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    Altimeter / Barometer

    What is the difference between the " alti" , " baro" and " auto" use in my Suunto wristop computer?
    If you wish to use your wristop computer as a weather station when camping or staying at a constant altitude, choose the " baro" profile function. When you choose the " baro" profile, the altitude will be fixed and all pressure changes will be interpreted as sea level air pressure changes.

    If you are on the move and wish to measure your altitude changes, choose the " alti" profile. The sea level pressure will be fixed and all pressure changes will be interpreted as changes in altitude.

    If the ' auto' profile is selected then an algorithm will be applied to the measured pressure changes to enable the device to switch between " alti" and " baro" profiles automatically.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure weather changes and altitude changes at the same time as both are calculated by measuring changes in air pressure.

    NOTE: The " auto" profile is not available on all products.

    How often do I need to reset the reference altitude?
    Weather changes affect the barometric pressure every day. To have precise altitude readings, you should check the reference altitude every time before going out for an activity in which you will use the altimeter. During a hike, compare the altitude reading to a real altitude when you arrive at a point where the altitude is marked on the map. Reset the altitude if there is a difference.

    The altimeter in my Suunto wristop computer keeps going off height - what can I do?
    The altimeter in your Suunto wristop computer calculates the altitude by measuring changes in the air pressure. This means that the instrument interprets changes in air pressure as changes in altitude ( if " alti" profile has been selected) , although air pressure changes may also be caused by changes in the weather. This is why it is always advisable to reset the reference altitude or the sea level pressure before undertaking a new activity.

    As a basic rule, the altimeter will give you correct readings if the weather has not changed. Always remember to reset the reference altitude before recording with the wristop computer.

    During rapid altitude changes, the chosen " SEA" setting is not stable but shifts away and gives quite impossible values. Why does the sea pressure setting shift?
    When the sea level pressure or the reference altitude is set, it is correct within a range which may include rounded values. The strange sea level pressure values measured with your Suunto wristop computer result from the following calculation principles. When vertical changes are included, the pressure change can be handled in two ways:

    In some models, the sea level pressure value is not fixed and it starts changing according to the absolute pressure change. So, when you' re moving in a vertical direction, both the altitude reading and the sea level pressure reading are changing equally to correspond to the change in absolute pressure. In other models, the sea level value is kept fixed as it was when the reference altitude was given and it is updated only when a new reference altitude or new sea level pressure is set.

    Both principles have their advantages and disadvantages: The fixed sea level value can never be unrealistic, but it will also be fixed when you stay at a constant altitude. On the other hand, the model is able to show continuously the changes of sea level pressure at a fixed altitude, for instance when camping during a hike.

    When the Suunto Vector was developed, the later feature was regarded as more important for the users. In newer models such as the Suunto Observer, Core and X6, the advantages of both calculation principles have been combined: You can select to measure altitude or sea level pressure. In each case, the other value is kept fixed and all pressure changes are added to the value being measured. With these models, the user should use the unit as a weather station when staying at a constant altitude and change to altitude measurement when moving. This makes it possible to eliminate, in part, the influence of weather to the altitude readings.

    Where do I find sea level pressure?
    You can find the sea level pressure from the weather reports in newspapers, in the Internet, e.g. www.refdesk.com/ weath1.html at local weather stations and airports.

    Where do I find my current altitude?
    You can find the altitude for your current location using a topographic map or the Google Earth software.

    Does the Wristop Computer show future trends in weather conditions?
    No. Forecasting is left to the user, but the information that the Wristop Computer shows may help this. The Wristop Computer continually stores data on barometric pressure and the weather trend í ndicator displays the last 6 hours.

    Why does the vertical ascent/ descent measurement differ from zero even though I am inside and staying in the same altitude?
    The resolution of the vertical ascent/ descent rate is 1 m/ 1 ft whereas the resolution of the altitude is 5 m/ 10 ft. Therefore the ascent/ descent rate can show vertical movement even though the altitude reading stays within the 5 m/ 10 ft resolution range. Inside buildings the Wristop Computer detects unnoticeable air currents and pressure changes caused for instance by opening a door or a window. In Altimeter mode the Wristop interprets these pressure differences as vertical movement.

    Why does my altitude change even though I stay in the same location?
    The wristop computer measures altitude based on barometric pressure. Changes in both altitude and weather caused changes in the pressure. Both changes are interpreted as vertical movement.

    Why do the cumulative values ( Vector family products) of the logbook not correspond to the real values on the ground?
    For a fast sport activity like bicycling you need to choose a short recording interval to detect all altitude changes. If the recording interval is too long, the cumulative values will be smaller than they are in reality. The right recording interval depends on the type of activity, terrain and the wanted duration of the logbook. The shorter the interval, the more precise will be the values recorded into the memory.

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