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PT. DIMENSI JAYA vector pest control - IPM Program

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PT. DIMENSI JAYA vector pest control - IPM Program
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    FOIP alat perangkap-jebakan lalat dan mengukur tingkat kepadatan lalat,  agas,  laron,  lebah dan serangga terbang lainnya tanpa listrik ramah lingkungan,  aman,  hemat biaya

    FOIP alat perangkap-jebakan lalat dan mengukur tingkat kepadatan lalat, agas, laron, lebah dan serangga terbang lainnya tanpa listrik ramah lingkungan, aman, hemat biaya

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    FOIP Equipment trap, measure and monitor the level density of insects such as flies, gnats, bees, moths and other flying insects by disrupting the reproductive system of insects without using electric power, chemical, environmentally friendly and safe for families and saving

    Using a special liquid formulation that can refill that, for areas within and outside the building.

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