Specification :
The ELGI- Samsung Centrifugal Air Compressors bring into India the world' s acknowledged Turbo master to meet all requirements of oil-free compressed air.
The power of the Turbo Master ranges from 400 HP to 1500 HP. It' s capacity ranges from 1400 cfm to 8500 cfm and pressure from 3 to 14 bar.
Centrifugal Air Compressors
Backward Leaning Impeller
The backward leaning impeller of the Turbo master provides high efficiency over the entire operating range by adopting the backward lean type design that has an optimized blade angle, and it also has been connected to the shaft by a unique method to provide enhanced stability.
Inlet Guide Vane
When the air demand falls below 100% , the IGV optimizes the energy consumption of the equipment by adjusting the direction of inlet air towards the impeller in a rotating direction.
The four lobes and tapered land thrust bearing on the bull gear ensures the secured axial power transmission and minimises friction loss.
The turbo master inter-cooler features the Air-in-shell, Water-in-tube which provides high efficiency and easy maintenance. The modular type inter coolers between each compression stage play an important role in increasing the compressor efficiency of the following stage by decreasing specific volumes of compressed air through the heat exchanger.
Absolutely oil-free
Turbo master features non- contacting labyrinth air and oil seals that are separated by an air space, which ensures that no oil can enter into the compressor side. The labyrinth seal with a buffer and vent line efficiently protects oil leakage from the gear box to the scroll.
Advanced Intelligent Controller
Modularity and simplicity of turbo master controller are basic design features , which make it easy to configure, reconfigure and replace, resulting in a very low meantime-to-adjust to user' s various applications. the control interface enables the operator to identify the normal and abnormal states of the compressor. the system automatically controls the inlet guide vane and blow-off valve , lubrication system and main motor drive.