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    Seminar Kesehatan Anak

    Seminar Kesehatan Anak

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    Smart Parents ....

    Still panic if a child is sick? Or confused to recognize symptoms of child illness subscription?

    Yuk .. PESAT Yogyakarta participate. There, Smart Parents will learn more about the various health problems of children and how to handle it. Including emergency cases occurring in children.

    HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN PARENTS or PESAT is an activity carried out in the form of one-day seminar with the concept of the seminar ' serious but relaxed' and familiar. Seminar organized by Parents Care Foundation ( Yop) is expected to provide the best information for the audience, especially parents in order to form a comprehensive knowledge of the science of child health.

    Rapid location of London:
    CIMB Niaga Jl. Sudirman No. 50 Yogyakarta

    - Keynote Speaker: Dr. Purnamawati S Pujiarto, Sp.Ak, MMPed

    Yogyakarta be rapidly implemented in two sessions, with the following details:

    Session I: Saturday, March 10, 2012 ( 8: 00 to 15: 00 pm GMT)

    Topic 1: COMMON PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN ( A health problem that is common to children; coughs, colds, diarrhea, constipation and vomiting)

    Children especially infants, the body resistance is low, they are susceptible to various infectious diseases. Therefore, it is understandable
    why children are often " sick" . Information that is needed is precisely this condition is a natural mechanism to boost her immune system.

    Understanding of the above will greatly assist the pattern or practice of rational drug delivery and reduce the panic of parents when their children sick. Such understanding helps create a " partnership" is strong among patients with a doctor. However, health care " is our collective responsibility, not a hundred
    percent of the burden and responsibility of physicians.

    Topic 2: Immunization

    It does not need immunization? The recommended immunizations need not yah? The most recent immunization schedule IDAI which one? Live vaccines and vaccine death what the heck? Why the hell should be immunized according to schedule? What is the sense of simultaneous immunization, combo, booster and catch up? My child' s immunizations late how well continue next? Bener guns still exist immunization vaccines that can make autism? My children are cough and cold, may well in immunization guns? What should be delayed until he recovered well?

    Topic 3: Dengue Fever

    What is dengue fever? When can be treated at home? Under what circumstances should be hospitalized? What can be done as an initial step to prevent the worsening of the disease

    Session II: Sunday, March 11, 2012 ( 8: 00 to 15: 00 pm GMT)

    Topic 1: Cough, Sore Throat, Asthma and Tuberculosis

    How can cough be? Does every infant or child with cough require treatment with antibiotics? Because batukpun is actually one of the body' s defense reflex which each individual.
    Are there other types of cough? Bronchitis, asthma, pertussis? How air-bahayakah cough? How to handle?

    Topic 2: Antibiotics

    " I can not recover unless taking antibiotics" , " this is Indonesia, so that ill have to take antibiotics" .
    Find an explanation if an antibiotic that, when to consumption, the consumption of governance, and can the antibiotics work for all diseases? " If prescribed antibiotics, to be spent ...." . Really? Find an explanation of Antibiotics, when appropriate to take an antibiotic consumption and governance, in this special session on AB.

    Topic 3: Rational Use of Medicine ( RUM) .

    Often the pain of children, especially infants, because the immune system is still low so susceptible to various diseases. Under these conditions, if any symptoms of illness should be treated ( a pill for an ill) ? Sure the drugs we give to the child safe?
    Do we need to know the side effects of medication? What' s the difference with the generics of patented drugs? What is polypharmacy?
    These questions will be answered in this session.

    Participant Contributions

    Per Person / Per Hari@ Rp.100.000, -

    Registration mechanism

    - Registration of participants
    A. Via email to pesat.jogja @ gmail.com with the Subject: * REGISTRATION *
    2. List directly via the following contact person: 081 2264 4959 Dessy

    - Fill out the data themselves

    1 Full Name: ( optional for individual participants)
    Full Name 2: ( optional when taking her partner)
    Status: Single / Married
    Phone number / Hp which easily contacted:
    Active in using the email reply: ( to remind participants) :
    Number of Children:
    Age of Children:
    Session will be followed: ( how many sessions only)

    - Method of payment
    Ferial Rani HJ, Account of Bank Mandiri, No: 137 00000 777 07
    Ferial Rani HJ, BCA Bank Account No: 037 222 0137

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