Specification :
Sambiloto scientific name is andrograpis paniculata. Included in the plant family Acantaceae. Name papaitan region. This plant has many properties that are beneficial to humans. Among them as antipyretic ( reduce heat / heat in) , antitoxin, anti-inflammatory, and anti-swelling. These drugs damage cells and tropoblast tropocyt, play a role in condensation of cytoplasma of tumor cells, destroying intiselnya piknosis dn. Plants are effective for infection and stimulate phagositosis. Have a hypoglycemic effect, hipoterminan, diuretic, antibacterial and analgesik.Berdasarkan various research literature and experiences from different regions and countries, this plant can cure disease abdominal typhus, dysentery basiler, diaer, flu, headache, fever, fever, pneumonia, inflammation of the airways, par tuberculosis, whooping cough, high blood pressure, mouth infections, tonsillitis, sore throat, diabetes, gonorrhea) gonorrhea) , cholesterol and uric acid, fever.