Registration Date: Jun. 25, 2024. Last Updated: Jun. 12, 2014
Business Nature : Service of Business Services category

Company Brief

Media Karya Serasi ( MKS) is a business entity which business focus in the field of advertising both indoor, outdoor, and unconvensional convensional. By using high technology that makes the form of advertisements imagination become real. using basic sophistication we prepare smart projector screen in order to display video as applied in Videotron ( LED) . The same monitoring system makes smart screen is more effective and efficient to use ( saving electricity and costs) .

In addition to the MKS as well as a smart screen LED provider Videotron and construction with reliable and experienced technicians. LED is available both indoors and outdoors of P7, 6, P8, P10, P12, P16, P18.
Contact us at:
Tel. : 082232355503
BB Pin: 2A879705
Sms: 085769228855