Tempat Sampah Terpilah ( TST) Berseka® Classified Trash Bin [ C ][Sep. 27, 2010 23:20:07]
BerSeka® Classified Trash Bin C made by fiber resin caps 6 gallons equal to 25 liter and 2 mm iron brackets frame with the width= 2, 2 cm that hard and stong to be placed in kitchen, garden or office. PLT dimensional framework of iron = ( 35 x 69 x 44) cm and the dimensions of the tube ( diameter = 36 cm above and below d = 27, height = 34 cm) 6-gallon capacity equivalent 25 liters, Delivery can be summarized as a parsed ( knock down) , the distance between spaces can also be shifted to facilitate the replacement of container with some measure if the customer wants to replace it with a container available in the market.