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Avidia Technology Co., Ltd

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Avidia Technology Co.,  Ltd
Avidia Technology Co., Ltd
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Ms. Sandy Chang [Sales]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: sales@avidia.com.tw sales@avidia.com.tw
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Sandy Chang at Taiwan
Address:Taiwan Taoyuan
Taiwan, Tao Yuan
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Dec. 1, 2011
Business Nature:Trade, Service of Electronics & Electrical category

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Company Brief

Avidia Technology specialized in TFT LCD panels.

We are the premier screen provider for notebook, industrial grade, car vedio and digital frame panels. Our customers are world wide factories, repair centers and wholesalers world wide.

Avidia Technology provides all brand-new LCD panels. Each screen that entered our warehouse will be examined and tested by our professional QC staffs. And all panels will be separated to different grades.

With an excellent professional team and high-yield plant, Avidia will be able to meet customers in â quantityâ and â qualityâ needs under the principle of reasonable prices and quick delivery.

Please refer to our latest offering list.

AUO 7 " C070FW01 V.1
AUO 7 " C070VW03 V.0
AUO 8 " A080SN01 V.0
AUO 8 " A080SN01 V.5
AUO 8.4 " G084SN03 V.1
AUO 8.5 " A085FW01 V.5
AUO 8.9 " A089SW01 V.0
AUO 8.9 " B089AW01 V.1
AUO 8.9 " B089AW01 V.3
HSD 8.9 " HSD089IFW1-A
HSD 8.9 " HSD089IFW1-B
LG 9.7 " LP097X02-SLA3
HSD 10 " HSD100IFW1-A04
HSD 10 " HSD100IFW1-F01
AUO 10.1 " B101AW01 V.0 5A
AUO 10.1 " B101AW01 V.1 0A
AUO 10.1 " B101AW03 V.0
AUO 10.1 " B101AW03 V.1
AUO 10.1 " B101AW06 V.0
AUO 10.1 " B101AW06 V.1
AUO 10.1 " B101EW01 V.0
AUO 10.1 " B101EW02 V.0
CPT 10.1 " CLAA101NB01
CPT 10.1 " CLAA101WA01A
HSD 10.1 " HSD101PFW2-A00
HSD 10.1 " HSD101PFW2-B00
HSD 10.1 " HSD101PFW2-B01
LG 10.1 " LP101WS1-TLA2
CMO 10.1 " N101L6-L0D
AUO 10.2 " A102VW01 V.7
Innolux 10.2 " AT102TN43
CPT 10.2 " CLAA102NA0ACG
CPT 10.2 " CLAA102NA0ACW
AUO 10.4 " G104SN02 V.0
AUO 13.3 " B133XW02 V.0
AUO 13.3 " B133XW02 V.1
AUO 13.3 " B133XW03 V.0
AUO 13.3 " B133XW03 V.1
AUO 13.3 " B133XW03 V.2
AUO 13.3 " B133XW03 V.3
AUO 13.3 " B133XW04 V.0
AUO 13.3 " B133XW04 V.2
CMO 13.4 " N134B6-L02
AUO 14 " B140XW01 V.0
AUO 14 " B140XW01 V.6
AUO 14 " B140XW01 V.8 for HP
AUO 14 " B140XW01 V.9 for HP
AUO 14 " B140XW02 V.1
AUO 14 " B140XW02 V.2
AUO 14 " B140XW03 V.0
AUO 14 " B140XW03 V.1
AUO 14 " B140RW01 V.0
AUO 14 " B140RW01 V.2
AUO 14 " B140RW02 V.0
AUO 14 " B140RW02 V.1
AUO 14 " B140RW03 V.1
CPT 14 " CLAA140WA01A
CPT 14 " CLAA140WB01A
AUO 14.1 " B141EW05 V.3
AUO 14.1 " B141EW05 V.4
AUO 14.1 " B141PW01 V.2
AUO 14.1 " B141PW01 V.4
AUO 14.1 " B141PW03 V.0
AUO 14.1 " B141PW04 V.0
AUO 14.1 " B141XG05 V.0
AUO 14.1 " B141XN04 V.2
LG 15 " LP150X08-TLA1
LG 15 " LP150X09-B5 for HP
LG 15 " LP150X09-B5K8 for HP
SHARP 15 " LQ150F1LA03
SHARP 15 " LQ150X1LCD3
AUO 15 " M150X5-L01
AUO 15.4 " B154EW01 V.8
AUO 15.4 " B154EW01 V.9
AUO 15.4 " B154EW02 V.0
AUO 15.4 " B154EW02 V.2
AUO 15.4 " B154EW02 V.3
AUO 15.4 " B154EW02 V.6
AUO 15.4 " B154EW02 V.6
AUO 15.4 " B154EW02 V.7
AUO 15.4 " B154EW04 V.2 for HP
AUO 15.4 " B154EW04 V.7
CPT 15.4 " CLAA154WB08 for Dell
CPT 15.4 " CLAA154WB08A for Dell
CPT 15.4 " CLAA154WB08AN
SAMSUNG 15.4 " LTN154AT01-B01
SAMSUNG 15.4 " LTN1 54AT07-201
SAMSUNG 15.4 " LTN154AT07-B04
LG 15.4 " LP154W01-TLA1
LG 15.4 " LP15 4W01-TLA2
LG 15.4 " LP154W01-TLH1
LG 15.4 " LP154WP4-TLA1
LG 15.4 " LP154WX2-TL 01
LG 15.4 " LP154WX4-TLB4
LG 15.4 " LP154WX4-TLCB for HP
AUO 15.6 " B156HW01 V.0
AUO 15.6 " B156HW01 V.1
AUO 15.6 " B156HW01 V.4
AUO 15.6 " B156HW01 V.5
AUO 15.6 " B156HW01 V.7
AUO 15.6 " B156HW02 V.1
AUO 15.6 " B156RW01 V.0
AUO 15.6 " B156RW01 V.1
AUO 15.6 " B156XW01 V.0
AUO 15.6 " B156XW01 V.1
AUO 15.6 " B156XW02 V.6
AUO 15.6 " B156XW03 V.1
AUO 15.6 " B156XW03 V.2
AUO 15.6 " B156XW04 V.0
AUO 15.6 " B156XW04 V.1
AUO 15.6 " B156XW04 V.5
CPT 15.6 " CLAA156WA01A
CPT 15.6 " CLAA156WA11A
CPT 15.6 CLAA156WB11A
LG 15 .6 " LP156WH1-TLC1 for HP
LG 15.6 LP156WH1-TLD1
LG 15.6 " LP156WH2-TLE1 for HP
LG 15.6 " LP156WH3-TLA2 for HP
SAMSUNG 15.6 " LTN156AT01
SAMSUNG 15.6 " LTN156AT02
SAMSUNG 15.6 " L TN156AT05
AUO 17.3 " B173RW01 V.0
AUO 17.3 " B173RW01 V.1
AUO 17.3 " B173RW01 V.2
CPT 17.3 " CLAA173UA01A
LG 17.1 " LP171WX2-TLB2
LG 17.1 " LP171WU1-TLA2
LG 17.3 " LP173WD1-TLA1 for HP
LG 17.3 " LP173WD1-TLC2
LG 17.3 " LP173WD1-TLN4 for HP
LG 17.3 " LP173WF1-TLC1 for HP
SAMSUNG 17.3 " LTN173KT01-W01
CMO 17.3 " N173O6-L02 C1
SAMSUNG 18.4 " LTN184KT01
CMO 18.4 " N184H3-L02 C1
CMO 18.4 " N184H6-L02 C1

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