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GEOSURVEYING , Menjual Gps Garmin Handheld, Gps Garmin Automotive, Gps garmin Marine, Gps Garmin Aviation, Garmin Fishfinder, Gps Mapping Trimble, GPS GEODETIK, Gps Magellan, Total Station Nikon, Total Station Topcon, TOTAL STATION SOKKIA, Automatic Level

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GEOSURVEYING , Menjual Gps Garmin Handheld, Gps Garmin Automotive, Gps garmin Marine, Gps Garmin Aviation, Garmin Fishfinder, Gps Mapping Trimble, GPS GEODETIK, Gps Magellan, Total Station Nikon, Total Station Topcon, TOTAL STATION SOKKIA, Automatic Level
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Hendry Ferdinans [Marketing]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: geosurveying2010@yahoo.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Hendry Ferdinans at jakarta barat
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Hendry Ferdinans at jakarta barat
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Hendry Ferdinans at jakarta barat
Address:Jl.Pejuangan Mawar III No.15A Kebon Jeruk
jakarta barat 11530, Jakarta
Alinco, Brunton, Bushnell, Estwing, Garmin, Horizon, Iridium, IsatPhone-Pro, leica, Magellan, Nikon, Sokkia, South, Steiner, Suunto , Thuraya , Topcon , Trimble, Yaesu
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Sep. 13, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Automobile category

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Company Brief


GEOSURVEYING. Is an enterprise which is engaged in the procurement of GPS ( Global Positioning System) . Equipment Survey ( Surveying Instruments) with a variety of tools such as: GPS, Total Station, Theodolite, Automatic Level / Waterpass, Compass, Altimeter, Clinometer, Distometer and Geology Tools, Safety Tools Insudtry, communication and satellite Devices
With experience and Human Resources that are reliable, We provide the appropriate ministry, we also developed a Training Services business unit / GPS applications and Training Survey. Base of experience we are committed to providing the best solutions in the implementation of products and service to all partners that can provide great benefits in improving the quality and ability to run a business and business.

Grow in harmony, reliable and trustworthy in innovation, distribution, and localization of spare parts both on the treatment program the GPS and Surveying Instruments. And support in good times and fast delivery, as well as providing the best quality and professional solutions to every business partner.

Become partners in an efficient and effective, and evolving continuously improve quality and service excellence in order to reach customer satisfaction. To achieve the vision and mission determination and the entire management team GEOSURVEYING always tried to reform, renewal and learning of knowledge and Surveying GPS technology, ranging from infrastructure, services and human resources. In order to become a trusted partner in both companies the scale of regional, national and international.

Jl.Pejuangan, Kebon Jeruk III No.15.A
Jakarta 11530, Jakarta Indonesia
Tel: 021-53670757 or 021-70754644
Faxs: 021-53670757

Goods will be sent as soon as we receive payment. Please fax proof of transfer to 021-53670757 or Email to info@ geosurveying.net

GEOSURVEYING always uphold honesty in doing business and take good care of the trust given by the Customer

Major Products / Services
  • Garmin, Horizon, leica, Magellan, Nikon, Sokkia, South, Steiner, Suunto , Topcon , Trimble, Yaesu, Alinco, Brunton, Bushnell, Estwing, Iridium, IsatPhone-Pro, Thuraya

    Garmin GPSMAP62s, Garmin GPSMAP78s, gps garmin etrex Hi, gps garmin 60i, gps garmin etrex Summit HC, gps garmin Etrex Vista hcx, gps garmin 60csx, gps garmin 76csx, gps garmin Rino 530hcx, gps garmin colorado 300, Garmin gps Oregon 300, gps garmin colorado 300i, gps garmin 76csxi, GPS Tracking / Tracker GT-60, GPS Tracking / Tracker VT-300

    Gpsmap 276 c, gps nuvi 205i, gps nuvi 205wi, gps nuvi 710, Garmin Nuvi 550 ( Versi indonesia) , GPS Garmin Zumo 400, GPS Garmin Nuvi 1460, GPS Garmin Nuvi 1350, Garmin Aera 550

    GPS GARMIN for MARINE ( Laut/ Perairan) :
    gpsmap 276c, gpsmap 178c sounder, gps 152i, fishfinder 160 ci, fishfinder 400 c, 420S, GARMIN GPSMAP 4012

    GARMIN GPS for AVIATION ( Penerbangan)
    Garmin Aera 550 , Garmin Gpsmap 96c, Gps garmin 296c, Garmin gps 10 x blue tooth, Gps for PC Gps 20X


    GPS Magellan Triton 200, GPS Magellan Triton 300, GPS Magellan Triton 400, GPS Magellan Triton 500, GPS Magelan Triton 2000, GPS Magelan Triton 1500


    Gps Mapping/ GIS/ Pemetaan adalah alat ukur Gps dengan mengunakan satellite dimana dengan Akurasi yang sangat tinggi serta ketelitian yang dihasilkan sangat akutrat, alat ini dapat digunakan dalam pengukuran lahan, seperti Hutan, perkebunan, dll. Dengan akurasi 5m sampai dengan 30Cm, Gps yang kami jual antara lainnya :
    Trimble Juno ST, Trimble Juno SB, Trimble Juno SC, Trimble GeoXT, Trimble GeoXH, GeoXM, Thales promark 3, GPS Thales mobile mapper. Gps Geodetik Trimble R-5, Gps Geodetic R-5


    Gps Geodetik adalah alat ukur Gps dengan mengunakan satellite dimana dengan Akurasi yang sangat tinggi serta ketelitian yang dihasilkan sangat akutrat, alat ini dapat digunakan dalam pengukuran lahan, seperti Hutan, perkebunan, dengan akurasi samapai 5-10mm
    Spectra Precision Epoch 25 RTK GPS System, Spectra Precision EPOCH 10 GPS System, Gps Geodetik Epoch 10 L1, Gps Geodetik Epoch 25, GPS Geodetik Trimble 5700 L1/ L2, Gps Geodetik Trimble GPS 5700 L1, GPS Geodetik EPOCH EPOCH 35, Gps Geodetik Trimble R-5, Gps Geodetic R-5


    Total station adalah alat ukur Tanah digital, untuk mencari Luas, Sudut, beda tinggi, tanah pada suatu area tertentu atau lokasi yang akan dibangun atau di ukur, maka dengan alat total station ini dengan mudah kita dapat mengetahui dan men dapatkan hasil dengan akurasi yang baik, dengan Total station kita dapat mudah meng Upload dan download data kekomputer untuk pengolahan data. Total station yang kami jual adalah Nikon, Topcon, sokkia, horizon, south, laica, sivil, dll
    Total Station Nikon NPL 352, Total Station Nikon Nivo, Nikon Total Station Nivo 5.C, Total Station Nikon NIVO C Series, Total Station Nikon NIVO M Series, Nikon Total Station Nivo 5.C, Nikon Total station Nivo2.M, Nikon Total station Nivo 3.C, Nikon Total station Nivo 2.C, Nikon Total station Nivo5.M, Nikon Total station Nivo3.M, total station nikon dtm 322, total station nikon dtm-352 , total station nikon dtm-362, total station nikon dtm-532, total station nikon dtm-632, total station nikon dtm-652, total station sokkia set-310, total station sokkia set-510, total station set-610, total station topcon gts 233n, total station topcon gts 235n, total station topcon gts 236n, total station topcon gts 239, total station horizon hts 352, total station horizon 355, total station south, Total Station topcon gts 105n, Total Station Topcon GPT-7505, Total Station Topcon GPT-7503, Total Station Topcon GTS 755, Total Station Topcon GTS 753, Total Station Topcon GTS 751, Total Station Topcon GTS-105N, Total Station Topcon GPT-7501 ( REFLECTORLESS) , total station Sokkia Set 520 KCF, total station Sokkia Set 320 KCF,


    digital theodolite nikon ne 100, digital theodolite nikon ne 101, digital theodolite nikon ne 102, digital theodolite nikon ne 103, digital theodolite sokkia dt 210, digital theodolite sokkia dt 510, digital theodolite sokkia dt 610, digital theodolite topcon dt 202l, digital theodolite topcon dt 205l, digital theodolite topcon dt 207l, digital theodolite topcon dt 209l, digital theodolite horizon et 1002, digital theodolite horizon et 1005, digital theodolite south et 02.


    Automatic level atau waterpas adalah alat ukur untuk mengetahui beda tinggi pada suatu area, tanah, dengan mengunakan Rambu ukur, Waterpass yang kami jual yaitu Merk, Nikon, Topcon, Sokkia, South, horizon, leica, dll.
    Automatic Level ATG 6, Waterpass ATG6, Waterpass Topcon ATG4, Waterpass Topcon ATG3, Waterpass Topcon ATG1, Automatic Level Nikon AX 2S, Automatic Level Nikon Ap 8, Automatic Level Nikon AE- 7/ AE-7C, Autometic Level Nikon AS 2/ Nikon AS-2C, Automatic Level Nikon AC-2S, Automatic Level Sokkia B20, Waterpass Sokkia, Automatic Level Sokkia, Automatic Level Sokkia B1a,

    GEOLOGY TOOLS ( Alat Geologi) :

    kompas brunton 5006 ( Fiber) , Geologis Compass, kompas brunton 5010 ( Metal) , Palu Estwing Pipih Batuan sedimen, Estwing geo hammer chisel edge E320, Estwing geo hammer pointed E22P ( Batuan Beku) , Lup rouper 10 x 20, kaca pembesar, Hastings Triplet 20X, Hastings Triplet 14X, Sample Bags, plastik Sample untuk Geologi dan Survey, Hand tally, SIGNAL MIRRORS / HELIOGRAPH, V GARD ELITE SAFETY CAP, Helm keselamatan pada survey, kacamata keselamatan.Kacamata Survey, safety eyewear, Aluminium Permotags, Brunton Compass DQL-8Kompas Geologi ( Geology Compass) DQL-8, kompas brunton 5006 ( Metal) , Geologis Compass, Magnetic pen, Electronic Scriber NC-scriber CS 55 top, Scriber, Electronic Scriber NC-scriber CS 110,

    SURVEY TOOLS ( Alat Survey) :

    Altimeter Suunto Escape 203, Alat untul mengukur ketinggian, Suunto Kompas KB14, Kompas Suunto KB-14, Kompas Suunto KB-20, Compass Suunto KB-20 Suunto Clinometer PM-5, alat pengukur kemiringan, Suunto Tandem 360R/ PC, Suunto Tandem ( Clino + Compas) , Leica Distometer D3, Leica Distometer A5, Leica Distometer D2, Leica Disto D5, Leica Distometer D8 / Laser Meter, Eart Grounding tester, Planimeter, leica distometer measuring wheel.sokkia digital planimeter , anemometer.measuring tape.digital camera nikon coolpix L14, camera digital nikon Coolpix L6, tajima slant 100.perahu karet rubber boat avon type W 465, MDL LaserAce Hypsometer_ alat ukur dimensi pohon Digital, Spiegel Relaskop_ Alat ukur dimensi pohon manual, LTI Criterion RD 1000 Dendrometer_ alat ukur dimensi dan tinggi pohon Digital, Laser Meter Digital Bosch DLE40, Laser Meter Digital Bosch DLE70

    Alat komunikasi :

    Satelit Phone Byru Marine FR190 GM, Telepon Satelit Aces R190, Satelit Phone Byru Marine FR190 GM, Telepon Satelit Aces R190, Handy Talky Motorola GP 328, Handy Talky Motorola GP 338 Plus, Handy talky Motorola GP 2000, Handy talky Yaesu VX-8R, Handy talky Yaesu VX-7R, Handy talky Yaesu VX-3R, Handy talky Yaesu VX6R, Handy talky Yaesu VX-6R, HT Alinco DJ 195, Handy talky Alinco DJ 496, HT Alinco DJ 196, handy Talky Alinco DJ 596, Handy Talky Icom IC-V8, Radio RIG ICOM IC-2200H, Radio RIG ICOM IC-V8000, Radio RIG ICOM IC-208, RIG ICOM IC-718 HF All Band Transceiver, ICOM Marine Radio Comunication, ICOM IC-V8000 - 2 Meter Mobile Transceiver, RIG Motorola GM 328, RIG Motorola GM 388, Radio RIG Motorola GM3188, Telepon Satelit Aces R-190, Telepon Satelit Inmarsat R-190, Telepon satelit Ericsson R-190, Byru marine Fr 190 Gm, Byru marine Fr 190 G
    Telepon Satelit Thuraya, Telepon Satelit Iridium, Telepon Satelit BGAN EXPLORER 700, Telepon Satelit BGAN EXPLORER 500, Telepon Satelit Thuraya SO-2520, Telepon Satelit Thuraya SO-2510.

    BINOCULAR ( Teropong) :

    Teropong bintang, Telescope Bushnell Northstar Goto 42, Biocular Steiner Nighthunter XP 8x56, Binocular Bushnell Night Vision 2.5 x 42, Teropong malam, Teropong infrared, Teropong Steiner Warrior 8x30, Teropong Steiner Warrior 7x50, Binocular Nikon Action 7 x 50, Nikon Rangefinder 800S, Rangefinder, Teropong Nikon 10-22x50 Action, Telescope Bushnell Northstar Goto 100, Teropong Nikon 7x50 CF WP ( With Compass) , binoculars nikon action 10x50, DIGITAL CAMERA NIKON COOLPIX L6, DIGITAL CAMERA NIKON COOLPIX L14.Binocular Bushnell Powerview 10x50, eropong Bushnell Powerview 12x50

    Perahu karet/ Rubber Boat :

    Perahu karet atau Rubber Boat yang kami pasarkan sbb :

    Perahu Karet Zebec Armada 380A, Perahu Karet Zebec Neplus 290N, Perahu Karet AVON W 400, Rubber Boats Zebec Armada 350A, Perahu Karet Avon W465, Perahu Karet AVON Avon W525, Banana Boat ZEBEC 500W, Rubber Boat ZEBEC Seabond 290S_ Perahu karet, Rubber Boat ZEBEC Seabond 320S, Perahu Karet ZEBEC Armada Rescue 480AR, Banana Boat ZEBEC 500W, Banana Boat ZEBEC 300W, Banana Boat ZEBEC 700W

    Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari Finger Print
    Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari Finger Print Innovation F308
    Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari Finger Print Innovation F308C
    Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari Finger Print Innovation F308W,

    GPS navigasi, GPS handheld, GPS Mapping handheld, GPS Marine,

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