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Name:Mr. Denny [Marketing]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: lazuardi.denny@yahoo.co.id 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Denny at sukabumi
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Denny at sukabumi
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Denny at sukabumi
Address:Jl. Raya Parung Kuda, Bojongkokosan, sukabumi
sukabumi 17520, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Mar. 8, 2011
Business Nature:Service of Transportation category

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Company Brief



In the beginning, since 2006 the company was working with CV. Bumen Jaya

Independent, in terms of investment and procurement of vehicles. PT. Morning Star Transport

started independently operational since 2011 with main business expedition

land transport / Trucking and is an independent company, in the sense of the word

that the company is not an entity affiliated or not a

subsidiary of the group, but purely an operating company


Speed, Accuracy and Security of goods arrive at their destination is

is Our Priority

Was founded by young professionals who are experienced in handling cargo

Service to all over Indonesia, especially East Indonesian Site Area Support,

Distribution, Warehouse, Freight Forwarding, Logistic and Transport.

The main business of PT. Morning Star Transportation is a Logistic and Transport

Company, particularly services and Container Trucking, Manager of Operations

Trucking and container companies that tersistematis of the personnel is very
competent and productive in their performance. Experienced and committed to meet the demands of clients who apply' ' ' ' Supply Chain Management System Inventory Management System and' ' All' ' in today' s modern industry

Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, East Nusa Tenggara, ETC.
Pioneers In Between Bandar Utama Indonesia.
Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Pontianak, Pangkal Bun, Samarinda, Tarakan, Palangkaraya, Cape Redep, Makasar, Medan, Pekanbaru, Tj. Pinang, Dumai, Batam, Palu, Manado, Poso, Kendari, Bau-Bau, Gorontalo, Ambon, Tual, Ternate, Sorong, Fak-Fak, Biak, Jayapura, Timika, Merauke, etc..

Most industries and logistics providers ( FDI) in Indonesia, has mengimplemantisikan Supply Chain Management ( SCM) system for improving sales distribution, and Zero Inventory Management ( ZIP / ZIM) system to reduce the cost of warehousing, ranging from warehouse rental, labor, electricity , depreciation of quality during storage and other costs. In fact, in implemantasikan system can not run as expected, due to the complexity of the problems in controlling lead time ( Days of Supply / Dos) .

Many factors affect the successful implementation of SCM and ZIP / ZIM. One important factor is transportation, both Land and Sea, for transportation depends by many factors beyond the control of the company. Land Transportation In Indonesia, especially Trucking is still the main choice, because it is relatively still available. Likewise for the Maritime Transport is still a Dominant for the Site in remote areas. Thus, for now still difficult to obtain Trucking services that can support the implementation of SCM and ZIP / ZIM, especially to the work area outside Java with experience in handling Trucking / Container and Distribution, as well as knowledge about the system that applied to Logistics Management. Several important factors can affect performance, we hereby identified based on experience in dealing with land transportation ( Truck / Container) especially for the region of Sumatra in particular which can inhibit the target service, including:

I. Internal Factor ( predictable)
a. Truck Condition / Shipping Condition.
b. Driver Management.
c. Un-Loading Loading Management.
II. External Factor ( predictable)
a. Street Condition.
b. Criminal.
III. Unpredictable Case.
a. Accident.
b. Traffic Jam.
c. Vehicle breakdown on the street.
d. Force Majure.
e. Loading & Unloading Realization.
To overcome this, we already have a Standard Operating Procedure, except for cases - cases that are categorized as a true force majure - really beyond our capabilities.

A. Standard Truck & Driver Procedure
1. Truck or container to be used have been in good condition, and has been inspected by our technicians, according to our SOP garage.
2. Our drivers are equipped with ID Card, obviously recorded in the management and neatly dressed.
3. Each truck is represented by 2 people ( drivers and helpers)

B. Loading Procedure
1. On Time Schedule 1 x 24 Hours.
2 x 24 hour standby.
Implementation of load can be carried out every weekday, except on Peak season can be done on holidays.
2. All goods are transported in Ansuransikan by the Client.

3. Truck load delivered to the client request is accompanied by krani with the task:
a. Report to the officer that the truck had been loaded in place ready for loading.
b. Calculate and record the number and condition of goods loaded, make and sign the document - the document version of the client.

4. Recording the number and condition of the goods are loaded, done only when the goods go up truck or Conteiner.

5. Minutes Form Load contain:
a. Information client.
b. Information Truck / Conteiner.
c. The name, specifications, number and condition of the goods are loaded.
d. Signature krani, Driver, Officer load / Responsible Warehouse.

C. Unloading Procedure.
1. 24 Hours prior to unloading, we will inform the recipient, so that everything can be prepared.
2. Each unloading cargo, PT. Morning Star Transportation will send krani / driver on duty:
a. Report to the officer that the truck was unloading in place ready to be dismantled.
b. Calculate and record the number and condition of the goods being unloaded, make and sign the document - the document in accordance with procedures adopted by the client.
3. Recording the number and condition of the goods are unloaded, only when the goods are carried down from the truck or Conteiner ( not after the goods are brought into the warehouse)
4. Form contains the minutes of unloading:
a. Information client.
b. Information and Conteiner truck.
c. The name, specifications, number and condition of the goods are loaded.
d. Signature of clerks, drivers, loading Officer / Responsible
5. The damage that occurred during pemindahaan goods from truck or container to
warehouse, is not the responsibility of PT. Morning Star Transport
6.Dokumen - cargo documents should be returned to the sender, we will leave no later than 5-7 business days, after the goods are unloaded at the destination.

To avoid things - things that are not desirable, and can harm both parties have prepared a joint agreement between PT. Morning Star Transport, Client and the Insurance Claim Procedure in determining.

1. Each truck / Drivers are required to report to the Pit Stop predetermined destination along the road.
2. The position of the last truck, it can be seen each at 10: 00 pm and 15: 00 pm, by contacting the head office of PT. Morning Star Transport
3. In the event of operational constraints in the vehicle, traveling in case of replacement or Striping Container truck, we will inform the client with the following conditions:
a. Data - Data Truck / Driver and replacement.
b. No. Document version of the client.
c. The scene.
d. The reason for replacement.

1. Trucks

Vehicle Type
Vehicle Capacity
Vehicle Volume
Vehicle Length
1. CDE 2 Tons 8-10 M Â ³ 3.5 Meters
2. CDD 4.5 Tons 10-12 M Â ³ 4 Meters
3. Engkel Fuso Box 8 Tons 20-30 M Â ³ 6-7 Meters
4. Tronton Fuso Box 15 Tons 35-42 M Â ³ 7-8 Meters
5. Built Up Wing Box 17-20 Tons 40-45 M Â ³ 9.5 Meters

2. System Operation and Administration
à ˜ Trip Management
à ˜ Order Management
à ˜ Truck Management ( Sub-Contract & Driver Management)
à ˜ Pool Management
3. Finance & Accounting System.
4. Inventory & Maintenance Management.
5. Developing:
à ˜ On Line System for Trucking & Ordering
à ˜ Self Trucking
à ˜ Logistic, and Cargo
à ˜ Export and Import Document Handling, Custom Clearence
6. Network and Pit Stop.
à ˜ Restaurants networking on Lintas Sumatra ( Lampung to Medan)
à ˜ Handling unpredictable case and maintain security Their Location
à ˜ Work Tire repair shop and networking
à ˜ Area Networking partner in Sumatra and Indonesian expecially Man action expecially East Area.
à ˜ Truck suppliers and partners ( Sub contract)
à ˜ Spare parts suppliers.
à ˜ Good skills and experience Driver Specialist Area.
à ˜ Good knowledge and seasons Traffic at Sumatra Land.
7. Shipping Support Partner.
à ˜ Tempuran Mas.
à ˜ Meratus
à ˜ Tanto Intim Line.
à ˜ Djakarta Lloyd.
à ˜ Arta Ocean Service.
à ˜ Etc.
8. Partner Support and Financial.
à ˜ Leasing Company.
à ˜ Banks and Investors.
à ˜ Insurance Company



Vehicle Type
Number of Units
1. CDE 15 Units
2. Unit 45 CDD
3. Engkel Fuso Box 15 Unit
4. Tronton Fuso Box 5 Units
5. Built Up Wing Box 20 Unit



In the beginning, since 2006 the company was working with CV. Bumen Jaya

Independent, in terms of investment and procurement of vehicles. PT. Morning Star Transport

started independently operational since 2011 with main business expedition

land transport / Trucking and is an independent company, in the sense of the word

that the company is not an entity affiliated or not a

subsidiary of the group, but purely an operating company


Speed, Accuracy and Security of goods arrive at their destination is

is Our Priority

Was founded by young professionals who are experienced in handling cargo

Service to all over Indonesia, especially East Indonesian Site Area Support,

Distribution, Warehouse, Freight Forwarding, Logistic and Transport.

The main business of PT. Morning Star Transportation is a Logistic and Transport

Company, particularly services and Container Trucking, Manager of Operations

Trucking and container companies that tersistematis of the personnel is very
competent and productive in their performance. Experienced and committed to meet the demands of clients who apply' ' ' ' Supply Chain Management System Inventory Management System and' ' All' ' in today' s modern industry

Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, East Nusa Tenggara, ETC.
Pioneers In Between Bandar Utama Indonesia.
Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Pontianak, Pangkal Bun, Samarinda, Tarakan, Palangkaraya, Cape Redep, Makasar, Medan, Pekanbaru, Tj. Pinang, Dumai, Batam, Palu, Manado, Poso, Kendari, Bau-Bau, Gorontalo, Ambon, Tual, Ternate, Sorong, Fak-Fak, Biak, Jayapura, Timika, Merauke, etc..

Most industries and logistics providers ( FDI) in Indonesia, has mengimplemantisikan Supply Chain Management ( SCM) system for improving sales distribution, and Zero Inventory Management ( ZIP / ZIM) system to reduce the cost of warehousing, ranging from warehouse rental, labor, electricity , depreciation of quality during storage and other costs. In fact, in implemantasikan system can not run as expected, due to the complexity of the problems in controlling lead time ( Days of Supply / Dos) .

Many factors affect the successful implementation of SCM and ZIP / ZIM. One important factor is transportation, both Land and Sea, for transportation depends by many factors beyond the control of the company. Land Transportation In Indonesia, especially Trucking is still the main choice, because it is relatively still available. Likewise for the Maritime Transport is still a Dominant for the Site in remote areas. Thus, for now still difficult to obtain Trucking services that can support the implementation of SCM and ZIP / ZIM, especially to the work area outside Java with experience in handling Trucking / Container and Distribution, as well as knowledge about the system that applied to Logistics Management. Several important factors can affect performance, we hereby identified based on experience in dealing with land transportation ( Truck / Container) especially for the region of Sumatra in particular which can inhibit the target service, including:

I. Internal Factor ( predictable)
a. Truck Condition / Shipping Condition.
b. Driver Management.
c. Un-Loading Loading Management.
II. External Factor ( predictable)
a. Street Condition.
b. Criminal.
III. Unpredictable Case.
a. Accident.
b. Traffic Jam.
c. Vehicle breakdown on the street.
d. Force Majure.
e. Loading & Unloading Realization.
To overcome this, we already have a Standard Operating Procedure, except for cases - cases that are categorized as a true force majure - really beyond our capabilities.

A. Standard Truck & Driver Procedure
1. Truck or container to be used have been in good condition, and has been inspected by our technicians, according to our SOP garage.
2. Our drivers are equipped with ID Card, obviously recorded in the management and neatly dressed.
3. Each truck is represented by 2 people ( drivers and helpers)

B. Loading Procedure
1. On Time Schedule 1 x 24 Hours.
2 x 24 hour standby.
Implementation of load can be carried out every weekday, except on Peak season can be done on holidays.
2. All goods are transported in Ansuransikan by the Client.

3. Truck load delivered to the client request is accompanied by krani with the task:
a. Report to the officer that the truck had been loaded in place ready for loading.
b. Calculate and record the number and condition of goods loaded, make and sign the document - the document version of the client.

4. Recording the number and condition of the goods are loaded, done only when the goods go up truck or Conteiner.

5. Minutes Form Load contain:
a. Information client.
b. Information Truck / Conteiner.
c. The name, specifications, number and condition of the goods are loaded.
d. Signature krani, Driver, Officer load / Responsible Warehouse.

C. Unloading Procedure.
1. 24 Hours prior to unloading, we will inform the recipient, so that everything can be prepared.
2. Each unloading cargo, PT. Morning Star Transportation will send krani / driver on duty:
a. Report to the officer that the truck was unloading in place ready to be dismantled.
b. Calculate and record the number and condition of the goods being unloaded, make and sign the document - the document in accordance with procedures adopted by the client.
3. Recording the number and condition of the goods are unloaded, only when the goods are carried down from the truck or Conteiner ( not after the goods are brought into the warehouse)
4. Form contains the minutes of unloading:
a. Information client.
b. Information and Conteiner truck.
c. The name, specifications, number and condition of the goods are loaded.
d. Signature of clerks, drivers, loading Officer / Responsible
5. The damage that occurred during pemindahaan goods from truck or container to
warehouse, is not the responsibility of PT. Morning Star Transport
6.Dokumen - cargo documents should be returned to the sender, we will leave no later than 5-7 business days, after the goods are unloaded at the destination.

To avoid things - things that are not desirable, and can harm both parties have prepared a joint agreement between PT. Morning Star Transport, Client and the Insurance Claim Procedure in determining.

1. Each truck / Drivers are required to report to the Pit Stop predetermined destination along the road.
2. The position of the last truck, it can be seen each at 10: 00 pm and 15: 00 pm, by contacting the head office of PT. Morning Star Transport
3. In the event of operational constraints in the vehicle, traveling in case of replacement or Striping Container truck, we will inform the client with the following conditions:
a. Data - Data Truck / Driver and replacement.
b. No. Document version of the client.
c. The scene.
d. The reason for replacement.

1. Trucks

Vehicle Type
Vehicle Capacity
Vehicle Volume
Vehicle Length
1. CDE 2 Tons 8-10 M Â ³ 3.5 Meters
2. CDD 4.5 Tons 10-12 M Â ³ 4 Meters
3. Engkel Fuso Box 8 Tons 20-30 M Â ³ 6-7 Meters
4. Tronton Fuso Box 15 Tons 35-42 M Â ³ 7-8 Meters
5. Built Up Wing Box 17-20 Tons 40-45 M Â ³ 9.5 Meters

2. System Operation and Administration
à ˜ Trip Management
à ˜ Order Management
à ˜ Truck Management ( Sub-Contract & Driver Management)
à ˜ Pool Management
3. Finance & Accounting System.
4. Inventory & Maintenance Management.
5. Developing:
à ˜ On Line System for Trucking & Ordering
à ˜ Self Trucking
à ˜ Logistic, and Cargo
à ˜ Export and Import Document Handling, Custom Clearence
6. Network and Pit Stop.
à ˜ Restaurants networking on Lintas Sumatra ( Lampung to Medan)
à ˜ Handling unpredictable case and maintain security Their Location
à ˜ Work Tire repair shop and networking
à ˜ Area Networking partner in Sumatra and Indonesian expecially Man action expecially East Area.
à ˜ Truck suppliers and partners ( Sub contract)
à ˜ Spare parts suppliers.
à ˜ Good skills and experience Driver Specialist Area.
à ˜ Good knowledge and seasons Traffic at Sumatra Land.
7. Shipping Support Partner.
à ˜ Tempuran Mas.
à ˜ Meratus
à ˜ Tanto Intim Line.
à ˜ Djakarta Lloyd.
à ˜ Arta Ocean Service.
à ˜ Etc.
8. Partner Support and Financial.
à ˜ Leasing Company.
à ˜ Banks and Investors.
à ˜ Insurance Company



Vehicle Type
Number of Units
1. CDE 15 Units
2. Unit 45 CDD
3. Engkel Fuso Box 15 Unit
4. Tronton Fuso Box 5 Units
5. Built Up Wing Box 20 Unit

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