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    Pantji Tengkorak # 1-# 5 ( Tamat)

    Pantji Tengkorak # 1-# 5 ( Tamat)

    Rp. 425.000,-
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    Specification :

    Banner of the Skull
    > Translator: SD Liong
    > Issue: Hard cover
    > Consists of: 5 volumes
    > Volume 1 = 359 pages
    > Volume 2 = 360 pages
    > Volume 3 = 354 pages
    > Volume 4 = 367 pages
    > Volume 5 = 356 pages
    > Paper: HVS
    > Format: 15 x 21 cm

    Volume 1
    No clouds were scattered in the sky, why the crow hovered herd?
    No grass grows in the desert, why do so many people on your back?

    That desert-liong Pek-tui or also called desert Gumutak, the Jade-bun-koan which is located outside the borders of the country southwest of China. Although not as large and as powerful as the Sahara or the Gobi gurunn, but Pek-liong-tui ( stacks of white dragon) no less great ...

    ... Suddenly the air seemed to float down three pieces of leaf, on every leaf pierced by a needle attached to a gold base of red silk. One of them swaying wind blown, it appears there is a painting of the skull above crossbones, it features the Flag of the skull that made everyone shudder.

    Volume 2
    ... After Sigkoan Ling arrived, he just said with a smile, ' Savor special lizard and frog eyes totokan magical old man in the cave turned out to have made yourself into another than others. I used the science in question have been running fast ' hi-Poh-Ling' ( shadow running) , a fast paced science that rarely exist in the world persilatan. I assure decades old science, but in fact I only managed to leave you in a distance of two dozen spears, really a matter that is not thought at all ...

    Volume 3
    ... Presumably batangjarum Bannerman tenth the original skull was still not able to block the Sugong Yau, leader of Hian-im-terasukan you already like the devil. know the danger threatens, he will not shy away, because with penghindara it means to be overtaken by an opponent, then with exertion Lwekang Hian-im-KHI-keng toward the left arm and shoulder, he just tilted to the right a bit and keep running into kecang top of the room.
    Needles Toh-hun-kim-Bannerman' s Cian evil skull Thian Ki-Koat and Cu-toned skull Bannerman Bing is sensational enough people, but the needle' s original skull Bannerman even more powerful, higher knowledge was second dasri duplicate it. Because it is so convinced of the immune Lwekang Hian-im-KHI-keng, Sugong Yau channel that power to protect his left shoulder arms is threatened, but as soon as seven of the 10 deadly needle sticks it to infiltrate to the body, instantaneous burst immunity Hian-im-KHI -keng. With a scream keraas body-im-Hian leader you were falling down ....

    Volume 4
    ... ' He was the brother of every Ciu Ni-Pek, I think his name-Each Ciu San Ceng. Since losing Ciu Ni, Loji grumpy and told us both to kidnap his brother " replied Hui Ting.
    Back Ting January snorting nose, ' lodge was a lot of behavior, have destroyed Tacinya still want to harm her sister. Is not she beautiful filler gjumlah kuran our palace, until he needed to kidnap the daughter of the famous families of the brave ... "
    Finished speaking, he then opened the way blood hebdak Liu Jwe the ' tertotok' ...

    Volume 5
    Ih Cukat tells about the situation in the area of persilatan Tionggoan, when Pak-eng asking their intentions to the desert there, frankly Cukat Ih then tell him. He wants to find the traces of both berkerundung Suhengnya and a woman, even if it turns out to be the forerunner of the desert, but the Pak-eng does not know about the incident in the desert. He regretted not able to give necessary assistance to investigate ...

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