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Jl. Griya Bhakti Praja K.14 Mangunjiwan
Demak 59515, Jawa Tengah

Kantor Pusat Jl. Pungkur No 115 B Bandung, T. Kontak + 62-22-4262235-4262253, HP. 081572527115- 811208648
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Mineral Penggembur Pada Dekomposisi Sampah Organik ( GP-2)
PriceRp. 35.000,- per Pack
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Quantity@ 7 Kg Per Pack
Pack. & DeliveryPlastik PE 1 mm
Composting is a process in which organic materials decomposition of biological experience, particularly by microbes that utilize organic matter as an energy source. Making compost is to regulate and control the natural processes so that the compost can be formed more quickly. This process involves making a balanced mix of materials, provision of adequate water, mengaturan aeration ( oxygen availability) and the addition of bacterial decomposition in composting.

Bulking ( Bulking Agent) Green Phoskko ® [ GP-2] is a mineral materials, energy and nutrient enrichment - which serves as the raw material mixture in improving C / N ratio in the decomposition of waste materials or compost, to facilitate penggemburan for suitability aeration ( for the continuity in aerobic decomposition) of organic waste in sewage treatment process. Bulking Agent is composed of various minerals with certain composition.
Mix until evenly into the garbage that is every part of the garbage and waste bulking powders organim affected by this. With more and more uneven and inadequate, the faster the decomposition process, content and free from bad smell due to the release of methane ( CH4) . Pengembur Green Phoskko ® [ GP-2] is safe to hold hands / exposed skin.

Basically all the solid organic materials can be composted, for example: household organic waste, organic waste City market, paper, dirt / farm waste, agriculture, agro-industry, paper mill waste, sugar mill waste, waste palm oil mills, etc..
By bulking, during the early stages of the process, oxygen and the compounds will be utilized easily degraded by mesophilic microbes. Compost pile temperature will increase rapidly. Microbes break down the compound C as an energy source and use the N for protein synthesis. In the C / N ratio between 30 s / d 40 microbes get enough C for energy and N for protein synthesis. Meanwhile, if the C / N ratio is too high, will have less N for microbial protein synthesis so that decomposition is slow.
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