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Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab [Marketing]


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Phone number of Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab at Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara

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Mobile number of Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab at Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara

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Fax number of Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab at Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara


Jl. Imam Bonjol No 20 RSU Parikesit
Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur

PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, Jl. Pungkur No 115 Bandung, T. Kontak + 62-811208648 - 81572527115
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Instalasi Produksi Kompos Kota ( IPKK) - Peluang Bisnis
[Oct. 23, 2010 13:34:58]

Rp 97.000.000,- ( Loco Pabrik Bandung)

The completeness of the production of compost using Biophoskko ® Rotary Klin type for....
Rotary Klin Biophosko® RKM-1000L
[Oct. 23, 2010 13:34:18]

Rp 15.000.000,- (FOB Bandung)

Rotary Klin Biophosko ® RKM-1000L with the Dimensions ( height= 190 cm, width= 155 cm, ....
Komposter Biophoskko® [ Hand Rotary ]
[Oct. 23, 2010 13:31:35]

Rp 7.950.000,- ( Loco Bandung)

Biophoskko ® [ Hand Rotary] with the dimensions ( Height= 100 cm, width= 67 cm, Weight= ....
Pupuk Organik Cair ( POC) Gramafert® ( Liquid Compost)
[Sep. 30, 2010 0:49:20]

Rp 395.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Practical and economical to cultivate small plants ( vegetables , arable crops and....
Pupuk Kompos [ Organic Compost ] Green Phoskko® ( GP-3)
[Sep. 30, 2010 0:40:44]

Rp 9.500,- ( Per Pack 5 Kg), Min Order 1 ton~ 200 Kantong

Green Phoskko  ® ( GP- 3 ) Compost ( 5 kg ) is the first quality compost with the content....
Penutup Kemasan Plastik Kompos ( Hand Sealer)
[Sep. 29, 2010 23:01:48]

Rp.595.000,- ( Loco Bandung)

Hand Sealer is very useful in closing purposes ( sealing) presents a plastic bag in the....
Starter Pengomposan ( Bulking Agent ) Green Phoskko® ( GP-2)
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:55:55]

Rp 35.000,- Per kantong (Loco Bandung)

Comparison ( ratio ) C / N for an effective composting process ranged from 30 : 1 to 40: ....
Perekat Plastik Botol Pupuk Cair
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:51:04]

Rp.695.000,- ( loco Bandung)

Model: HG 6002, Voltage: AC 220-230 V 50 Hz, Power: Low = 900W, High = 1800W, Weight: 0....
Kemasan Pupuk Kompos Cair ( PKC) Gramafert®
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:46:10]

Rp.155.000,- ( Loco Bandung)

Packaging made from plastic bottles HDE with capacity 500 ml / bottle, packed in outer....
Kemasan Kompos [ 100 pcs] Green Phoskko®
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:39:43]

Rp.195.000,- ( Loco Bandung)

Packaging made from PE plastic with a capacity of 0.8 mm amounted to 5 Kg 100 pcs per....
Mesin Pengayak Kompos [ Yanmar]
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:34:55]

Rp.20.100.000,- ( loco Jakarta)

[ Yanmar] Screens compost, soil and minerals for bagging and convenient distribution.....
Mesin Pencacah Organik ( MPO) 500 HD [ Yanmar Engine]
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:27:23]

Rp.17.000.000,- ( loco Jakarta)

One of the stages of preparing an organic waste composting is important is size reduction....
Pencacah Sampah Organik MPO 850 HD [ Mesin Yanmar]
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:22:35]

Rp.20.700.000,- ( loco Jakarta)

The garbage chopping and sterilizing machine comprises a chopper unit of the counter-....
Aktivator Pengurai Sampah Green Phoskko® ( GP-1)
[Sep. 29, 2010 22:08:17]

Rp 550.000,- Per Karton 20 Pack (Loco Bandung)

Green Phoskko ® Activator ( 250gr) is pre-eminent microbe consortium ( bacterium of....
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