Jual Jamur Kuping Kering KW2[Nov. 4, 2011 21:22:39]
We would like to submit a bid Commodity Quality Dry Ear Fungus 2 ( KW2) .
Specifications as follows:
1. The form tends to a horizontal
2. Flesh thick and wide
3. black color
Price: Rp. 57.000 ( still negotiable)
Stock: 300 Kg
For colleagues who need more information about the commodity being offered, please contact us.
Website: http: / / www.mushrooms.indonetwork.co.id
Link: http: / / www.exportid.com/ ? id= 30289& name= kholid_shohibul_fathoni
Email: farahadya@ gmail.com
HP: + 6285640155286