Free Member
Beringin Putih

Free Member
Registration Date:
Dec. 26, 2011
Last Updated:
Dec. 16, 2015
Business Nature:
Manufacturing, Trade of Agriculture category
Company Brief
Located at Parung, West Java. It well known as one of Indonesia Central
location for fisheries and plants. This strategic location gives
reasons for us to be partner for people who involve in agricultural
Not only professional services, Beringin Putih offers and gives
quality, interesting products and useful for your life. Our products
have been distributed and used by customer in many areas such as :
abepura, samarinda, poso, subang, ngawi, medan, bandung, semarang,
bekasi, jakarta, denpasar, karang asem, palembang, morowali, tegal

Our Competitives Products are :

Using Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant ( AGPI)
Formula. Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant ( AGPI)
invented by Prof. Dr Lukman Gunarto, Msi

Achievement AGPI Formula :

a. The Only One Biological & Organic Formula in Asia that fulfilled
International Standard

b. Sertification from World Control Union, Head Quarter in
Netherland. This Sertification needed for Agricultural and
Plantation Harvest Export to Europe Country

c. MDG' s United Nation Organization Sertification as technology
saving environment in Asia Pasifik

Bio Mikro not only as liquid biological fertilizer but also supplement
using AGPI formula, consists of probiotic microba and hormone to
increase harvest quality and quantity. Available in 4 package for its
specific purposes ;
Bio Mikro Ternak, Bio Mikro Cane, Bio Mikro Tambak and Bio
Mikro Tani


Apply to plantation, farming, fisheries, mining revegetation