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CV.Gading Tirta Dewata

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CV.Gading Tirta Dewata
CV.Gading Tirta Dewata
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Fakih Cahyo Marbagyo [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: bdw_we_we@yahoo.com;rgl_aji@yahoo.com,fakih_cm 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Fakih Cahyo Marbagyo at Denpasar - Bali
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Fakih Cahyo Marbagyo at Denpasar - Bali
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Fakih Cahyo Marbagyo at Denpasar - Bali
Address:Jl. Sudirman, Komp.Pertokoan Sudirman Agung F 11
Denpasar - Bali, Bali
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Feb. 3, 2009
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Office Supplies category

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Company Brief

CV Gading Tirta Dewata is one of the oldest and biggest stationary and office equipment retailers in Indonesia. Gading Tirta Dewata placed at Jalan Sudirman, Komplek Pertokoan Sudirman Agung F11-12, Denpasar - Bali. During the period, CV Gading Tirta Dewata proves it self as a strong brand name in officer supplier business.

The two Soenardies; Mr. Aruwan Soenardi and Rudi Soenardi, have planted a valuable business heritage to their forthcoming generation. At their time, they started to deal with overseas suppliers and became the agent of them.

And now, Managing by Mr.Fakih Cahyo Marbagyo continues the success by holding international brands, which are now in hand, such as:
1. TRODAT, Stamps
2. ARTLINE, Markers and
Writing Instruments
3. ACER, Notebook and LCD
4. SAMSUNG, Laser Printer
5. SONY VAIO, Notebook
6. DELL, Notebook, PC & Server
7. NIPPO, Time Recorder
8. HSM, Paper Shredder
9. PELIKAN, Stationary and
Writing Instruments
10.MODERA Furniture, Partition
11.DIAMANT, Tracing Paper
12.NEWMARK Paper Shredder,
banknote counter, screen
13.LION Office Equipment
14.Welcome Office Chair

To strengthen its commitment as office equipment supplier & Sole Agent such as LION, NEWMARK, MODERA.And IT Product Distribution & Whole Saler such as: ACER, DELL, SAMSUNG printer, HP. CV.Gading Tirta Dewata also manufactures WELCOME Office Chair and many kinds of office equipments under the name of GM Office Equipment.
For more than five decades, Gading Tirta Dewata strengthens its business in four business aspects; Office Equipment, Office Stationary, Office Automation and Office Technology.

With the vision to be the leading office equipment and office technology supplier, which can be a value added creator in every business, CV. Gading Tirta Dewata carries a simple but great mission to add value for your business to be valuable ones.

Gading Tirta Dewata always looks forward to give best service in office needs since it really stay in line in office business.

Major Products / Services
  • Dunia Notebook ( ACER, DELL, Toshiba, Compaq, dll-nya )
    Semua type ACER notebook ( 4720Z, 4730Z, 2930, dan masih banyak type Acer lainnya ), DELL Vostro Series ( berbagai series dan type ), Toshiba Satellite series, dan Compaq ( berbagai series ) dengan penawaran harga yang kompetitif hanya untuk anda yang penuh aktivitas dan bermobilitas tinggi.
  • ACER Projector
    ACER Projector dengan berbagai type dan tampilan yang sesuai dengan performa anda yang sangat modern
  • SAMSUNG Laser Printer
    Samsung Laser Printer SCX-4521F, Samsung smallest laser Printer CLP-300/ 300N, kami tawarkan untuk mendukung performa kerja usaha dan instansi anda dengan harga yang kompetitif.
  • ATK dan Manual File System
    Berbagai produk andalan dimana kami sebagai pemegang lisensi penjualannya menawarkan kepada anda produk-produk ARTLINE, PELIKAN, BANTEX, dan berbagai merk lain sebagai pendukung merk-merk yang sudah ada demi kenyamanan anda beraktifitas dilingkungan kerja
  • LION Filing System
    Filing system cabinet dan berbagai macam lainnya semua dari produk berkualitas jaminan mutu, yaitu LION, kami tawarkan dengan harga sangat kompetitif.
  • MODERA & WELCOME Products
    Berbagai macam type dari MODERA baik single maupun partisi dengan berbagai pilihan warna.

    Bermacam-macam pilihan type, dan warna dari office chair oleh WELCOME yang sudah pasti merupakan jaminan mutu akan kenyamanan anda dalam bekerja.
  • Mesin Absensi AMANO & NIPPO
    Mesin automasi Absensi kantor bagi perusahaan anda untuk kelancaran masuk-keluar kantor yang lebih terencana dan berdisiplin.

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