Free Member
Indah jaya abadi
Indah jaya abadi

Free Member
Registration Date:
Feb. 8, 2014
Last Updated:
Feb. 8, 2014
Business Nature:
Trade of Office Supplies category
Company Brief
PD . Indah Jaya Abadi is engaged in the business scope Machinery and Office Banking ( Banking & Office Automation Machines ) . Our company is the sole distributor for the machines that we market in Indonesia from our joint venture partners and in Japan , Taiwan , China , Korea . We also have facilities for the assembly of the machines that we market .
Thus we get trust from the manufacturer to market and provide after sales service to consumers in Indonesia . Trust given to us with the full support of both technical , spare parts , software , etc. by the manufacturer from abroad .
Until now we have had a product distribution center and service center ( Service Center ) scattered in various major cities in Indonesia are at all times ready to assist customers in the areas of sales , service and spare parts . We have a team of marketing and technical teams are continuously in providing the best service to consumers . With sales and service centers in major cities in Indonesia , we expect service in the field of sales and servicing can be done more efficiently , effectively , and integrated .
We have always and continue to develop innovative and quality product lines in order to improve services to the increasingly complex needs of consumers in the future . We also expect the presence of our company , it can improve the performance and quality of work in Indonesia, can further enhance the progress of the Nation beloved Indonesia .
With our commitment , namely : Delivering the best for the consumer , including the quality of the product , price and service , we will continue to learn and receive feedback to develop the company ' s performance more reliable .
Yours sincerely ,