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Lurik Troso

Lurik Troso
Kain Lurik Troso dibuat dari benang katun misris pilihan yang ditenun secara cermat dan teliti oleh para pengerajin di desa Troso, Jepara dengan menggunakan alat tenun tradisional. Proses pewarnaan dimulai dari benang, sehingga warna kain depan dan belakang adalah sama. Corak tenun membentuk garis vertikal dengan variasi warna yang sangat menawan dan dikombinasikan dengan benang Dolby sehingga memberikan kesan mewah dan elegan. Cocok untuk bahan pakaian kantor, kondangan, pejabat, busana pria dan wanita, dan aplikasi lainnya.

Lurik Troso Fabrics made from cotton yarn misris options carefully and thoroughly woven by craftsmen in the village Troso, Jepara using a traditional loom. Coloring process begins from the yarn, so the fabric color front and rear are the same. The style of weaving to form a vertical line with a very attractive color variations, and combined with Dolby yarn that gives the impression of luxury and elegance. Suitable for office clothing materials, invitation, officials, men and women's clothing, and other applications.

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  • Lurik Troso Dolby F1

    Lurik Troso Dolby F1

    Rp 45.000/Meter

    Code: LTDF-01
    Material: Cotton.
    Width: 103 cm
    Weight: 0, 5 kg / 2 m

    Purchase cloth Troso Lurik at least 2, 5 meters per piece. Goods will be sent after payment is received, ....

  • Lurik Troso Dolby F2

    Lurik Troso Dolby F2

    Rp 45.000/Meter

    Code: LTDF-02.
    Material: Cotton.
    Width: 103 cm
    Weight: 0, 5 kg / 2m

    Purchase cloth Troso Lurik at least 2, 5 meters per piece. Goods will be sent after payment is received, ....

  • Lurik Troso Dolby F3

    Lurik Troso Dolby F3

    Rp 45.000/Meter

    Code: LTDF-03.
    Material: Cotton.
    Width: 103 cm
    Weight: 0, 5 kg / 2m

    Purchase cloth Troso Lurik at least 2, 5 meters per piece. Goods will be sent after payment is received, ....

  • Lurik Troso Dolby F4

    Lurik Troso Dolby F4

    Rp 45.000/Meter

    Code: LTDF-04.
    Material: Cotton.
    Width: 103 cm
    Weight: 0, 5 kg / 2m

    Purchase cloth Troso Lurik at least 2, 5 meters per piece. Goods will be sent after payment is received, ....

  • Lurik Troso Dolby K1

    Lurik Troso Dolby K1

    Rp 54.000/Meter

    Code: LTDK-01.
    Material: Cotton.
    Width: 103 cm
    Weight: 0, 5 kg / 2m

    Purchase cloth Troso Lurik at least 2, 5 meters per piece. Goods will be sent after payment is received, ....

  • Lurik Troso Dolby K2

    Lurik Troso Dolby K2

    Rp 54.000/Meter

    Code: LTDK-02.
    Material: Cotton.
    Width: 103 cm
    Weight: 0, 5 kg / 2m

    Purchase cloth Troso Lurik at least 2, 5 meters per piece. Goods will be sent after payment is received, ....

  • Lurik Troso Dolby K3

    Lurik Troso Dolby K3

    Rp 54.000/Meter

    Code: LTDK-03.
    Material: Cotton.
    Width: 103 cm
    Weight: 0, 5 kg / 2m

    Purchase cloth Troso Lurik at least 2, 5 meters per piece. Goods will be sent after payment is received, ....

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