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    Proposal Pengajuan Dana untuk Investasi Jahe Gajah di Tuban,  East JAva

    Proposal Pengajuan Dana untuk Investasi Jahe Gajah di Tuban, East JAva

    Rp. 1.400.000.000,-
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    Agriculture Proposal Elephant Ginger Cultivation



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    Elephant Ginger
    Ginger elephants widely used as a mixture of food, beverages, cosmetics and raw materials in industrial activity. The more rapid industrial activities of modern medicine, traditional and other industries that emerged with ginger raw materials caused commodity demand is likely to increase from year to year.
    Ginger not only prospective elephant in the country but also has a great chance to be absorbed by the international market. Ginger elephant export potential as a commodity that is sent in the form of fresh, dried, salted, essential oils and oleoresin. State elephant ginger pengimport currently include Singapore, Japan, Germany, USA, Canada, Morocco, France, Hong Kong and the Netherlands.
    Ginger is very large elephant chances to be developed in Indonesia as supported by climate, soil conditions and geographic location suitable for the cultivation of this crop. Besides, with the availability of vast land and abundant human resources it is possible to increase the maximum productivity.
    Ginger elephants have high production potential of up to 25 tons / ha even with intensive technology, production reached 60 tons / hectare. Therefore the elephant ginger can be developed as one of the leading commodity that can give hope and high economic value.

    In dry ginger rhizome contains approximately 58% of starch, protein, 8% , oleoresin 3% -5% and essential oil 1% -3% . Essential oil is oil easy to evaporate and smell the ginger. Essential oils contain the main components of compounds zingiberen and zingiberol. The cause of taste spicy and bitter compounds in ginger oleoresin.
    Nutritional ( malnutrition) in each gram of ginger contains 100 calories cal 51.00, protein 1.50 g, 1.00 g fat, carbohydrate 10.10 g, 21.00 mg calcium, phosphorus 39.00 mg, 1.60 mg of iron, vitamin A 30 , 00SI, vitamin B 1 0.02 mg, 4.00 mg of vitamin C, 86.20 g of water, the edible parts of 97.00% .
    Elephant ginger can be used as a medicinal ingredient of which are stimulants of mucous membranes, arthritis, headaches, stimulating bowel movements, indigestion and flatulence, dry cough, peluruh sweat, sore throat, heartburn and stomach salesma
    Elephant Ginger is also used as an ingredient making ginger beer ( ginger beer) and wine ginger ( binger wine) . Ginger oil contained within the various compounds such as kurkumen, pinen, felandren, linalool, bormeol, sitral, kamfen, farnesen, seskuiterpen, , sineol, metilheptenon, alcohol and aldehydes are widely used in food and beverage industry
    Elephant ginger herbs consumed as a variety of dishes ranging from spices opor, gule, oseng vegetables etc. It also can be made into various kinds of processed products for export such as dried ginger ( dried ginger) , ginger oil ( ginger oil) , ginger powder, oleoresin ginger and pickled ginger ( ginger salted) . Elephant pickled ginger in great demand by the Japanese state


    Ginger elephants can grow well when planted with didataran altitude 400 s / d 800 asl. with temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. This commodity production with a good ground is fertile and high in organic matter with pH 5.5 to 7. Ginger sun elephant wants at least 8 hours each day and the humidity is high enough to RH 60% -90% .
    Ginger elephant vegetatively propagated by rimpangnya. Ginger-quality seeds obtained from the old parent plant at least 10 months old, marked with leaf plant that is dry and dead in all parts. Rhizome which will be planted at least two bud eyes, no defect or disease. In one hectare required approximately 1.2 tons of seed ginger rhizome.
    Before planting the land must be cultivated and made beds. The purpose of land treatment is to improve soil structure, accelerated weathering, eradicate weeds, turning and thicken the layer of soil, leveling the land and improve drainage. While making beds aim to obtain the upper soil layers thick and easy maintenance of plant
    Ginger elephant beginning of the rainy season planted with a monoculture cropping or intercropping. Intercropping cropping can be done between elephant ginger plants with other crops such as onion or cayenne pepper. Intercropping goal is to increase production and income.
    Ginger elephant that maximal growth is necessary tanaman.Salah maintenance of them is to consider irrigation systems, especially during the early growth phase because the elephant ginger need adequate water. Watering should be done continuously and reduced to phase aging rhizome. Soil is too wet to rhizome rot.
    If problems crop will need to be replaced by way of stitching which aims to keep population. Weeding carried out if the weed growth is felt to disturb the plants. In order not resting ginger plant is necessary pembubunan at 1-1.5 month-old plants.
    Ginger elephants of growth are also not immune from pests and diseases. Pests that attack is often rhizome Mimegrala coeruleifrons flies who ate all the rhizome, rhizome eumerus flies that ate figurans walker rhizome software causes the wilting plants and porous and flies that attack sp lamprolonchaea rhizome up to be rotten.
    Disease that frequently attacks the bacterium Pseudomonas zingiberi cause the apparent stem rot and fall down, Cendawan phyllosticta zingiberi ramak which can cause leaf damage, yellowing and shrinking and pythium Cendawan causing the ginger rhizome rot wet rot or soft rot.
    Ginger is harvested when the elephant is old and at least 10 months old. Physical characteristic that is visible when the rhizome was very hard pressed and hard to exfoliated skin with hands. Color on the outside skin fresh look yellowish, shiny and no redness at the end of the rhizome.
    Ginger young elephant harvested for sauerkraut, made when plants are aged 3 to 4 month. Physical characteristics are visible clumps of plants were still green, stout rhizome, the ends of the rhizome is still reddish color, many children and when cut the rhizome latent fibers.
    Elephant ginger harvested by dismantling the overall land use hand fork. Demolition is not advisable to use the hoe can be avoided because tercangkul cut ginger. Ginger is broken or damaged lead-grade into lower export which means a lower resale value too.
    Ginger elephants that have been collected into one digrade set aside for 1 - 2 days in warehouse storage. The goal to land which is still attached dijahe be dry and clean so that the entire land. One is a ginger export requirements should be cleared of land attached to the rhizome ..


    Ginger fresh elephant local market demand is not required specifications or a particular grade. All sorts of shapes and sizes received from the healthy and fresh condition. Ginger dipacking using packaging sacks or gunny sack net content of 50 kg / sack.
    Ginger fresh elephant export demand is divided into three grades ie grade A, grade B and grade C Grade A has a weight of 200 grams up / rimpangnya, rhizome of large and fat and shiny skin color. Grade B has a weight of 100 grams up / rhizome rhizome form was. Grade C has a minimum weight of 50 grams / rhizome to form small rhizome.
    Ginger elephants for export are divided into two kinds of fresh ginger elephant clean soil and clean fresh ginger washing elephants. Clean ground ginger means the required conditions are still allowed to contain ground ginger attached to the maximum 5% , while the clean laundry is to be sent ginger really clean from the soil after washing.
    Wash clean elephant ginger only for grade A only. At the time the washing process should be done carefully to avoid skin peeling occurs, in addition to lowering the quality of ginger is also prone to disease. Ginger is peeling his skin when washing is usually a young elephant ginger terpanen join.
    Ginger elephant washed-washed dikeringanginkan with no direct sunlight because it causes shrinkage. Wash clean elephant ginger dipacking using cardboard packaging as the content of 20 kg of clean ground ginger elephants that have been packaged with a Waring digrade / net sacks containing 12 kg or 50 kg according to grade. It takes 28 tons of ginger ± elephants to fill 1 container of 40 feet.
    Ginger elephant requested in the form of dried ginger chopped dried elephant with a water content of 17% . To get the required quality dried ginger, fresh ginger really old. Once chopped dried ginger with the help of sunlight. 8 kg of fresh ginger old elephants are usually obtained after processing 1 kg of dry ginger. Chopped dry-packed jute sack content 50 kg s / d 100 kg.
    Ginger pickled elephant demand comes from young ginger-old elephant 3 to 4 months with the condition that the plant is still green. Criteria for pickled ginger elephant is a young elephant ginger fresh, not diseased, a rhizome of fat and fibrous and yet still end rhizome reddish color.


    Fixed capital walking season 1 times
    2000 kg seeds x@ Rp.12.000, - = Rp. 24, 000, 000, --
    Urea Fertilizer 65kg x@ Rp.5.000, - = Rp. 325.000, --
    KCL 160 kg x@ Rp.5.500, - = Rp. 880, 000, --
    Compost 3000kg x@ Rp.5.000, - = Rp. 15.000.000, --
    Manure 3000kg x @ Rp. 5000, - = Rp 15.000.000, --
    Drugs 20kg x @ Rp. 75.000, - = Rp. 1.500.000, --
    Solar Diesel 20 liters x 30 days x 3 months x@ Rp.4.000, - = Rp. 7, 200, 000, --
    Sack Packing Sack 315 x @ Rp. 25.000, - = Rp. 7, 875, 000, --
    Electricity 4 months x @ Rp. 350.000, - = Rp. 1.400.000, --
    Total = Rp. 73, 180, 000, --

    Initial capital of land and place
    Land 63.000m2 x@ Rp.15.000, -/ m2 = Rp 945, 000, 000, --
    Storage warehouse 12m x 10m x@ Rp.1.000.000, -/ m2 = Rp. 120, 000, 000, --
    Houses seeding seed 8m x 10m x @ Rp. 950.000, -/ m2 = Rp. 76, 000, 000, --
    Total = Rp., --

    Initial capital equipment
    Honda Water Pump 2 pieces x @ Rp 3.250.000, - = Rp. 7.500.000, --
    Sprinkle fertilizer buckets 8 x@ Rp.35.000, - = Rp. 280.000, --
    Pesticide Spray Equipment 9 x@ Rp.850.000, - = Rp. 7, 650, 000, --
    Kubota Tractor 2 x @ Rp. 15.000.000, - = Rp. 30.000.000, --
    Great Harvest Wash bucket 20 x@ Rp.45.000, - = Rp 900.000, --
    Harvest Basket 30 x @ Rp. 35.000, - = Rp. 1.050.000, --
    Scales 1 pc x @ Rp. 950.000, - = Rp. 950.000, --
    Electrical Installation 2.800watt = Rp. 4.800.000, --
    Garu Park Rp.7.500 x 30 pieces, - = Rp. 225.000, --
    Jet Pump Water Pump 50m Sanyo 1 pc x @ Rp. 7, 650, 000, - = Rp. 7, 650, 000, --
    Drilling wells 50m x @ Rp. 250.000, -/ m2 = Rp. 12, 500, 000, --
    2300 liter water tank 1 pc x @ Rp. 2.500.000, - = Rp. 2.500.000, --
    Tandon pole high water width of 8 mx 5m x 5m x @ Rp. 50.000, -/ m3 = Rp. 10.000.000, --
    Air hose 100 m x@ 7.500 Tandon, - / m = Rp. 750.000, --
    Honda Water Pump Hose 300m x @ Rp. 23.500, - / m = Rp. 7, 050, 000, --
    5 fruit besar@ Rp.450.000 tarp, - = Rp. 2.250.000, --
    Hoe 20 pcs @ USD. 65.000, - = Rp. 1.300.000, --
    Sickle grass 10 buah@ 12.500, - = Rp. 125.000, --
    Total = Rp. 97, 480, 000, --

    Power Plant 20 persons x 7 days x@ Rp.35.000, - = Rp. 4, 900, 000, --
    Power Care 10 people x 120 days x@ Rp.35.000, - = Rp 42, 000, 000, --
    Harvest Energy 50 people x 14 days x Rp.35.000, - = Rp. 24, 500, 000, --
    Total = Rp. 71, 400, 000, --

    Total Overall Business Capital = Rp. 1383060000, --
    Estimation Tools and Building Depreciation
    = Total Tool + Value + Value House Warehouse seeding
    = Rp. 97, 480, 000, - + Rp. 120, 000, 000, - + Rp. 76, 000, 000, --
    = Rp. 293, 480, 000, - x 1.5% / year = Rp. 44, 022, 000, -/ tahun

    Estimated Profit per 4 months
    = ( Result Harvest x price) - ( Depreciation per year divided by season 3) - the total workforce - total capital continue to run one growing season
    = ( Minimum 25.000kg x Rp. 12.500, -/ kg) - ( Rp 44, 022, 000, -: 3 seasons)
    = Rp.312.500.000, - - Rp. 14, 674, 000, - - Rp. 71, 400, 000, - - Rp. 73, 180, 000, --
    = Rp. 153, 246, 000, --
    Profit = Rp. 153, 246, 000, - / planting / 3 mths
    Profit per month Rp. 51, 082, 000, -/ Bln

    Start-up capital worth Rp. 1383060000, --
    will be returned to:
    = Rp. 1383060000, -: Rp. 51, 082, 000, - = 28 months / 2 years 4 months more.

    Thus the submission of my business proposal for the cultivation of Agriculture Elephant Ginger. The attention and the attention of policy and I thank you.

    Yours sincerely

    Arie Ferdiansyah

    Jl. Raya Sidoharho 240
    Hamlet Wadung Rt 4 Rw 3
    Village Sidoharho
    Sub Senori
    East Java
    + 62 856 49842128
    + 62 8125228702

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