GETABEC KESSEL under license SCHNEIDER KESSEL BERLIN develops, design, constructs and supplies steam boilers used for the generation of heat for heating plants and for processing steam in the food, beverage, textile, chemical, petrochemical and oleo-chemical industries to name just a few. The capacity range of the companyâ € ™ s boilers, manufactured as flame tube boilers in a three-pass design range from 1.0 t/ h to 100.0 t/ h for design pressures up to 100 bar.
GETABEC KESSEL produces the three pass principle in 100% wet back design flame tube with internal, 100% rear wet back reversing chamber and 2nd and 3rd passes ass smoke tubes passes.
Due to the high sophisticated burner management system, the water content of the boiler can be quickly transformed into steam so that there is always a sufficient steam reverse even during sudden peak demand periods.
The Dimensions of the flame tubes in diameter and length are designed to match the characteristics of the flame formation of the different kind of fuels and the different oil and gas burners used for our boilers. The main condition to achieve a low NOX combustion is the low furnace volume load of our boilers and high quality of fuel.
GETABEC KESSEL boilers can easily manage the peak and low demand periods for steam or hot water. Output per boiler up to 30 ton/ hr and Operating pressure up to 30 bar.
Our boilers are made for low and high pressure steam and superheated steam generation as well as for low and high pressure hot water generation for process heat and heating systems.
GETABEC KESSEL supplies individual boilers as well as complete boiler plants with feed water treatment, feed water storage and deaeration, with heat recovery systems and all additional requested equipment for a state of the art boiler plant. Please contact us to see a reference installation.