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Jual Nano Food minuman herbal kaya akan Multivitamin & Susu Kambing Etawa Bubuk

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Jual Nano Food minuman herbal kaya akan Multivitamin & Susu Kambing Etawa Bubuk
Jual Nano Food minuman herbal kaya akan Multivitamin & Susu Kambing Etawa Bubuk
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Name:Mr. Grosir Produk Herbal
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Grosir Produk Herbal at bekasi
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Grosir Produk Herbal at bekasi
Address:bekasi, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Nov. 28, 2013
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Food & Beverage category

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Nano Food Supplements With an Energy Drink Nano , NANO FOOD is made from 19 herbal synergy rich in multivitamins , minerals , antioxidants , and natural fibers . Nano Food Eating regularly can increase stamina , immunity , improve digestion , as an anti- aging ( prevents premature aging ) , and ward off free radicals .

we sell Nano Natural Health Food Drinks With Energy Nano , Nano food products such as syrup or honey are available in bottles 250 gr but the difference is the content of 19 herbs that exist in nano food .
Nano Food Experience is a good health drink for consumption of children and adults .

For booking Nano Food Contact : 02192582751 / 087889570343

Mutivitamin With Energy Nano is made from natural ingredients , the following are 19 HERBAL FOOD CHOICES in NANO along with an explanation of the benefits and usefulness :

- Honey as a source of energy , antibiotics , kills germs , therapy , antioxidants , Ageless

- Dates are beneficial to improve the real-time energy , endurance during fasting , normalize blood pressure , heart healthy , overcome fatigue , cure anemia , improve HB and Platelets ( DBD healing and typus ) , strengthening the body' s resistance to disease , increase stamina , prevent bone loss ( osteoporosis ) , launched defecation , very good for pregnant women nutrition / feeding , good for bone growth in children , digestion , reproduction, and gives high nUTRITIONAL in breast milk, infant and child feeding , energy for pregnant women , strengthening the womb , ulcer , Diabetes , Cholesterol

Red Spinach general - benefit is to improve kidney function and digestion .

- Carrots are good for eye health because carrots contain Vitamin A which is quite tingg , reducing the possibility of infertility due Carrots contain Vitamin E, which can reduce the likelihood of infertility , can ward off cancer-causing free radicals , Carrots contain beta - carotene , good for maintaining healthy skin because it has materials - materials that can prevent the contraction of the skin , can prevent heart disease , can prevent diabetes with karotenid in carrots good for blood sugar regulation . Carotenoids inversely affect insulin resistance and blood sugar so it will be lower .

- Black Rice has the benefit of increasing the body' s resistance to disease , improve liver cell damage , prevent impaired kidney function , prevent cancer / tumors , slows down aging , antioxidant , clean up cholesterol in the blood , and preventing anemia .

- Rosella Purple berfanfaat to increase stamina and endurance, facilitate urination ( diuretic effect : BAB / BAK ) , refining the body' s metabolism , inhibits the formation of cancer cells , prevent heart disease and stroke , is able to stimulate the circulatory system , strengthens blood vessels , normalizes levels of blood sugar , uric acid and cholesterol in the body , good for smokers because it can mitigate the negative effects of nicotine and can eradicate TB VIRUS and reduce dependence on drugs , treat a cough , sore throat , mouth ulcer and acute gastritis , vocok to the diet , protect against infection germ , anti- bacterial , anti- viral and can treat poisoning , for children bermamfaat accelerate the growth of the brain because it contains Omega - 3 DHA and spur growth

- Blackberry is described by some experts to have the benefit of which strengthen the resilience of the Blackberry is a food rich in vitamin C ( two times more than blueberries ) , digestive health , helps fight cancer cells , protect the eyes because they contain lutein , which protects the eyes from logical pigment formation , Lutein helps prevent eye damage caused by ultraviolet radiation .

- Blueberries can prevent wrinkles because the antioxidants in blueberries help prevent wrinkles on the face , and make you young , Preventing urinary tract infections in blueberries also contained an antibiotic agent that helps prevent urinary tract infections by preventing the growth of bacteria that cause infections of the urine , preventing premature aging antioxidants and anti - inflammatory as well as anti - aging agents contained in blueberries help you from the dangers of premature aging , reduce bad cholesterol maintain brain function , Improve the body' s immune system , maintain vision and eye health , prevent constipation and indigestion , protects the body of cancer phytonutrient content contained in blueberries help prevent colon cancer and uterine kancer .

- Leaves Ashitaba Based on the research of dr . Okuyama of Meiji Tokyo University of Pharmacy Ashitaba leaves can cure liver disease , lung cancer , skin cancer . glaucoma , and cataract eye plus minus

- Skin Mangosteen is a useful herbal high antioxidant treat cancer .

- Soursop Leaves In addition to preventing cancer there are still some benefits of treating such pain, as ambaien medicine , treat ulcers , mangobati statement, liver , relieves rheumatism , fever

- Wine beneficial to Lighten Black Heart disease , Maintaining Health Organ Pancreas , Kidney Disorders Overcoming , Overcoming Fatigue , Relieve the symptoms of Asthma , Lowering Uric Acid , Relieves Migraine , Overcoming Digestive Disorders

- Prem Black ( Black Plum ) In addition to containing high vitamin C , black plums also contain antioxidants . In fact, according to a study in China , black plum extracts can also resist the growth of the number of germs or bacteria like meningococcus , typhoid bacillus , and Bacillus anthracis .

- Spirulina can strengthen the immune system , supports cardiovascular health and lower cholesterol , increase antioxidant protection , as Nutisi Vegetables .

- Stevia Leaf by lr . RN goddess Prog MP in Kandha site mentions that Stevia extract has been shown to be beneficial help the diet , is used also for those who have diabetes as it also can help skin beauty and plays a role in regulating blood pressure .

- Bee Pollen , R. Chauvin in his paper On the Physiological and Theraupetic Effects of Various Pollen Extract conclude that bees collected pollen is rich in protein , amino acids , vitamins , including vitamin B complex , and folic acid . Bee pollen is beneficial for intestinal / digestive system , improve blood hemoglobin levels , and increase the strength of those who are in the stage of healing and the aged .

- Royal Jelly has benefits as cholesterol control , prevention of breast cancer , Osteoprosis prevent , treat inflammation , skin rejuvenation , protect the liver , increase immunity system .

- Olive bernmanfaat for health include : relieve pain , olive oil to reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure , lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes mellitus , cancer prevention . The content of polyphenols contained in the Olive Oil , Fight HIV .

- Curcuma / Turmeric contains a compound berhasiat as drug called curcuminoids consisting of curcumin , desmetoksikumin bisdesmetoksikurkumin as much as 10 % and as much as 1-5 % as well as other substances that are useful like oil atsiriterdiri of sesquiterpene ketones , turmeron , tumeon 60 % , Zingiberen25 % , felandren , sabinen , borneol and sineil . Turmeric also contain as much as 1 -3 % fat , 3% carbs , 30 % Protein , Starch 8 % , Vitamin C 45-55 % , and mineral salts , namely iron , phosphorus , and calcium . Turmeric is a natural substance that can be used as a traditional medicine . On this occasion we give the following tips to make a potion to cure diabets , whitish and typhoid using turmeric . Saerta there are other benefits of turmeric .

nikmaka nano besides we also sell food nikmaka etawa milk powder . Etawa milk powder is made from milk Etawa , processed hygienically and carefully so that the processing of milk powder Etawa nikmaka have maximum benefits for our health . Can also serve as a food additive ( food supplement )
Etawa milk contains nutrients such as proteins , enzymes , minerals, vitamins A and B ( ribovlavin ) . Several enzymes are present in goat milk , among others . Ribonuclease , alkaline fosfate , xantine lipase and oxidase . Also contain minerals such as calcium , potassium , magnesium , phosphorus , and manganese klori . Fluorine is rich in useful as a natural antiseptic and helps suppress the proliferation of bacteria in the body . ' re Fat contained in different goat milk with cow' s milk because it has a smooth and creamy texture with a smaller size . So easy to digest and natural homogeneous suppress allergic reactions .

https: / / / www.youtube.com/ watch ? v = vIWshwKChLo

To see other herbal remedies visit our website : http: / / herbalhabbaco99.wordpress.com /

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