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    Until this moment cabe still is one of the horticultural commodities which have important economic value in Indonesia. Because the fruit than vegetables or seasoning used, sources of vitamin C ( also has the capacity to increase farmers' income) as industrial raw materials, export opportunities and job opportunities ASHIRA Jabon MANDIRI who become distributors in the region, especially Banjarsari Ciamis district, see this become a phenomenon unique, with a variety of prices data chili, rendahpun still be focused to a very challenging field of horticulture. FERTILIZER NONGFENG an instant soluble fertilizer by farmers terakui quality, tangible evidence has curly red pepper that is fostered NONGFENG per 1 ( one) kilogram only 150-160 grains for large fruit size and weight. Whereas with other fertilizers per 1 kilogram reach 225-260 points because the fruit size is relatively small. Not to mention the resilience of post-harvest use NONGFENG fertilizer, with no refrigerator and preservatives can survive 20 days from the strings and still fresh which is recognized by merchants. How-style chili cultivation techniques and Fertilizer NONGFENG so as to produce good quality chili-chili and berkuantitas. Indonesian Farmers ready to answer the globalization of Asian agriculture in 2010, where the neighboring countries have stepped forward in the efficiency of use of agricultural inputs. This is a moral obligation ASHIRA Jabon MANDIRI moving one of them in the field of procurement of fertilizers with sophisticated quality, ie, instant soluble fertilizer, the best techniques for giving some horticultural farmers especially chili.

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