JAGUNG PIPIL KERING[Jun. 3, 2011 2:08:17]
Our Company is engaged in agriculture specifically for feed corn that dairy cows and beef cattle, in order to serve the needs of farmers and ranchers KPBS spread in West Java, we Cultivation spread over some agricultural centers, Bandung, Cianjur, Karawang, Cirebon arrowroot, sea and Ciamis. This quarter we have prepared 2200 Ha, which is supported with resources experienced experts since 1990 as well as technology production facilities and infrastructure, silos and warehouses are adequate.
Also serving pipil Dried Corn Products The water content of 15 to 17,
We serve companies, individuals, cattle ranchers who are interested in doing joint supply of feed material to contact us PT GUNUNG PABEASAN.
Contak person:
Area Bandung, Cianjur Hub H Yayan Heryana Sip: 081322521760
Tasik territory, Garut, Ciamis Hub H Ara Koswara SE: 081321218434
Cirebon region, Sumedang, karawang and Indramayu Hub H Yatno Braja: 081809472987
Email: iyay71@ gmail.com
iyay71@ yahoo.com
Office Address:
Jl Raya Nagreg No. 845 Citaman Bandung.
visit the website: www.cvgunungpabeasan.com, www.cvtuturubus.com