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Name:Ms. Georgina Mieke
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Ms. Georgina Mieke at Jakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Georgina Mieke at Jakarta
Address:Jakarta, Jakarta
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Registration Date:Nov. 25, 2015
Last Updated:Nov. 25, 2015
Business Nature:Service of Health & Beauty category

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Hypnotherapy is a type of complementary therapy that uses hypnosis, which is the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking.

A person in a hypnosis stage is not sleeping, and heâ € ™ s totally aware of all the questions being asked to him and to all instructions being give by the therapist.

Hypnotherapy is a safe alternative therapy for conditions such as : anxiety, depression, phobia, post trauma, bullying, eating disorders, bad habits such as smoking, psychosomatics that includes physical simptoms such as headache, migrain, iritable bowel syndrome, low self esteem etc.

For many cases, hypnotherapy has branched out into sub categories such as hypnoslimming, hypnodontic, hypno birthing and even hypnoforensic.

Cancer, auto immune diseases such as SLE ( Lupus ) will find a great benefit from hypnotherapy.

However, this therapy is not advisable for clients using anti depresant substance, as the result might be bias.

Children with problems in school are good candidates, but the parentsâ € ™ support is highly needed, as the source of problem is most likely due to their upbringing.

My main motivation as a hypnotherapist is to help people, as I refer to my own experiences, as when I have a serious problem, the need to be understood and get an appropriate help. This needs deep compassion and it is beyond the money issue.

My medical background helps me a lot to examine the client' s problem especially when it includes medical simptoms

Contact me by phone for free consultation.

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