Company List - lima Province - Peru - Show All Valid - RSS - Indonesia Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenSun, 09 Mar 2025 01:18:19 +0700Indotrade.coOrganizations: POWERTEC S.A.C [Lima, lima, Peru]Sale, repair and maintenance of electronic power equipment./powerteccompe/profile/powertec-s-a-c.htmPOWERTEC S.A.C20240625101949Trade: Reyvin sac [Lima, lima, Peru]We are aprilia motorcycle northern peru dealers/Reyvinsacco/profile/reyvin-sac.htmReyvin sac20240625101949Manufacturing, Trade: Ecological SAC [Chorrillos, lima, Peru]Ecological SAc is a company which provides organic products from Peru. Quinoa, Amaranth, Maca, Canhiua, flours, among others./ecological/profile/ecological-sac.htmEcological SAC20240625101949Manufacturing, Trade: industrias albo [LIMA, lima, Peru]Buys and sells personal protection equipment/industriasalbo/profile/industrias-albo.htmindustrias albo20240625101949Manufacturing, Service: FABRIMETAL PERU SAC [LIMA, lima, Peru]WE ARE MANUFACTURER OF METAL MECHANIC PRODUCT FOR TRANSPORTERS./fabrimetal-peru/profile/fabrimetal-peru-sac.htmFABRIMETAL PERU SAC20240625101949Trade, Service: CESPI PERU SAC [LIMA, lima, Peru]Retail, Distributor and re-sale ALL TERRITORY IN MY COUNTRY/WWWCESPIPERUCOM/profile/cespi-peru-sac.htmCESPI PERU SAC20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade, Service: Ecological SAC [Lima, lima, Peru]Products that we export: 1. Quinoa in grain, flour & flakes 2. Maca Flour, Pre-Toasted, Gelatinized 3. Amaranth in grain, flour & flakes 4. Frozen pulp fruit ( mango, strawberry, camu camu..../ecologicalperu/profile/ecological-sac.htmEcological SAC20230524160425Service: Gigantografia Digital S.A. [Lima, lima, Peru]Our company imports media in rolls , some parts for the sign industry/nxnsndna/profile/gigantografia-digital-s-a.htmGigantografia Digital S.A.20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade, Service: PERUMOTOS EIRL [SAN ISIDRO, lima, Peru]buen dia nosotros somos importadores directos de motos de la marca YINGANG y de seamos saber informacion de sus llantas Rinaldi ya que el SR. Andre Fioreci de esa fabrica nos dio informacion de que..../PERUMOTOSEIRL/profile/perumotos-eirl.htmPERUMOTOS EIRL20230524160425Service: onch servicios y suministros industriales [lima, lima, Peru]business services and industrial supplies/wwwonchsac/profile/onch-servicios-y-suministros-industriales.htmonch servicios y suministros industriales20230524160425Trade: PLAEN [Lima, lima, Peru]Technical representative specialized in plastic films and sheets/plaen/profile/plaen.htmPLAEN20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade: SPRIND S.A.C. [Lima, lima, Peru]Manufacturers and exporters of Organic Fertilizers , sales agent of foreign suppliers in the field of chemicals and raw materials/wwwsprindcom/profile/sprind-s-a-c.htmSPRIND S.A.C.20230524160425Service: Sistemas Integrales de Seguridad Electr� � nica SAC [Lima, lima, Peru]Company dedicated sale and installation of all equipment of electronic security systems./wwwsisesaccompe/profile/sistemas-integrales-de-seguridad-electrnica-sac.htmSistemas Integrales de Seguridad Electr� � nica SAC20230524160425Service: KIDS IDEAS [Surco, lima, Peru]Reseller distributor for novelty products/KIDSIDEAS/profile/kids-ideas.htmKIDS IDEAS20230524160425Service: REPARACIONES Y SERVICIOS TECNIFICADOS S.A. [Lima, lima, Peru]Electromechanical repair. rewinding, Work with the mainly mining industry./rstingenieros/profile/reparaciones-y-servicios-tecnificados-s-a.htmREPARACIONES Y SERVICIOS TECNIFICADOS S.A.20230524160425Trade: Monitoreo EIRL [Lima, lima, Peru]Consulting company sourcing commodities from China and India./monitoreo/profile/monitoreo-eirl.htmMonitoreo EIRL20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade: NOKRA SAC [Lima, lima, Peru]Specialized in the representations, importing of raw materials afor the converting industry and flexible wrappings. We are founded in 1998 We have everal representations like Constantia Group GMBH, ..../wwwnokrasaccom/profile/nokra-sac.htmNOKRA SAC20230524160425Manufacturing: llapan miki sac [lima, lima, Peru]My business is Peru. Work fruits and vegetables. Fish and shellfish. SUGAR. Soybean oil, palm for biodiesel./llapamikisac/profile/llapan-miki-sac.htmllapan miki sac20230524160425Service: Turol [Lima, lima, Peru]I will create this company first, but I need the cost of this equipment before create it./turol/profile/turol.htmTurol20230524160425