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    MOVEit DMZ 6.0

    [Jun. 15, 2009 2:41:18]
    MOVEit DMZ 6.0
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    Managed File Transfer Server
    MOVEit DMZ is a highly secure enterprise data transfer server which boasts end-to-end encrypted transfer and storage of data and files and delivers powerful administration and reporting capabilities.

    MOVEit DMZ can help improve productivity and collaboration between employees, partners and customers by enabling the quick, easy, and secure exchange of sensitive business data via encrypted messages as well as by file transfers without buying user licenses, installing client software, managing encryption keys, burdening email systems with files, or allowing email attachments through firewalls.

    MOVEit DMZ resides on a secure server in a "de-militarized zone" (DMZ) attached to your firewall. This enables it to be accessed through the firewall from both inside and outside of your network for the following transfers.

    * End-User-to-End-User
    * End-User-to-Backend-System
    * Backend-System-to-Backend-System

    MOVEit DMZ can be used by any of a wide variety of clients typically used on or native to desktops/laptops, UNIX/Linux and Windows servers, and IBM mainframes, including:

    Web Browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, and Safari via HTTPS (Secure HTTP). Use of Java, ActiveX, plugins, or third-party encryption applications like PGP are not required. However, free, MOVEit Wizards can be used with these browsers to provide advanced file transfer capabilities, including SHA1 file integrity checking (for Non-Repudiation), transfer resume and retry (for Guaranteed delivery), and much more.

    Secure FTPS Clients like WS_FTP Professional, MOVEit Central, and a variety of third-party FTP over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) clients that support any of the 3 FTP over SSL modes (IMPLICIT, TLS-P, TLS-C) as well as Passive transfers, which MOVEit DMZ does using as few as 4 open firewall ports. FTPS clients are commonly used on Windows systems and are native to IBM z/OS mainframes.

    Secure SFTP Clients like WS_FTP Professional, MOVEit Central and a number of third-party secure FTP over SSH (Secure Shell) and SCP2 clients.

    MOVEit HTTPS Clients including MOVEit DMZ API clients, the MOVEit EZ Windows desktop client, and the free, commercially-supported MOVEit Xfer command-line clients, all of which can be used to automatically exchange files with MOVEit DMZ.

    AS2 and AS3 Clients like MOVEit Central and third-party AS2 and AS3 secure file transfer clients.

    MOVEit DMZ was designed from the beginning to be a security solution and to support a wide variety of popular public protocols and standards. It is not an FTP server with security features added-on, nor is it a proprietary secure file transfer program with open standards support grafted-on. Here are a few examples of the unique, defense-in-depth features that make MOVEit DMZ server “secure by design.”

    * FIPS 140-2 Validated Cryptography, including 256-bit AES encryption that is used to securely store every file, message and Web form posting received. MOVEit DMZ supports end-to-end encrypted transfer and storage, without the need to use a separate, third-party encryption program such as PGP.
    * OS Independent Security because MOVEit DMZ provides its own, separate, secure permission and storage capabilities. As a result, hackers cannot access the data MOVEit DMZ handles, even if they subvert the underlying OS. MOVEit DMZ security does not depend on the security of the OS it runs on.
    * No Push/Pull Capabilities for hackers to subvert and use to send their malware into the local trusted network and/or onto remote systems. MOVEit does not initiate transfers, so no firewall ports have to be opened from the DMZ segment into the local trusted network, bypassing perimeter defenses.

    In addition to supporting cryptographically valid SHA-1 file integrity checking, on-the-fly data compression, automatic resumption of interrupted transfers, and NAT-Friendly FTPS, MOVEit DMZ server offers an extensive set of enterprise-level features that provide licensees with advanced integration capabilities and operational flexibility.

    * Tiered Architecture enables the deployment of multiple DMZ nodes in the form of a web farm. Administrators can now deploy MOVEit DMZ on one server, the encrypted data store on a second server, and the configuration database on a third server. This flexible architecture extends the performance, availability and security of MOVEit DMZ solutions.
    * Integrates with SQL Server Database. Administrators have the option to either use the embedded MOVEit database or integrate with Microsoft® SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express for both user authentication and server system configurations such as access controls, user permissions, and password policies.
    * Multi-Factor Authentication against MOVEit DMZ's own secure, built-in user database, using one, two or three factors, including passwords, SSL software and hardware certificates, SSH public keys ("fingerprints") and/or specific IP addresses/address ranges. MOVEit DMZ exceeds the FFIEC two-factor authentication guidelines that apply to financial institutions supervised by the US FDIC, FRB, NCUA, OCC and OTS.
    * External Authentication option enables MOVEit DMZ to also authenticate users against any combination of LDAP, Secure LDAP, RADIUS Server or ODBC databases, in addition to or in place of its database.
    * User Aging Policies can automatically deactivate users (and then delete them after a grace period) based on a configurable number of days after the user was created and/or their last MOVEit DMZ login, or after a configurable number of MOVEit DMZ logons, or on a specific calendar date.
    * File Non-Repudiation i.e., the ability to prove who sent a file, who received it, and that it was not corrupted or changed during transfer. (Requires use of an FTP or MOVEit client, including MOVEit Wizard with a Web browser).
    * Secure Guaranteed Delivery including file transfer resume and retry, encrypted file transfer and storage, and File Non-Repudiation.
    * Secure Messaging option enables authorized users to exchange messages, with or without files, via a MOVEit DMZ server using their existing Web browsers.
    * Email Notification that automatically alerts users when files or messages have arrived, been viewed, deleted and downloaded, and administrators about events (password expirations, user lockouts, etc.).
    * Audit Trail based on MOVEit DMZ's built-in ODBC accessible database, which contains a comprehensive, secure record on each user, file, message, and Web form posting, as well as on all administrative actions.
    * Reporting includes over 90 pre-defined reports (plus the ability to create custom reports) covering file transfers, secure messages, user status, system performance, storage status, and security, which can be run on-demand or on a scheduled basis and generated in CSV, HTML, or XML formats.
    * API Interface option provides secure, HTTPS-based programmatic access to MOVEit DMZ to exchange and delete files and secure messages, as well as to create, manage, and delete folders, users and permissions.
    * Web Application Integration including how portals and other Web programs can use MOVEit DMZ file transfer, secure messaging, encrypted file storage, and user database services.
    * High Availability option delivers a flexible architecture that can ensure 24/7 uninterrupted service through its out-of-the-box high-availability, auto-failover configuration. MOVEit DMZ can also be configured with third party applications for load balancing and clustering to ensure smooth deployment of multiple MOVEit DMZ Servers in your web farm.
    * Multilingual User Interface option that enables end-users to do Web and secure FTP-based transfers, exchange secure messages, and receive email notifications in English, French or Spanish.

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