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Mr. IR. Sonson Garsoni [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Penggembur Green Phoskko® [ GP-2] Bulking Agent
PriceRp 35.000,- Per Pack 7 Kg
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Quantity7 kg Per Pack
Pack. & DeliveryPlastik PE 0,8 mm & Karton
Green Phoskko® [ GP-2] Bulking Agent is a mineral materials, energi, and is rich of micro element that functioning as material in decomposition process of compost or garbage, for more easier the crumble or spoil of organic garbage decomposition. this Bulking Agent consist of bran, sawdust, zeolite, aditive, urea, dolomit, and ash with certain composition. In course of DISCOUNT household scale garbage, use bulking agent sufficiently ( can be made by standard 30 kg for 3 m3 garbage) .
Mixing into garbage and if possible swirl in media of Bio Reactor till flatten, so that each every part of garbage hit by this Bulking Agent powder. Progressively flatten, process of dekomposisi will faster and free from stink. Green phoskko® [ GP-2] Bulking Agent is peaceful to be holded by hand or skin.
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