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    Sambel Pecel Cap Jeruk Purut

    Sambel Pecel Cap Jeruk Purut

    Rp. 8.500,- (Belum Termasuk Ongkos Kirim)
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    Plastik 250 gram
    [Oct. 8, 2010 10:04:40]
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    Specification :

    Sambel Pecel Purut Orange Brand is one of the legendary brand chili pecel in Madiun. Pecel sauce is also called the hock Sambel Pecel or Sambel Pecel Pawnshop. This sauce uses ingredients Mrs. Roesmadji legacy of the first to make this Pecel Sambel Purut Orange Brand. Madiun city residents who are now successful in the big cities, always be sure to include the sauce in the box by him. Due to the unique flavor and composition of material suitable to make Sambel Pecel Purut Orange Brand is not abandoned by fans. Sambel Pecel Purut Orange Cap also provides 4 sense sense is, it' s spicy, not spicy and the taste of gado-gado.
    Price per 250 grams is Rp. 8500, - ( not including postage) . The price is cheaper if you arrive directly at our store.
    Get Sambel Pecel Purut Orange Brand only at Shop By - by and cake GRIYARASA Traditional Pahlawan, Road No. 34 Tel. 0351-8077500 Fax. 0351-493785.

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    Contact Information

    Mr. Agus Wibowo [Marketing]
    Jalan Pahlawan No. 34 (Sebelah Apotek)
    Madiun 63122, Jawa Timur
    Phone Number:
    Phone number of Mr. Agus Wibowo at Madiun
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    Mobile number of Mr. Agus Wibowo at Madiun
    Fax Number:
    Fax number of Mr. Agus Wibowo at Madiun
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