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Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40111, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Biophoskko® Komposter Rumah Tangga

Biophoskko® Komposter Rumah TanggaKomposter sebagai alat media dalam proses dekomposisi sampah Biophoskko® ini ditujukan bagi para pehobies tanaman dan taman, peminat kebersihan dan setiap orang yang memiliki komitmen pada pemeliharaan lingkungan hidup.
Memiliki kemampuan merobah jenis sampah organik ( degradable) atau sampah basah yang meliputi sisa bahan makanan organik sayuran dan makanan pada umumnya menjadi kompos yang kering, gembur dan tidak berbau hanya dalam waktu 5 sampai 12 hari ( bergantung pada pilihan alat manual atau elektris).
Dalam beberapa tahun sejak 25 Maret 2005, dikenalkan di Bandung, yaitu sesaat musibah longsornya gunungan sampah TPA Leuwigajah, kini Komposter Model Rumah Tangga telah digunakan antara lain oleh PT PGN (Persero), PT Telkom, Tbk, Pertamina UP Bunyu Tarakan, KLH Rembang, CHF Internasional Aceh, Bakrie Nirwana, BKKBN Aceh, dan banyak developer dalam melaksanakan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR Program) maupun program Bina Lingkungan (PKBL). Demikian juga peminat secara individual, telah menggunakan komposter type ukuran S,M, L dan komposter Elektrik (KE-100L) maupun manual MC-100L bagi kepentingan hobies dan pengelolaan sampah lingkungan keluarga di rumah.
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PriceRp 1.495.000,_ ( FOB Batam Port)
Biophosko ® KE-100L Electrical Composter, created to fulfill hobbies desire of crop, and flower of environmental lovers - which have exasperation, desire and caring process....
PriceRp 595.000,- (Loco Bandung)
Biophoskko ® Compost Bin [ L] with the dimensions ( Height= 90 cm, Diameter= 55 cm) , a drum made of plastic is the right solutions to overcome trash ( especially for organics....
PriceRp 395.000,- (Loco Bandung)
Biophoskko ® Compost Bin [ M] with the dimensions ( Height= 80 cm, Diameter= 40 cm) , a drum made of HDPE plastics is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for organic....
PriceRp 295.000,- (Loco Bandung)
Biophoskko ® Compost Bin [ S] with the dimensions ( Height= 60 cm, Diameter= 35 cm) , a drum made of HDPE plastic is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for organic....
PriceRp 2.495.000,- ( loco Bandung)
Changing waste as household waste material into something useful - the compost and liquid organic fertilizer ( POC) - very useful in maintaining soil fertility and the supply of....
PriceRp 27.500,- Per Pack 250 gr
Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) compost activator ( @ 0, 25 kg/ Pack ) is pre-eminent microbe consortium ( bacterium of actinomycetes, yeast, and mushroom) organic decomposing materials ( ....
PriceRp 35.000,- Per Plastik Bag @ 7 Kg
Green Phoskko ® Bulking Agents is a mineral materials, energy, and is rich of micro element that functioning as material in decomposition process of compost or garbage, for more....
PriceRp 9.500,- ( Per 5 Kg)
Green Phoskko [ GP-3] Compost C ( 5 kg) have content like as : NPK > 1.5 % , C / N Ratio < 20% , mousture 45 % ( maximum) , content of Cr < 50% ( maximum) , Pb, Cu < 150 ppm( ....
PriceRp 395.000,- Per Karton 20 Botol
Practical and economical to cultivate small plants ( vegetables , arable crops and breeding ) . In the application simply sprayed on the leaves and stems or splashed into the....
showing 1-9 of 9
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