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. Ratih Larasanty Suarno at South Jakarta
South Jakarta 12770, Jakarta
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jul. 22, 2009
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Mineral, Metals & Materials category

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Company Brief

Herefore Asri Prima Persada ( NPWP 02.707.436.8-322.000) .
Asri Prima Persada was established in 2007.
The commitment to quality, service, reputation, and reliability has been the driving force behind this growth.

With that commitment and our experience, we strongly believe in our capability to manufacture high quality material wood, wooden pallets, wooden boxes, wooden crates, haspel, heat treatment facility, skid for both the local and overseas market.


Primary Business Address
JL. Pengadegan Utara No 7 ( Depot AM 21) Pancoran, Jak-Sel, 12770
Phone 021 996 241 97
Fax 0218473605
HP 0819 7711 2555 / 0852 8448 4000
e-mail asriprimapersada@ yahoo.com
website www.asriprimapersada.indonetwork.net

Bank Account
Niaga Bank 109 01 00154 008
CV. Asri Prima Persada

Limited Industrial Komplek PUSKOPAU
Hankam street, Pondok Gede, Bekasi â € “ West Java, Indonesia
Phone 02184971907
Fax 02184971706

Pamarican District, Banjar, West Java, Indonesia
Batang, Central Java, Indonesia
Lampung, Sumatera, Indonesia

The above explanation is a brief exposition on Asri Prima Persada. If you would like a quote or have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us.

Best Regard,
Ratih Larasanty Suarno
Asri Prima Persada

Major Products / Services
  • Wood Product
    we produce material wood, wooden pallets, wooden boxes, wooden crates, haspel, heat treatment facility, skid for both the local and overseas market.

    If you would like a quote or have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us.


    Primary Business Address
    JL. Pengadegan Utara No 7 ( Depot AM 21) Pancoran, Jak-Sel, 12770
    Phone 021 996 241 97
    Fax 021 8473 605
    HP 0819 7711 2555 / 0852 8448 4000
    e-mail asriprimapersada@yahoo.com
    website www.asriprimapersada.indonetwork.net

    Bank Account
    Niaga Bank 109 01 00154 008
    CV. Asri Prima Persada

    Limited Industrial Komplek PUSKOPAU
    Hankam street, Pondok Gede, Bekasi – West Java, Indonesia
    Phone 021 8497 1907
    Fax 021 8497 1706

    Pamarican District, Banjar, West Java, Indonesia
    Batang, Central Java, Indonesia
    Lampung, Sumatera, Indonesia

    The above explanation is a brief exposition on CV. Asri Prima Persada. If you would like a quote or have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us.

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