Cahaya Garment And Embroidery melayani pemesanan pakaian untuk perorangan ataupun perusahaan, dapatkan harga penawaran terbaik hanya di Cahaya Garment
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Contact Information
Mrs. IIS SUSANTI, S.E. [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:

Phone Number:
Phone number of Mrs. IIS SUSANTI, S.E. at surabaya
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Mobile number of Mrs. IIS SUSANTI, S.E. at surabaya
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mrs. IIS SUSANTI, S.E. at surabaya
JL.Margodadi 1 / 81
surabaya 60172, Jawa Timur
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Registration Date: May. 24, 2023 Last Updated: Nov. 14, 2011
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Apparel & Fashion category

Company Brief

Company Profile

Cahaya Garment and Garment Embroidery is a company, Production & Quality In Indonesia. We provide uniform manufacture, promotion, etc. T-shirts.

Light Garment and Embroidery is a network company where we had 3 industrial workshops in Surabaya region Margodadi 1, Embong Malang, Trosobo. Cahaya Garment and Embroidery operates 30 units of modern machines with a workforce of 120 people.

With over 5 years of work experience in the field of garments, Cahaya Garment and Embroidery can stand up and be a supplier of high quality garments for men and women' s clothing such as polo shirts, T-shirts, jackets, shirts, pants and other casual clothes.

We are supported by 120 workers who are experts in garment including the presence of labor quality control, and designers who are always full menujang in each of their products to produce the best quality garments. With the full Tunjang by 3 units of production we can produce t-shirts, shirts, jackets, pants, jeans are pretty good quality, elegant, and comfortable to wear

We have earned a good reputation by its users or the public who have used the services of our company in particular a result of quality design and products that have been produced. We have a new logo and appearance models that can make our customers more loyal believers.

Cahaya Garment and Embroidery is a famous garment company' s good reputation and become a leader in its field in particular has been serving the needs of uniform large companies are quite famous in Indonesia and overseas companies. Based on the best quality and fit expected results we eventually become a reference for other companies to improve employee performance and style that would ultimately enhance the company image that has been using our services.


We have experienced five years of Light Gament and Embroidery with fast growing and developing into a well respected company with production facilities for integrated production.

To become the best-quality clothing mensupllier we certainly supported by an adequate competitive prices, professional service, strict quality control, quick turnaround, product design and online information.
Due to always get our very loyal customers who keep quality for customer satisfaction is maintained.

We care & commitment is the main capital Light Garment and Embroidery



Company Name:
Cahaya Garment and Embroidery

Indonesia Office Address:
Jl.Margodadi I / 81, Surabaya

The main business: Services garment, embroidery ( border) and Laundry
Business development:
- Field of trade
- Field procurement or supply of goods and services

Mission: Being a garment company that takes into account quality, and customer satisfaction oriented
Vision: To become the best garment company and the largest in Indonesia

DTC ( Darmo Trade Center mall, Lt.2 Blok B No. 11)
DTC ( Darmo Trade Center mall, 1st Floor Block A No. 26)
TPS Pasar Turi ground floor no.57-58 Block 3A
PGS ( Wholesale Center Surabaya) Level 3 Block 9 -10
PGS ( Wholesale Center Surabaya) Level 3 Block 3-5

Work Shop:
Jl.Margodadi alley I / 35
Jl.Medokan Ayu

( + 6287854888003)
( 62-21) 91743349 / 5314736 -

http: / /
http: / /


Bhagoes Sasmito Effendy, S.E.
IIS Susanti, S.E.

Establishment Uasaha Trade " UD. Light Garment and Embroidery " on May 13, 2008

Product Includes:
The whole design clothes
Muslim Clothing, koko, Polo shirts, T-shirts, Long Sleeves Shirt, Dress shirts, Jacket, Pants, Trousers, jeans etc.

Main Market and Permanent:

1.Sign Organizer, Main Husada Hospital, Restaurant Mrs. Clark, the Ministry of Education and Culture, east Java, Kimia Farma Mojokerto, PORDASI, IKAMRA, Ministry of Education Science Olympics, Judo Union of East Java, Rm.Kebun Pring, Generating Java-Bali ( PJB Paiton ) , Arta Graha, KBS, Bus PO.Jaya, PT. Merapi Pharma, SD. Sri Raden Paku, early childhood Sidoajo Zahra, Bank BTN, Miwon, University of Madura, BONTANG PROJECT, Science Olympiad, Student Sports Week, the Department of Education and Culture of East Java, Golkar " I Believe In You by Adiees Kadir" , taqwa clothes pilgub Khofiifah pair ( REVIEW) , T-Golkar, PKB T-Shirt, Shirt High School Computer Science ( STIKOM) Surabaya, Indonesia PT.Arutmin new City-Kalimantan, Surabaya Zoo ( KBS) , franchisor Pempek Batagor vs. Manhattan, franchisor I-tutors, Wonokoyo, PT . TRiMEGA, Varia Enterprises, Deltras Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo branch of BRI, Ministry of Religion of Bangkalan, Bangkalan State Savings Bank ( BTN Bangkalan) , PT.Kereta Api Indonesia Pasar Turi, Petra Christian University Surabaya, Surabaya University ( UBAYA) , KOKOLA, Radio wijaya , motor Ramayana, TX Travel, PT.PAL Indonesia, BPK PT, GPIB " BENUAS HILL" , SMA ISLAM MUTHMAINAH ENDE-NTT-FLORES, Behind the Election Commission Board, Uniform Force official warship DIPONEGORO 365, T-Shirt Fun Bike Diponegoro, Telkomsel , PT. Manage the Sea Mina Gresik,, Association of Airlangga University medical student, batik uniforms etc. BALIKPAPAN PEMKOT sluruh service, PT.Ecco Indonesia, Batiku Sidoarjo, PT.Petrokimia Kayaku, GAR, Yoedha racing, Great English.

2. Retail Company:
East Java, Bali, Lombok, Kalimantan, Indonesia
4.Cara Payment:
1. Min.Down Payment of 50% and 50% After Delivery ( Local)
2. Min Down Payment 50% and 50% Before Delivery ( Non Local)
5.Kapasitas Production per month:
3000 Pcs.
6.Jumlah Production Machinery:
80 Machines
7.Waktu Shipping: :
1 Month
8.Min. Order quantity / model:
100 Pcs

By using the motto " High Quality Clothing at the Most Affordable Price" We did not compete in terms of price, which will result in the impact of product quality in order to obtain the lowest price.

" The strength of our company lies in working professionally on the Quality of Products, because we have skilled and experienced manpower in this field capable of producing a smooth seam with tidiness equivalent to Grade B level and the best production equipment supporting the results of the work product of the maximum."

CONTACT U.S., our marketing staff is ready to help present the products you need.
Thank you for your attention.
Best Regards,

Major Products / Services

Seller :
  • Kemeja Drill / Konb.F1
    1.Grand Canyon : Rp.40.000 / Min.100pcs
    2.Grand Slam : Rp.42.500 / Min.100pcs
    3.Nagatex : Rp.42.500 / Min.100pcs
    4.Pothenzha : Rp.42.500 / Min.100pcs
    5.Japan Dril : Rp.45.500 / Min.100pcs
    6.American Drilll : Rp.45.500 / Min.100pcs
    7.Nagata Drill : Rp.47.500 / Min.100pcs
  • Kemeja Kantor Polos
    1.Oxford :Rp.31.000 / Min.100 pcs
    2.Tc Nyonya :Rp.28.500 / Min.100 pcs
    3.Tc JF :Rp.26.000 / Min.100 pcs
    4.Erro Gold Mella :Rp.27.500 / Min.100 pcs
    5.Erro Alladin :Rp.26.000 / Min.100 pcs
    6.Super Poligno :Rp.30.000 / Min.100 pcs
    7.Microtex :Rp.28.000 / Min.100 pcs
  • Kaos Oblong
    1.TC warna putih :Rp.19.000 / Min.100 pcs
    2.TC warna muda :Rp.19.500 / Min.100 pcs
    3.TC warna tua :Rp.20.000 / Min.100 pcs
    4.Catton warna putih :Rp.24.000 / Min.100 pcs
    5.Catton warna muda :Rp.27.000 / Min.100 pcs
    6.Catton warna tua :Rp.27.500 / Min.100 pcs
  • Kaos Krah / Wangky / Polo shirt
    1.Lacos TC warna putih :Rp.24.000 / Min 100 pcs
    2.Lacos TC warna muda :Rp.26.000 / Min 100 pcs
    3.Lacos TC warna tua :Rp.27.000 / Min 100 pcs
    4.Lacos Catton warna putih :Rp.32.500 / Min 100 pcs
    5.Lacos Catton warna muda :Rp.34.000 / Min 100 pcs
    6.Lacos Catton warna tua :Rp.36.000 / Min 100 pcs
  • Jaket
    1.Lotto : Rp.70.000 / Min 50 pcs
    2.Adidas:Rp.77.500 / Min 50 pcs
    3.Flish:Rp.90.000 / Min 50 pcs
    6.American Drill:Rp.75.000 / Min 50 pcs
    7.Nagata Drill:Rp.80.000 / Min 50 pcs
  • Jas Jaket
    Kami menjual aneka macam jas jaket dengan bahan twill yang nyaman untuk dipakai, pada jas jaket kami ini sudah termasuk dengan furing Dormill England yang terpasang pada bagian badan dan lengan Jas Jaket, Jas JAket kami ini murni menggunakan potongan jas sehingga terlihat eksklusif bagi si pemakai, pada jas jaket ini kami menawarkan penggunaan restliting atau kancing pada bagian depan, harga yang kami tawarkan saat ini kisaran 135.000 s/ d 167.500 tergantung bahan( Sudah termasuk Cover jas dan Hanger )
    Min. pemesanan 50 pcs
Cooperation :
  • Menyewakan Mesin Bordir Komputer
    Menyewakan aneka mesin bordir komputer untuk perusahaan garment / konveksi mulai dari mesin 4 kepala, 6 kepala dan 12 kepala cocok untuk baju taqwa, baju anak, jeans, peci dll
  • Kain Batik Logo Sekolah
    Kami menrima pemesanan kain batik dengan logo sekolah mulai bahan tetoron, BSW, Catton dan lain-lain
    Dalam rangka mengembangkan pasar industri fashion , kami mengajak kerja sama dengan anda. Kerjasama ini dapat menambah lapangan kerja bagi lulusan SMP/ SMA.

    1. Kami menyewa tempat strategis dengan ukuran space ( 10 m/ segi )
    2. Kerjasama bagi hasil dengan pemilik tempat / pemilik tempat yang sudah memiliki usaha sejenis.

    Info lebih lanjut, hubungi:
    087852440055, 031-70408009 ( IIs )

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