Products Catalog

Jual Ploter Outdor SEIKO 1440 dpi,  ploter indor,  cutting stiker,  laminating Jual Bahan,  Tinta dan Sparepart
Jual Ploter Outdor SEIKO 1440 dpi, ploter indor, cutting stiker, laminating Jual Bahan, Tinta dan Sparepart[Oct. 27, 2010 18:08:29]
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)



Sell Ploter Outdor SEIKO 1440 dpi, ploter indor, sticker cutting, laminating
Selling Materials, Inks and Printing Needs for DIGITAL Sparepart

Excess Machinery Us With Other engines include:
- The machine can be in up Grade Match Requirement / Additional Needs
- Allows You Can Adjust the needs of your average production,
Must Change Or Without Buying a New Machine.

Bonus: 1 set Ink, Solvent Cleaning, Ingredients 1 roll


R Hary

Phone: 021 5553395
CDMA: 021 94492231
Email: gonorose@
YM: gonorose

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